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The next morning, Emmi was up at 5 AM, sharp. She showered quickly, and pulled on a pair of old jean shorts and a white tee shirt. She threw her hair into a sloppy bun and made her way to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. As she was pouring milk on her Lucky Charms, she was startled to hear a male voice behind her.

"I thought breakfast was at nine sharp?"

Emmi swung around to face him. "I didn't think you were paying attention. Too busy complaining about the tiles in the bathroom or something."

Justin chuckled; he liked her quick wit. She reminded him of…well, that wasn't important right now. "I was pretty bad, huh?"

"Oh, honey, you should win an award for that pout."

"Listen, I'm sorry. There is…was something else on my mind, and I took it out on you and Anna." Justin looked at the floor, hoping she wouldn't ask what he had been thinking about. He had not slept all night, between his thoughts of Symone, and the desire to apologize for being such a jerk.

"Lance told me. I'm sorry you had to go through something like that, but trust God. If the two of you were meant for each other, He will find a way." His head shot up when she indirectly mentioned Symone, and she smiled at him.

"Thanks Emmi, I needed that reassurance." After a long pause, " So, what is on the agenda for today?"

Emmi almost spit out the spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "Excuse me?"

"You're supposed to be turning us into country boys, right? So what's first, milk the cows, pluck the chickens, marry my cousin?" Justin said, trying to look serious.

Emmi playfully swapped him on the back of the head. "Don't be stupid. I have to run to town to get some things for breakfast, do you wanna come?"

"Sure, can I drive?"

"Drive?" Emmi asked in an extremely exaggerated southern accent. "You reckon we use automobiles in this neck of the woods. We are riding my favorite cow Bessie to the marketplace; maybe we can sell her for some magic beans!"

"Now who's being stupid?" Justin asked. "Give me the keys."

"No way! I have had my eye on that van of yours since y'all got here, so I'm driving." With that, Emmi threw her dishes in the sink, and ran out the front door, grabbing JC's keys on the way. Justin laughed and followed her out, hopping into the front seat.

Fifteen minutes later, Emmi and Justin pulled into the tiny parking lot of the Valley General Store. Grandma's Valley had a typical small southern town atmosphere, and was only home to about 10 businesses. Next to the general store were a barbershop, and a family-run restaurant. Justin had been quite taken with the surroundings on the ride into town, and was much more amiable toward Emmi, although she could still sense his longing to be at home, and, more importantly, with his ex-girlfriend. The two got out of the van and made their way inside.

"I'm going to get the pancake mix and the syrup, you grab the orange juice and milk, OK?" Emmi instructed Justin. He nodded and went in the direction that she pointed.

The general store was actually much larger than it appeared from the outside. From the looks of it, the store contained everything from groceries to music, livestock feed to car parts. Justin wandered around for awhile, looking at all the displays as he passed. He stopped in front of a rack of outdated magazines. The Rolling Stone issue was from two months prior, right around the time he and Symone broke up. Her face, along with Krysti and their two other band mates Alex and Tony, graced the cover. She wasn't smiling though. Instead, she was staring at the camera with a sexy pout affixed on her mouth, her eyes were shining mischievously, and she had her hands on her tiny waist, covering up the flesh that was showing. Symone's baggy jeans and white midriff polo shirt showed her simple, tomboyish style. Her bass was slung around her back, the strap crossing between her breasts. It was stitched with navy and baby blue, and made an intricate design of stars. What most people didn't know was that throughout the stars, there was small lettering that spelled out a fact Justin wished were still true. Justin and Symone-joined by heart and soul, bound together by music. Justin had given her the strap before he left on tour; something to help ease the pain when he couldn't be with her. He ventured to look into her eyes again, and got lost. Even in a picture, her true spirit shone through her deep brown eyes. She was so kind and trusting, and that was what had endeared Symone to him in the first place. That and her love for life, and her competitive spirit. Well, there was also her ability to…

‘Looking for something?” a voice behind him asked. It was light, breathy, almost like a whisper. Justin turned around, facing the girl. She was petit, maybe five foot two, if that, with long pale blond hair and pale blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of short-shorts and a maroon shirt, stopping just below the bust line, exposing a tan, flat stomach. His eys traveled down to her tan legs.

“I-uh-I was-um, I was looking for...” Justin paused. “Orange juice! Yeah, that’s it.” Justin reddened at his own stammering.

“It’s on isle three, near the milk.” the girl smiled coyly. Justin turned and found the orange juice right behind where he was standing moments ago. The red on his face doubled.

He was about to say something else when he heard Emmi.

“Justin! Hurry up, we need to get back before everyone wakes up.” She said, coming around the corner. She slammed right into the other girl.

“Oh my gosh, Shai, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were standing there. I was looking for him,” Emmi pointed at Justin, “And I didn’t think anyone else was here.”

“It’s okay, Emmi.” There was an aqukard pause.

“Oh!” Emmi exclaimed, in a flash of brilliance. “I should introduce you two! Justin, this is Sharina, better known as Shai, Shai this is Justin, and he doesn’t have any nicknames, so just call him Justin.”

They smiled at each other, muttering hellos.

“Well, I think we have to get back to the house, before the hungry people riot. I got the milk and oj since it didn’t look like you did.” Emmi smiled, pulling on Justin’s arm. Justin started walked, and Emmi turned to follow, but Shai grabbed her.

“That’s Justin Timberlake, isn’t it?” she whispered excitedly.

“Yes, it is. And he just had a bad break up, so stay away from him, okay?” Emmi shot daggers at Shai, who smiled innocently.

“Whatever you say, Emmi.”

Emmi glared at her and walked towards a waiting Justin.

“Look, Justin, do me a favor?” Emmi asked as they drove back to the farm.

“Mmm?” Justin’s mine was still on that girl...and those shorts.

“Stay away from Shai. She’s such a manipulator. I’ve seen her use guys so many times.” Emmi warned Justin, not taking her eyes off the road. Justin continued to stare out the window.

“Mmmhmm. Alright, Em.” Emmi just rolled her eyes. She’d have to talk to Justin when he was more settled down.




::alternate reality::