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Shai looked blankly at the wall in front of her. The headphones on her ears blasted "Livin' La Vida Loca," but she wasn't really listening. She was thinking about him. She had been picturing the look of lust in Justin's eyes since he had last been in the store 3 days before. Shai really wanted to get to know him, to make him forget the girl that broke his heart, but another thought rang in her head as well; Emmi telling her to stay away. She knew what Emmi meant. Shai had a reputation, love 'em and leave 'em. She never meant to be that way, but no guy could resist her and she felt bad letting them down. Shai wanted excitement, she wanted to get out of the little town she had lived in her entire life, and she wanted something different. And Justin was it.

Justin swallowed hard as he walked into the general store. Even as he opened the door, he could see Shai sitting at the checkout counter, slightly swaying to the music on her Walkman. He had no idea what compelled him to come back by himself, but for the last three days his thought were split between Symone and this mysterious girl that he had met in town. He knew there was something different about Shai; she seemed confident and innocent all at once. Justin felt compelled to get to know her a little better. Maybe Shai could get his mind off Symone. After gathering his wits, he walked slowly to the counter and stood in front of Shai. Although her eyes were open, and directed toward him, she seemed to be looking past him in a blank stare. This gave Justin another chance to look at her. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a tight ponytail at the back of her head, and her blue eyes were clouded over, but still seemed to shine with curiosity. Justin could only imagine what she was thinking. Her tan cheeks were flushed, and her checkered shirt was tied just below her breasts, showing off her midriff, which was as bronzed as her face. Finally her eyes seemed to register his presence. A slow smile curved upon her lips.

When Shai finally removed herself from her own little world, she was surprised to find a customer standing in front of her. Her eyes traveled up from his baby blue wifebeater into a pair of eyes that matched. She couldn't stop the smile that invaded her mouth. Emmi had told Shai to stay away from Justin, but Shai couldn't do anything if Justin didn't stay away from her. Finally, she spoke. "Hey Justin. Looking for orange juice again? Its still in the same place."

Justin flushed, but laughed. "Nope, not this time. Actually, I wanted to talk to you."

"Me? What for?" Shai played innocent, pretending that lustful look Justin was again wearing escaped her attention.

Justin couldn't control himself anymore. He just wanted all of the frustration and hurt that he had inside to go away, all of the thoughts about Symone, all of the things that went along with being Justin Timberlake. He wanted something different. And Shai was it. In one swift motion he was behind the counter, wrapping his arms around her bare stomach. Pressing his lips against hers, the confusion somewhat melted away. But, in the back of his mind, a voice called out to him. 'Justin, what are you doing? You love Symone, stop trying to replace her!' He just pressed his body more flush against Shai's. Trying to drown out the voice, the memories, all of it.

Her lips responded, her tongue quickly darting in and out of his warm mouth. Shai pulled him closer and moved her hand underneath his tight shirt, feeling his muscles and the heat of his skin. She needed this, him. He could get her out of here, let her explore the world, see what she was missing. Pushing him up against the counter, she finally broke his lips from hers. "Well, you certainly have an interesting definition for the word talk!" she kidded him, smiling.

Justin's own smile quickly faded, as a memory pushed its way to the surface of his thoughts.


"Hey Justin." she greeted him, opening the door.

"Hey, Sym." he said stepping inside. Symone noticed the fidgety manner he had almost right away.

"Okay, I'll bite, what's up?" Symone asked, looking at him questioningly.

"Well, I kinda wanted to talk to you about something." Justin twisted his hands together in front of him. Symone smiled at his shy habit, as she slipped on her shoes.

"Shoot, Curly." Symone stood in front of him waiting. To her shock, Justin took a step forward, and placing his hand on her waist, kissed her.

Symone was shocked, but pleasantly. She responded, curving an arm around the back of Justin's neck. They kissed for a few moments, before breaking away. Justin, at this point, had wrapped his arms around Symone's waist, and she smiled at him.

"Well, you certainly have an interesting definition for the work 'talk'," she joked.

**End flashback**

That had been the first time Justin had expressed his feelings for Symone, the first time he kissed her and she was willingly kissing him back. The first time he had even dared to hope that there could be a relationship between himself and Symone. And now it was all gone.

Shai noticed his mood change immediately. "Hey, what's wrong Justin?"

He snapped out of his daydream. "Oh, nothing. Would you like to do something tonight?" 'Why are you denying your feelings for Symone?'

"Sure. Pick me up at 9, that's when the store closes." Shai smiled, and he halfheartedly smiled back. He hugged her quickly and placed a kiss on her cheek before turning around and hopping over the counter. "Hey, Justin?" Shai called.


"Are you sure Emmi and your friends aren't gonna have a problem with this?" Shai didn't want to lose her friendship with Emmi, even if they weren't very close. Emmi was a good person to confide in, and could be trusted wholeheartedly.

Justin sighed. He hadn't thought about that. "Shai, they don't have to know." He smiled again, and walked out the door, the ringing bell and Shai's racing heart the only signs that he had been there in the first place.

Joey came out of the bathroom after a nice shower and saw Anna sitting by herself in the main room. This was the perfect opportunity to finally talk to her. He had been trying to find the time the past week, but there was always someone else around. Now, JC and Chris were out in the woods, Lance and Emmi were somewhere together, as was the usual since they met, and Justin had gone into town on one of his mysterious errands.

“Hey, Anna.” Joey said, sitting across from her on a overstuffed chair. Anna looked up from her reading.

“Hello Joey,” she said politely, turning back to her reading.

“So, what are you reading?” he asking, trying to make conversation. When she didn’t reply, she slid over to sit next to her. He felt her stiffen in his close presence. He reached down to her leg, as she jerked it away.

“Do not touch me.” she said, her eyes filled with fire. Joey looked at her quizzically.

“I wasn’t going to. I just wanted to see what you were reading since you wouldn’t tell me. Calm down, Ans.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

“What, Ans? Why not, I think it’s a pretty nickname.” Joey said, trying to work the charm.

“Because I hate it.” Anna still did not look up from her book, and Joey’s frustration grew.

“Any reason, or you just do?” he asked, trying to get Anna to look at him.

“Yes, there is a reason, and it is not any of your business.” Anna started to get up, but Joey grabbed her arm, inadvertently pulling her into his lap. Anna jumped up as thought she was sitting in a nest of fire ants.

“Look, I told you not to touch me ever, and frankly, I don’t even want you talking to me. I want nothing to do with you,” Anna was so mad she could hardly think. Joey, his impatience getting this best of his short temper, stood up and towered over Anna.

“Look, I don’t know what your problem is!” he exploded. “All I’m trying to do is be nice to you, since we have to live together the next two and a half months. Every time I try and be friendly, you get all cold and move away. I don’t know what I’ve done, but I really wish you would let me know so I can make up for it or fix it or something!” By this time, Joey had a pleading look in his brown eyes. Anna was tempted to just forgive him, but remember what she’d read.

“You are my problem you womanizer!” Anna turned and, dropping her book, ran outside.

Joey stood in shock. Womanizer? Who told her that? He immediately suspected four people, all his band mates, and who he considered his brothers. He was about to go and talk to them, when he almost tripped over something. The book Anna was reading. He picked it up, and saw it was a copy of the Bible. Joey shook his head, not knowing what to think of this girl.



::alternate reality::