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::chapter 6-nice shot!::

Symone and Krysti bolted out of the store, with tears practically streaming down their faces. They had never wanted to laugh so hard in their entire lives!
"Did you see the look on Joey's face when you told him you were 17? Man, that was priceless!" Symone panted out.
"Yeah, that was sorta funny! He's not really my type anyway. And Lance is a lot closer in age to me than Joey is!" replied Krysti, still giggling. They sat down on their designated bench to wait for Nicole and Jessica, who were never on time a day in their lives. The girls continued to talk about their encounter with "Jim and Steve."
"I can't believe we just talked to them." Krysti said, the realization finally hitting her. "And, oh my gosh, Sym, Justin was flirting with you! I knew he would like you, I knew it!" Krysti was so excited for her friend. Symone had, just as millions of other girls in the world, dreamed of the day that Justin hit on her. And, that day had finally come.
"Krys, please calm down! He wasn't flirting with me; he was just being polite. Besides, I'm not so sure I really like him anymore."
Krystin's eyes grew large. "What are you talking about?! He's the guy of your dreams, the one and only guy for you, et cetera, so on and so forth, I am quoting here! And now, you finally meet him, and you don't like him anymore? Please!"
Symone was laughing at how animated her best friend was. She didn't really mean that she didn't like Justin. It was just that, when she talked to him at the hotel, he seemed so warm and considerate. Back at the record store, he seemed just like all the guys she couldn't stand at school…macho, arrogant, and pig-headed. But, he was still the most beautiful guy she had ever laid eyes on, and his voice could practically melt her. She wasn't sure about what she was feeling, but she was sure about one thing. Beating him was going to be fun; to take a little edge off that masculine exterior, and find out what he was really like on the inside. A pair of little arms wrapped around her legs snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Addie! What did you buy sweetie?" The little girl looked up at Symone with her big brown eyes, and pulled a bag of candy out of a larger shopping bag. She gave her aunt a gummy worm, and then put the bag away.
"Hey Adrienne, what am I, chopped liver?" said Krysti, holding out her hand. All of the girls laughed, and Adrienne pulled the bag out again. "Sorry Krissy" was all she said. Krysti picked a large gummy bear out of the bag and thanked her. "Nicole, Jess, you will never in a million year guess who Sym and I ran into in Sam Goody." She stated, while chewing on her bear.
"Um, that kid Ryan that you are always talking about but nobody ever sees?" Jessica replied. Ryan was the only guy besides Lance that Krysti had given the time of day to in the past few months. The only problem was, he was always away, and she never got to see him.
"Nope, even better." Symone said. "But if you keep guessing, we will be here all day, I know, so, we might as well just tell you."
"So, spit it out Baby, who did you guys see?" Nicole asked.
Symone leaned into her sister's ear and Krysti did the same to Jessie. The shriek that they emitted was so loud that passers-by stopped and stared at the 2 girls.
"There is no freaking way!" Jessica yelled. "You guys talked to Justin and Joey?"
"Keep your voice down Jess! We don't want the whole mall to know they are here. Yeah, we talked to them, and apparently Symone talked to Justin a few nights ago, when we were at the hotel."
Nicole almost screamed at that point, but she managed to keep her voice to a whisper. "You did? Why didn't you tell me?"
Symone shrugged "I didn't know it was him. I mean, I thought he kinda looked like Justin, but Krys convinced me that I was hallucinating, so I didn't really bother to investigate."
"That's OK, though, 'cause Symone doesn't like him anymore, do you?" Krysti retorted.
"Oh, yeah right!" said Jessica, smiling.
"It's not that I don't like him, but he kinda acted…well, kinda like Luke and all those guys on the team. He thinks he can have any girl he wants just because he smiles at them."
All three of them laughed, and said, "He CAN!" Symone slipped into giggles, too.
"OK, so he can. But, I dunno, there was just something…I cant place my finger on it. He was really nice though. I guess it was just probably because the letter sorta pissed him off." Symone shrugged again.
They had been walking toward the exit with their bags in hand. They talked in hushed tones, so that any younger girls in the mall wouldn't hear their conversation and have a fit. Nicole was surprised at how calm her sister and Krysti were being, especially Symone. She knew if she had just met JC she would be shouting from the rooftops. Just as they reached the exit, she gasped and leaned over to Symone. "Baby, if Justin and Joey are here, does that mean the rest of them are here, too?"
Symone smiled, "I have no idea, but I think I know a way we can find out." She had spotted Joey in his black fitted baseball cap and wraparound glasses in the arcade, playing a game she held the record to, the 90 Second Shoot-out.
She walked up behind him and grabbed a ball. His time was running really short, and she knew this shot would help his score. She raised her hands above her head and watched the little ball go through the net without so much as touching the net or the rim. Joey turned to her and smiled. "Thanks. That was a really great shot. Do you play?"
Her sister and friends had joined them, and Nicole immediately started to speak. "She is the b-…" Krysti put her hand over Nic's mouth, not wanting to spoil the surprise that awaited Justin the next day.
Symone had to think fast to fill in her sister's comment. "The biggest fan of the game." She said, somewhat unassuredly.
"Oh really?" he replied. "I thought Justin was. He is just about on the brink of obsession. I guess he was right, then."
"About what?" Symone asked, with a smile playing on her lips. Justin was talking about me, she thought.
"He said that you were completely his type. And from what I can see, he was right." Joey said, smiling flirtatiously at her. He thought she was just as pretty as her friend, but she was also much to young for him. Flirting never hurt anybody he thought. Plus, she's got it bad for Justin, so there's no harm done.
"Joe-I mean, Steve, you are such a flirt. Just remember I'm 16, OK? Where is Justin, by the way?" she asked.
"He's shopping for shoes. I could be here forever!" Joey laughed. Symone felt bad that he had been upset about Krysti being too young; he really was a great guy.
Then she thought quickly about what she knew about Joey, and remembered one of her friends who was standing just slightly behind them. "Well, that's OK, I guess. I'll catch him later. But, I do have someone that I think you should meet. And she's 21." She winked at him and motioned for Jessica to come closer. Joey looked her up and down, taking in her tight jean shorts and white tank top over a neon green bikini top. He definitely liked what he saw.
"Hey, I'm Jessica." She said, extending a hand. Joey shook it slightly, never breaking his gaze into her large green eyes.
Symone smiled at the obvious attraction between the two. "I'm Joey." He said, after a short pause.
"Feel special." Symone whispered loudly to Jessica. "He told us he was 'Steve'" They all laughed and then Symone backed away so that they could have a conversation.
"So, Jessica, um, what brings you to the mall?" He asked, trying to make small talk.
"Well, you know, I love to shop, I needed some stuff, Baby and Princess over there dragged me." She laughed out, pointing at Symone and Krysti. Then, she remembered why they were even talking to this fine Italian in the first place. "Well, since you obviously know that we know who you are, do you mind if I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything you like. Wait, let me guess…the answer is boxer-briefs." He said, smile stuck to his face.
"No, actually, but hey, thanks for sharing!" Jessica giggled flirtatiously. "Actually, I wanted to know if JC was here."
Joey's face fell, and so did his stomach. Why do they always want JC or Justin? I could've sworn she was just flirting with me. Probably just to get at the other guys. He told himself.
Jessica noticed the pained expression on Joey's face, and immediately felt bad for saying that she wanted to know. She put her hand under his chin and lifted his eyes to meet hers. "I didn't mean for me Joey. My best friend Nicole," she pointed to the petite brunette and he smiled and gave a little wave. Damn, is there something in the water here! These girls are all hot!, he thought. Nicole smiled and waved back at Joey, at tad bit nervous about potentially meeting JC. Jessica continued. "Well, see, she kinda thinks he's really good looking and she wanted to know if he was around so she could talk to him."
Joey, whose expression lightened the minute Jessie's fingers grazed his skin replied, "Nope, sorry, he's back at the hotel sleeping, or something. We had most of the day off, and we pretty much use that time to rest." Jessica turned towards Nicole and shook her head. Nic was disappointed, but she kept a smile on her face, in any case. Jess turned back around and looked at Joey. "So, how long are you guys here?" she asked.
"Well, we have a concert on the 4th at 8, and after that we will be spending one more day here, before we go back to Orlando." was the reply.
"Oh, so does that mean you're free tomorrow?" she coyly asked.
Joey pulled his hat off momentarily, and showed her his growing roots. She laughed at the neon shade of red his hair was. "I have an appointment for my hair, but after that I'm free all day."
"Are you gonna dye it red again?" she asked.
"I was thinking about dark blue. What do you think?"
Jessica studied his face and looked into his brown eyes, behind the lightly tinted glasses. "I think you should go natural. But I'm sure whatever you do would look good."
He knew she was flirting, and he loved it. "I just might listen to you, go back to brown. But, what do you say you give me your number, and I'll let you see for yourself after I'm done." He said, sexy smile playing on his face.
"Sure thing Joey. Give me a call tomorrow." She said, while writing her beeper number on a piece of scrap paper from her purse. Symone and Krysti simultaneously cleared their throats, and Nicole cocked her head toward the exit. "Well, I guess that's my cue to leave. It was very nice to meet you. I will talk to you later, OK?" She smiled shyly, and kissed him on the cheek, before following the other girls out the door to the car.
Joey stood there dumbfounded. He held her number in his right hand, and stared off after Jessica and her friends. He had never seen a girl so perfect for him ever before, and he knew he would be calling her soon. He must've been gazing into space for a while because the next thing he knew he saw Justin's hand waving in front of his face. "Huh?" was all he could muster to say.
Justin looked at Joey like he was crazy. "What's with you, man? You look like you died and went to Orgasm Land, for crying out loud!" Justin noticed the scrap of paper in his hand and asked, "What's that?"
Joey smiled. "That is you little girlfriend's amazingly hot friend's number."
"Symone? You saw her again?" Justin looked around.
"Yeah, but she just left. And she took an angel with her." Joey replied.
"Joey, you didn't! Krysti's only 17, for crying out loud! Do you want to get in trouble?" Justin practically shouted.
"Keep your voice down Bounce! And it wasn't Krysti, it was another one of her friends, Jessica. Man, we are talking hot little redhead with these green eyes. And she flirted with me like I have never been flirted with before. I think I'm in love." Justin laughed.
"That make 4 times this week, Joe!"
"Yeah, well, it's too bad you missed Symone again. She still looked mighty good, and when I mentioned your name, she got all excited. And, man, you were right, she really is your type. You should've seen the shot she made on the basketball game in there." Joey said.
"Dude, she plays basketball?" Justin asked.
"Naw, she said she's just a really huge fan. But with a shot like that, there's no doubt she'd be pretty good if she tried." Joe answered.
Suddenly Justin thought of something. "I FORGOT TO ASK FOR HER NUMBER! God, how stupid can you be! I have the whole night off tomorrow, and I didn't ask for her number!" He hit his head softly against the wall.
Joey pulled his friend away from it. "Dude, chill out. I have Jessica's number, I'm sure she has Symone's, when we get back to the hotel we will call and see." Joey was happy that he now had an excuse to call the new girl in his life.
"OK Joey, then lets go back. I want to make sure she doesn't make plans with anybody else. Plus, I already got my new shoes." He smiled. "Tomorrow will certainly be a good day!"

::chapter 5::

::chapter 7::

::she got game::

