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The Story
The Story

Our Story
*NOTE TO READERS- you have to have a sense of humor to
read this story. We do not dislike Nick and Howie, we
are just playing around with their characters for this
story. Please do not send us email saying "how can we
hate Nick and Howie?" We don''s a stupid story we
thought of in Journalism class...ok- now have fun
reading our lovely story... The yellow part is what I wroteI'm pretty sure I didn't highlite any of Steph's parts. If I did -she can yell at me when she sees this.

(((Scene 1: Sun Goddesses Tegan and Stephanie are preparing not one but 7 sacrifuces to the Sun God, AJ.)))

~Stephanie drags Britney to the edge of the temple and throws Britney Spears into the firey hell-hot fire stake. pit.~

~Tegan throws Christina Aguilera in the pit next- with her Genie bottle~

Stephanie then throws Justin, Chris and Joey into the pit~

Tegan finally lifts up Lance and JC and throws them in. in.

Tegan- well, a day well done don't you think?

Stephanie~> LOOK!!! The skinny one with weird teeth survived!!! He must be the EARTH GOD!! We must take him to our leaders!!

~S + T take JC to their leaders, The Backstreet Boys~

Brian~> So JC is the next BSB?

Kevin~> Hell, he can take the place of Nick and Howie. We were planning on 'making them fall' off the stage at the next concert anyway.

Howie~> but... but...

Nick~> I'll just go solo or with Aaron!

Group~>(-crack up-) Yeah uh....okay!*note the sarcasm

Nick and Howie leave with their heads down...

JC~> So I'm a Backstreet Boy?? YIPPEE!!!

Brian~> But......

Kevin~> You have to serve our every need...

AJ(Sun God)~> Yeah, and dance in the back at concerts...

Brian~> Now start by getting us a soda.

JC~> Yes master.

(((JC goes and gets a soda)))

Brian~> What an ASS!!!

AJ~> It won't be the same without Nick and Howie anymore...

Brian~ You wanna be replaced by JUSTIN of 98º???

AJ- no...


(((Jc Returns)))


JC~> But it's a mile to the nearest soda machine and 20 to the nearest bar. Come on man, give me a car, at least!!

Kevin~> Ya know what?

JC~> What?


*JC is dead.*

AJ~> Why did ya do that?

Kevin- oh you know...well, heck I just wanted to, he makes me sick.

Brian~> Where's my BEER?

Kevin~> Let's just call Justin.

Group~> Okay

((( 1hour later-Justin Enters)))

*Justin's blonde hair is grown out and AJ and Justin hit it off immediatly, walking off giving each other hair care tips, AJ also let's Justin borrow his bleach.*

Brian~> (yelling after Justin) GET ME A BEER!!

(((Next Day)))

Brian~> But Baby, NO! I can't!!! How bout after? Okay? OK???! Alright. Love ya too. Bye.

Kevin~> Who was that?

Brian~> Stephanie. She wanted me to come see her, so I just gave her tickets.

Kevin~> Is her hot sexy smart friend Tegan gonna be there?

Brian~> YEAH

Kevin~> ALRIGHT!!!

AJ- (enters with Justin) hey look!! We got matching tatoos!!!

(((On stage)))

Group singing~> That makes you larger... That makes you larger... that makes you larger than LIFE


Kevin~> Justin fell off the stage!!!

AJ~> (poking Justin with a stick) Dude, ya alright?

Brian~> I think his neck is broken!

AJ~> runs off stage crying.


AJ~> Um... hey, how about Sean and J from 5? They're homley ya know!

Kevin~> Yeah...

Brian~> Okay but we'll have to make do with just our looks (and incredible talent) for another oh say 45 minutes.

AJ, Brian, Kev~> YEAH!

AJ~> Brian... What happened to Leighanne?

Brian~> Oh, she um.. she got lost in the woods. Terible I tell ya.

Kevin~> I didn't like her. Stephanie is much better for ya.

Brian~> Why don't we just stay the 3 of us? We ARE the only hot ones anyway...

AJ~>Yeah why not?

Stephanie and Tegan enter...

Stephanie~> Heeey BABY!

Brian~> Hey you look good to-nite!

Stephanie~> Yeah well...

Tegan~> Hey Kevy...

Hey sexy-

(((Passionate Kissing)))

Tegan~>hey, where's JC?

Brian- oh...uh...Kevin shot him.

Tegan~> oh really? Did you replace him?

Kevin~> Yeah with that freak from 98°. H fell off the stage and died.

Stephanie- (pushing Brian away for a breath of air) Well what are you guys gonna do??

group- uhhhh.....

Brian~> We get Howie and Nick Back!

Stephanie~> Good idea...

(((Brian calls up Nick and Howie... hears zipping and funny noises in the background)))

Nick(in background)~> HOWINA!!!HURRY GET OFF AND FIX MY GIRDLE!!!

Howie~> Shuuuut up Nick. I'm talking to Brian. You remember from um... Backstreet Boys? Remember that? Now quit being fruity. They need us back. Should we go?

Nick~> SURE, I think AJ is hot.

Howie~>so does the rest of the world, Brian, ya still there?

Kevin~> (on phone) uh... he handed it to me, He had to go throw up.

Howie~> so yah, we'll come.

Kev~> Alright come over tomorrow then, Bye.


Aj, Kev, and Brian pace in front of Howie and Nick.

K~> order for us to accept you back, there are some conditions......Howie....stop winking. I mean it. It bugs the hell out of me.

Howie~> ((wink wink))

Kev~> I mean it! God dammit!

Brian~> Don't use the Lords name in vain

Kev~> Sorry it drives me freakin crazy. And Howie, cut your hair.

Howie~> OKee. Backstreets Back Al rieeeeeeeeeght!!! (Glass breaks)

Aj~> Nick, keep your hair short and run some laps around the yard, for god sakes.

Brian~> Don't use the Lords name in Vain.

AJ~> Sorry.

Nick~> chewin on a donut--ok, can I go now? I have to go to the bathroom. Howie, come with.

Howie~> But I don't wanna.

Nick~> thats not what you said last night....

Howie~> Shut up Nick.

Nick~> No you shut up

Howie~> No, you.

Nick~> Nooooo, youuuuu shut up (giggles)

Howie~> OKae (giggles)

Kevin- alright thats it you two are going to a class.

Howie- like what, school?

Kevin- no a therapy class, you guys are freakin gay.

Nick (whining) but I don't wanna.....

Kev- well go for a day and we'll see.


Kevin AJ and Brian go to pick Nick and Howie up at the 'CENTER'. They stayed for a week.

Brian to nurse-- Yah, um we're here to pick up Nick and Howie.

Nurse Leighanne--Brian!!! I miss you so much! I couldn't find you in the woods last month! (moves to kiss Brok)

Brian- (ignoring her) Like I said, we're here to pick up Nick and Howie.

Leighanne-(looking upset) Yah OK.

Nick and Howie come out of the hall to the left.

Nick~> Hey guys

AJ- Dude what the hell happened to your voice???

Nick- What?

AJ-it's deep! Did you go through puberty?

Nick-- (quickly) I dont know what your talkin about.

Howie- I think we're cured.

AJ and Kevin- Good, just in time-we have a show tonight.


" Its Gotta Be Yoouu...uh huh uh huh...all the way..."

Aj is tearin up the dance floor and Kevin is shakin his butt.

All of the sudden...



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