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How Azowano became king of the Araras is an interesting story and also emphasizes the need for proper divination in the religious practices of the Yoruba and other tribes of Africa. Although Olofi had given Azowano the ache of being irresistable to women, it did not go well for him at home. He lead a life of licenciousness and became very fond of alcohol. The people began to scorn him and throw water at him when he appeared and he bagan to pick up their diseases. His body became covered with skin eruptions. People avoided him like the plague. He finally went to the house of Orunla for divination with IFA, but when Orunla saw him, he did not want to divine for him. Through the intersession of Eleggua, he finally did so, and after reading for him, told him to go with 2 dogs as companions through the forest. When he reached his destination as we mentioned earlier, guided by the dogs, he was to say certain words to the first people that he met. Eleggua went to Ogun and Ochossi and obtained the dogs for Azowano and off he set into the rain forest. Meanwhile in the kingdom of Dahomey, the king had died, and there was no sucessor to the throne. The priests had a dream that the new king would appear and say certain words that would identify him as the true sucessor to the throne. The very next day, Azowano appeared out the rain forest accompanied by his dogs and approached a group which included one of the priests and said the words he was commanded to say by IFA. The word spread to the other priests and Azowano was crowned king of Dahomey. This story tells us the need for obedience to the words of the Orishas and especially to the words of IFA. Orunla, using the Divine Oracle of IFA was able to remedy the hopeless situation of Azowano. Orunla can also help you with your problems. Trust in the words of IFA.


The leopard became the symbol for the royal house of Dahomey. The dynasty lasted till the French colonized the country. The people of Dahomey are called the Araras. Since Azowano lived so many years there before he returned to Yorubaland to fight with his half-brother Chango, they became the true inheritors of the mysteries of Azowano. That is why in the religion, there are two Azowano's that can be received. There is San Lazaro Lucumi and San Lazaro Arara. San Lazaro Arara is different, in that the ceremonies are different, the liturgical language is different and the manner of preparing this Orisha is different. One must go to Cuba to find priests and priestesses who are competent to give you this great Orisha. That is not to say the Azowano given in the Lucumi tradition is not valid. On the contrary, receiving Babaluaye in the Lucumi tradition has worked miracles for many with serious health problems. Remember that the day of the feast of San Lazaro is December 17th. Be there the night before to welcome him at midnight on the 16th of December and ask his blessings.