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I'll Be Here For You

When things go bad, you learn who your true friends are
And when you need them you need not look far
Cause when needed most they'll be by your side,
Looking in your eyes with their arms open wide.

You've helped me and performed all the labor,
And now it is time for me to return the favor
For all the caring and love you've shown
I promise, you will never be alone.

When the going gets toughest
And the waters seem roughest,
I'll be here for you.

You are heaven sent,
So if you ever need to vent,
I'll be here for you.

If you need some comfort or to cry,
For you I will do my best and try,
I'll be here for you.

It'll be my pleasure to help in any way,
And somehow try to brighten your day,
Jeannie, I'll be here for you until the end of time,
Because I consider you one of my very best friends.

Written to me by my BEST FRIEND
                   Jeff Lindauer November 1, 1999

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