
"Hi, I'm Brian McFayden with an MTV Newsbrief, Kirsten Johnson, former fiancee of Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys passed away this Thursday night at the Savannah General Hospital in Georgia where the guys were slated to perform two shows, one in which Littrell missed and the other which has been canceled. Johnson left behind Brian and her daughter, Jaclyn. The couple were to be married in a few months. To find out more about Kirsten and other tragedies in music tune into MTV's special "Dealing w/ Death," airing this Tuesday at 8/9 central."

Brian flipped the t.v. off as Jacci's eyes closed and her breathing became steady. He placed her in her crib, "I love you." He whispered turning her musical mobile on before closing the door.

He walked back into the living room and looked at the empty apartment.

"Why did this happen?" He asked a picture of Kirsten.

The response was silence.

He sighed, "I miss you." He said staring at the picture. "Every second of the day. I can't even sleep without you in my dreams."

"Bri?" Nick asked opening the door with MacKenzie's hand interwined with his.

"Yeah," He said wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I know man." Nick said comforting his friend.

"We all miss her," MacKenzie said quietly.

"But you know the greatest thing?" Brian said brightening.


"I have the best thing in the entire world thanks to her, a little piece of her, a little piece of heaven... asleep in the next room."

Chapter Eleven
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Backstreet Island