Chapter Eleven

"Is she going to be okay?" Brian asked the doctor.

"Who are you in relation?" The doctor asked.

"Her fiancee." Brian said.

"And you?" He asked MacKenzie.

"Best friend." MacKenzie confirmed.

"Honestly, it doesn't look good." Brian's shoulder's sunk.

"What's going on?" MacKenzie asked.

"Did Kirsten tell you she had an ulcer?"

Brian's eyes widened.

"I guess not." The doctor said grimly.

"I can't believe this..." Brian said putting his head in his hands.

"Can we see her?" MacKenzie asked.

The doctor nodded.

"Baby," Brian said collapsing on the bed.

"I'm sorry," She whispered trying to hold back her tears.

"I'll be back..." MacKenzie said exiting.

"Can I hold Jacci?" Kirsten asked.

Brian handed her over trying to control his emotion.

"My sweet baby," She said the tears threatening to fall, "Mommy is so sorry..."

"Don't talk like that," Brian choked, "You're going to be fine."

Kirsten shook her head.

"Take care of her, be strong for our baby." She said softly kissing the baby's head.

"Are you in a lot of pain?" Brian struggled holding her hand tightly.

"Yeah," she grimaced, "I'll be glad when it's over," She smiled through the tears.

"I love you." Brian said sobbing and holding her tight.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know."

"There's a surgery..." The doctor said entering.

Brian perked up, "Anything, no matter the cost."

"It's a high risk situation, her ulcer could rupture at any time. The surgery is also dangerous, she may not make it through."

"I'll do it." She said quietly.

"Are you sure?" The doctor asked.

"Yes. If I can make it, I want to. I want to live and see my baby grow."

"Tomorrow morning you will go into surgery." The doctor said closing the door.

Moments later,MacKenzie reentered, "I heard about the surgery."

Brian smiled, "She'll make it, she's strong," He said optimistically.

"I know she will." MacKenzie said.

*In the middle of the night*

"Bri? Bri?" Kirsten whispered in the darkness of the hospital room.

"I'm awake." He said raising his head from the side of her bed.

"It's time," She whispered tehe pain subsiding.

"No, just hold on. I'll get the doctor."

"No, please, stay with me." She pleaded.

"Please baby, you can make it... Just hold on,"

She shook her head, "Brian, just listen..."

He nodded, "Be there for Jacci, when she goes to kindergarten, be there and know I will be. When she graduates, on her first date... be there..."


"Promise me."

"I promise."

"And promise, to be strong... be there for MacKenzie with her problems with Nicky." She smiled weakly.

"I can't do this without out you." He sobbed.

"Sh.. you can... I have faith in you... I know you can. I'll be by your side every step of the day, every second you live."

"I love you."

"I love you." She said before closing her eyes and drifting to her eternal sleep.

"No!!" Brian screamed slumping down on the bed, tears streaming down his face.

"Is she?" MacKenzie asked quietly after waking up.

Brian didn't answer, just continued to sob with his face buried in his love's neck.

"I'll never ever forget you," He whispered into her neck.

Chapter Ten
A Not So Happy Ending - Index
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