I just wanted to warn you... if you don't like sexual content, but you read some of the story and like it, write to me and I'll send you an edited copy...
Also, I'd like to introduce the characters in my story, because most of them are real people so...
Kirsten ~ This character is based on me, Leah. She is short, blond and has blue eyes. She's sorta the idependant, outspoken one, but has a caring heart. Kirsten is also the hard working, when she knows what she wants she goes for it.
Alli ~ Alli is based on one of my best frieds, Alexis. She is about 5'5" with blond hair and blue eyes. She's like the peacekeeper... the advice giver... that sort of thing. Alli is also the mature one, kinda like the mommy bear or something.
MacKenzie ~ MacKenzie is based on my other best friend, Micki. MacKenzie is 5'4", with dark hair and eyes. Micki is the crazy one, the most likely to get plastered at parties and such. She also is most likely to stay calm and cool in situations.
Britney~ Britney is based on my friend, Wendi. Britney is 5'1", blond and blue *there are lots of them, eh?* She is preppy and strong-willed. If she thinks the cat is black, then by god, the cat is black. (even if it's red...)
Tiffany ~ Tiffany is based on a friend of mine named Nicole. Tiffany is your typical cheerleader. Blond, blue (AGAIN!) and athletic. She's a party animal and sassy as can be. She's always got the back of her friends.
Kevin, Nick, AJ, Brian & Howie ~ I'm almost positive these guys need no introduction!
Like I said, this story is confusing and kinda kinky. SO BEWARE! And enjoy...
On to Chapter 1...
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