Chapter Eleven

Micki was sitting on the examining table in a cold hospital room. She shivered as the doctor checked her over, telling her her bruises and cuts would be gone in a few days, not to worry about it. As for her back, it would heal in a few weeks. Micki told the doctor about Matt raping her, which outraged AJ. The doctor ran some test and said everything would be ok. Finally it was three days after she'd gotten home. Her boss had given her the rest of the week off, telling her just to get the personal profiles done on the guys. Micki got that finished in a day. So she had a long vacation basically. "We have to go to a promotional banquet tonight for the promotion of our tour, you up to going?" AJ asked Micki. Micki nodded and smiled. She was happy to get out of the house, and AJ would be there to protect her. The two got ready and by 6:00 they were out of the house on their way to a hotel for the banquet. When they got there, Micki spotted LaDawn and Megan talking in a corner while Brian and Nick were walking around chatting with people. "Im going to see LaDawn and Megan," Micki told AJ. "Ok, Im going to go walk around and shake hands with people I'll never remember," AJ joked. Micki smiled and kissed AJ and walked over to her friends. Each got up and hugged Micki. They had visited her when she first got home, which she liked. "So, what've you been up to?" Micki asked looking at the two. Megan's face glowed, her and Nick obviously were getting along very well. LaDawn's face glowed too. Micki wondered if her face glowed like theirs. "You know what Im wondering?" Micki asked. "What?" they asked at the same time. "Does my face glow as much as you two?" Micki asked smiling. "More," they both laughed. Micki smiled and blushed. AJ walked up from behind Micki and kissed her cheek as he sat down next to her. "There you guys are," Alexis and Adrienne said walking up to the table taking a seat, Kevin and Howie following behind them. Brian and Nick came up to the table and toom their seats as dinner started to be served. Brian and LaDawn kept looking at each other and smiling. "Ok, I'll tell them," LaDawn said gleaming. "What?" Micki asked curiously. "Ok, well everyone, Brian and I... Im going to have a baby," LaDawn said, about to scream in excitement. Micki looked a little confused, she thought the first time was just about a week ago. "Micki I dont tell you everything about the relationship," LaDawn said reading her mind. Micki smiled and let out an excited shriek. LaDawn was going to have a baby! This was so exciting. She looked at LaDawn and got up and hugged her and kissed her cheek. All the guys patted Brian on the back and congragulated him. The girls, they gathered around and shared the excitement. ~Later~ "I cant believe she is going to have a baby," Micki said as AJ driving home. "I know that's so great," AJ commented. "Isn't it?" Micki gushed. AJ concentrated on the road. He didn't say too much on the way home and Micki sensed something was wrong. "Honey, what's wrong?" Micki asked as they walked into the house. "Nothing," AJ stated simply and walked off into the bedroom. Micki followed him, hurt. She knew something was wrong with AJ. "AJ, dont lie to me, I know something is wrong," Micki said frustrated. "Nothing is wrong," AJ snapped. Micki jumped, her bottom lip began to tremble. She turned and walked out of the room. A single tear falling from her eye. "Micki, baby, Im sorry," AJ said following her. Micki walked into the office and shut the door. AJ stood outside the door and leaned against it. "Micki, can I come in?" he asked sympathetically. "No!" Micki shouted. AJ turned the knob and opened the door, letting himself in. "Im sorry, I didnt mean to snap at you," AJ apologized. "What's your problem tonight?" Micki asked. "Nothing, baby, Im just I dont know," AJ trailed off. Micki looked at him for an answer. "What?" she asked. "Im just tired and cranky," he answered. Micki looked at him not believing a single word he was saying, but let it drop. She walked passed him and into their bedroom. She changed into an oversized tee shirt, revealing her muscular legs. AJ was changing into different boxers as she walked out of the room and into the kitchen. She was pouring herself some kool-aid, when she felt AJ's arms wrap around her waist. "Im sorry baby," he said kissing her neck. Micki turned around and looked him in his eyes. She saw the sympathy and couldnt help but smile. "I cant tell you how scared I was when you were gone," he said. "I was so scared AJ," Micki said wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him close. She felt so safe and protected in AJ's arms. She breathed in his incredible scent. "As was I," AJ replied. Micki began to kiss AJ, putting so much love and passion into hit. AJ and Micki moved to the bedroom, making it a night to remember.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
