Chapter Twelve

Micki woke up the next morning, to the soft and familiar lips pressed against hers. Her eyelashes fluttered open and she was faced with her beloved, AJ. "Morning sunshine," he greeted. Micki grumbled something and rolled over. She definitly not a morning person. AJ rolled her back and kissed her again softly on the lips. Micki smiled as she sat up. "Why are you waking me?" Micki groaned. "Because, I have to go into work and I wanted a kiss good-bye," AJ answered. "Acceptable," Micki grinned kissing AJ. "Glad you approve," he said when they pulled apart. "I have to go now," AJ pouted. "Ok," Micki reluctently ageed. "I love you," AJ told her. "I love you too," Micki replied with a huge smile on her face. AJ kissed her lips and left the room. Micki layed back down and fell back asleep, sleeping a dreamless sleep. When she woke the second time, she was stretched out over her bed, taking over the whole thing. She got up and stumbled to the bathroom, turning on the shower. She brushed her teeth as she waited for the water to warm up. Finally she was all clean. She was wearing her favorite Calvin Klien jeans, a black belt, a white halter top, and brown sandals. Her hair was pulled up with curls decorating her pony tail. Her makeup was perfect and she smelt of vanilla. She made her way to the kitchen after cleaning up and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, eating it all, and some chips. She drank her favorite, orange soda. Just as she was finishing the doorbell rang. She rushed to the door and opened it. LaDawn stood before her smiling. "Hey!"Micki greeted inviting her into the house. "Hi, hey want to go shopping?" LaDawn asked. "Ok," Micki agreed grabbing her bag and sunglasses. "Let's go!" LaDawn said. The two went out to LaDawn's car and LaDawn began to drive to the mall. When they arrived they immediatly began their journey through the mall. "Let's get our nails done," Micki suggested. "I dont have the money for that right now," LaDawn pouted. "I do, come on, my treat," Micki persisted. LaDawn quickly agreed and the two went into the nail shop. Immediatly, their nails were being worked on. Micki got a French manicure, as LaDawn did too. "So, have you thought of names?" Micki asked as they walked out of the shop. "I was thinking Amaya if it's a girl and Michael if it's a boy," she answered. "That would be awesome," Micki approved. LaDawn smiled, glad her friend liked the names. "I love that shirt," Micki commented as they walked by the Gap. "Get it," LaDawn advised. Micki shook her head and the two continued to walk. "Are you excited?" Micki asked, wanting to know everything. "More than you'd think," LaDawn said, a big smile glistened on her face. The two stopped and sat on a bench. Micki observed the people walking by, as LaDawn stared at nothing. "Are you scared?" Micki asked. "More than you'd think," she laughed nervously. "I can imagine," Micki replied. "Im nervous about everything, us getting married, having a baby. Everything is so overwhelming," she replied, still staring at nothing. "Well everything will go perfect for you," Micki assured her. "I know, as long as I have Brian, everything will be ok," LaDawn agreed. "I know how you feel," Micki smiled, thinking of AJ. "We're so lucky Micki," LaDawn said, finally looking at Micki. "More than you'd think," Micki laughed. "Im never letting Brian go either, ever," LaDawn said sure of it. "AJ aint getting away,either," Micki replied. ~Later~ "I got my nails done today," Micki told AJ as they sat watching television. "Let me see," AJ said smiling. Micki held out her hand for him to see. He took her hand and studied her nails. He kissed her hand and then moved up to her neck, then her chin, her cheek, and then finally her lips. Micki responded enthusiastically. When they pulled apart AJ smiled and looked her in the eyes. "They look beautiful," he said smiling. Micki smiled back and kissed him again. Just then the phone rang. Micki got up and went into the kitchen and looked at the caller id. It was Megan. She picked up the phone, answering it. "Nick just asked me to go on tour with him, what do I say?" Megan asked. "Yes, would be good," Micki answered. "I have school though," Megan pointed out. "What do you want to do more?" Micki asked. "Tour," Megan answered. "There you go," Micki said. "Thanks," Megan said, Micki could tell she was smiling. The two hung up with each other and Micki returned to AJ. He was watching the t.v. contently. Half asleep, half awake. Micki ran and jumped on the couch, causing AJ to come to a full alert. Micki laughed and playfully slapped him arm. AJ raised an eyebrow and proceeded to tickle Micki. Micki struggled to breath as he tickled her. (deja vu) AJ was on top of Micki tickling her as she squirmed to get free. AJ stopped tickling her and leaned down and began to kiss her. Micki responded by pulling him closer. She loved AJ so much, she was so happy she was going on tour with him.

Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen *Last Chapter*
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
