Chapter Thirteen

~Departure Day~ LaDawn, Micki, Megan, Nick, AJ, Brian, Kevin, and Howie boarded the plane waving to everyone as they walked. Micki was so excited, finally, she would be going on tour with her man. She was so excited. Tonight was the first show. Micki took her seat, in between Kevin and AJ. As the plane took off, Micki felt the butterflies in her stomach. She held AJ's hand and snuggled close to him. He lifted the armrest and put his arm around her. "I love you," AJ said kissing her forehead. "I love you too," Micki replied. Halfway through the trip, AJ fell asleep. Micki turned to Kevin, who stared at nothing. "Howdy," Micki said smiling. Kevin turned to her and smiled. "Hey Micki," Kevin replied. "How are things with Adrienne?" Micki asked. "We're not going out," Kevin told her defensively. "I know, you guys are good friends though, right?" Micki asked. Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "Not really, we fight all the time," Kevin told her. Micki nodded and listened to Kevin talk about how much Adrienne and him fought. Then she got to hear about how his ex-girlfriend cheated on him, etc. Micki listened closely the whole time, responding when she thought was right, and nodding when he told her something. "Thank you and have a good day," finished the captain. They had landed. Micki and AJ walked out hand in hand. As well as Brian and LaDawn and Nick and Megan. The guys had to go straight to a sound check and everything, but the girls went to the hotel. Micki took a hot shower as soon as she got there. She changed into Gap bootleg jeans and a blue tank top and her brown sandals. She was wearing this to the concert. She got to stand backstage the whole time, which was pretty cool. She met LaDawn and Megan in the lobby and they all went to the concert together. "Hey baby, just in time, we're fixing to go onstage," AJ said kissing Micki. LaDawn, Megan, and Micki went to the side of the stage and looked out at the screaming fans. They were so loud and anxious to them. She smiled remembering the feeling for her article. "How you doing Houston?" AJ shouted as they all walked out onstage. The crowd got ten times louder and Micki grinned. She looked over and Megan and LaDawn who were also grinning. "Ladies, I have something to do before we start this show," AJ began. Micki was confused, what was he going to do? "I'd like to introduce someone special to me. Someone who is my life, my heart, and my soul," AJ continued. Micki looked at Megan and LaDawn nervously. They were grinning from ear to ear. "Ms. Micki Daniels," AJ announced. LaDawn pushed Micki out and Micki walked center stage to where AJ was standing. The crowd got louder as she stood there. She couldnt believe the girls didnt throw things at her. AJ got down on one knee and looked up at Micki. Micki got tears in her eyes because she knew what he was about to do in front of all those people, just for her. "Micki, will you give me the pleasure of having your hand in marriage?" AJ asked. The whole crowd got silent, waiting for Micki's answer. AJ was holding out a beautiful engagment ring before Micki and this is something she wanted so bad. Micki nodded and AJ got up and hugged her, swinging her around. The arena erupted in cheers and applause. Micki kissed AJ's face, making sure not to miss one place. She was so happy, this was the greatest day of her life, so far.

Chapter Twelve
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
