Chapter One

One year later~

"AJ!" Micki giggled as her boyfriend of one year tickled her.

AJ and Micki were perfect for each other. AJ has helped Micki out through a lot this past year. Micki was dumped at her wedding and AJ was there to help her through it.

Micki still remembered the first time AJ told her he loved her. They were standing in the pouring rain. Micki loved AJ more and more every time she looked at him. Just as AJ was causing Micki to struggle breathing from being tickled, the doorbell echoed throughout the house. The house that Micki had kicked Matt, her ex out of.

Micki jumped up and ran away from AJ and swung open the door. Her two best friends stood before her. Megan and LaDawn. Brian, LaDawn's boyfriend and AJ's other band member, was with them.

"Hey you guys, didn't think Id see you today," Micki said letting them into the house.

"Nick's coming over today," Micki grinned nudging Megan, who everyone knew had a huge crush on Nick. Nick liked her too, but both never did anything about the crush.

"So," Megan said, a huge grin spreading across her face. Micki walked into the living room where LaDawn was sitting on Brian's lap as he kissed her neck. She giggled and Micki rolled her eyes.

"Damn Rok, Micki and I were about to do the nasty," AJ whined coming into the living room. Micki playfully slapped AJ's arm and her face turned a deep red. Megan laughed as she turned on the television.

"Hey you guys, let's go out tonight," Megan suggested.

"Sounds good," AJ agreed.

"Where to?" Micki asked sitting on AJ's lap.

"Club?" LaDawn suggested.

Micki looked at AJ and smiled, they had met at a club.

"Sounds good, me and AJ can be ready in an hour," Micki said getting up.

"Why dont we all meet at "XS" in an hour and a half," Brian said as him and LaDawn got up.

"I'll call Nick," Megan said picking up Micki's phone. Everyone looked at her and laughed.

"Shut up!" Megan growled hanging up the phone and walking out of the house. LaDawn and Brian were right behind her, still laughing.

Micki walked to her room that AJ and her shared. AJ came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Micki replied.

AJ turned her around and kissed her. This may be surprising,but even after living with each other for a year, they havent had sex. AJ doesnt want Micki to think that is all he's after, especially because after what Matt did to her the last thing she would do is completly trust a guy, AJ wanted her full trust before they did anything.

Micki pulled away and smiled.

"I never thought I'd be able to trust someone after Matt, but you proved me wrong, AJ," Micki said smiling.

It was like Micki was reading AJ's mind. AJ wanted her so bad and the way Micki looked at him, she wanted him too. AJ smiled as he kissed her neck. Slowly, Micki began to unbutton AJ's shirt, throwing it to the floor.

AJ pulled Micki's shirt over her head and continued to kiss her. His hands roamed all over her body... This was it... this is what he wanted and waited for. He was doing something that felt so right and good. He wasnt going to stop now.

Micki took a deep breath and sighed. She wanted AJ so bad and this is what she's anticipated for so long. This was it...

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Chapter Two
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Backstreet Island
