Chapter Two

AJ kissed Micki's chest as he moved her over to their bed, laying down on top of her. Just then the phone rang. AJ mumbled something and leaned over and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" he asked annoyed.

"AJ, hey man, you and Micki going to a club tonight?" it was Nick, in his usual whiny voice.

"Yeah man, we were planning on it," AJ said as Micki kissed his face.

"Ok, then I'll see you there," Nick said and hung up. AJ groaned and put the phone down. Micki smiled up at him and AJ smiled back.

"Maybe we should start getting ready, we can finish this later," Micki said kissing AJ.


"Man, theres a lot of people here tonight," Nicki whined as everyone walked into the night club.

"As there is any other night," Micki said smiling.

"Let's go dance baby," AJ said taking Micki's hand and leading her to the dance floor. LaDawn and Brian were right behind them. Micki looked back at Megan and saw her and Nick standing ackwardly looking everyone but at each other.

"You'd think this is a junior high dance, eh?" Micki said pointing over to Megan and Nick. LaDawn laughed as her and Brian danced across the floor. Micki danced close to AJ, she could feel him breathing and wanted him right then and there, but she knew that wouldnt happen.

AJ teased her lips by kissing them softly once and then pulling away. Micki smiled and kissed him, their tongues melting into one another so much, that you didnt know where one started and the other stopped.

"Hey you two, get a room," Megan said as her and Nick danced by them. Micki broke the kiss and looked at the two and saw they looked like they were having the time of their lives. Micki rolled her eyes and searched the room for LaDawn.

"Come with me to get a drink," Micki said pulling AJ off the dance floor and to the bar.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked looking at Micki.

"Sex on the beach," Micki answered without hesitation.

"That sounds good," AJ said into her ear. Micki laughed and kissed him. AJ placed his hands on her upper thigh, rubbing her leg, moving his hands up her skirt.

Micki giggled as the bartender sat her drink down in front of her.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked looking at AJ.

"I'll have a margirita," AJ asked grinning. The bartender disappeared for a moment, and AJ brought his attention back to Micki.

"Micki! There you are! Brian and I are going to head home, Im sure Megan can get a ride from Nick," LaDawn said sitting down next to Micki.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" LaDawn asked.

"You better, I have to work until five, but you can call me around six or so, I'll be home then," Micki said.

"You have to be up early tomorrow and you're out at a night club?" LaDawn asked.

"Calm yourself, I dont have to be in until noon tomorrow, everyone is almost done with their stuff for the magazine, so, we dont have to work the long hard hours as we did before," Micki said smiling.

"Cool, well I'll see you later babe," LaDawn said kissing Micki's cheek. Brian and LaDawn walked away, leaving AJ and Micki alone again. Micki took swallows of her drink as AJ practically gulped his.

"Wanna go home and finish what we started earlier?" AJ asked grinning, his hand still on Micki's thigh. Micki answered him by kissing him passionatly.

"Let's go," AJ said as he threw a couple bills onto the counter and Micki and him left the club.

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Never Let Go Index
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Backstreet Island
