Chapter Five

I pulled away from him, and looked him in the eyes. He was smiling. I smiled back at him, blushing.

"Some girlfriend you are! I knew there was something slutty about you when I met you, " someone said from behind us.

I gasped and turned around, it was Luke.

Nick glanced at me, "It's not what you think," Nick defended.

I was shocked, I figured Nick would want this to happen, so Daniel would break up with me.

"Yes, it was," I admitted.

Luke looked at me, like I was a criminal, "Well, I guess I can count on Daniel breaking up with you, in about five minutes."

"Fine. Tell him to make it quick. The sooner the better," I snapped.

Luke turned around and walked back inside the restaurant.

"Why'd you do that?" Nick demanded.

"The same reason I kissed you, " I said. Nick looked at me, confused. "Because I know Daniel isn't the right one for me, and I don't love him. But you're a completely different story."

Nick smiled, "You're crazy."

"Am I?" I asked, laughing.

"Megan, can I talk to you?" Daniel asked, from behind me. I stood up and walked to where Daniel was standing a few feet away.

"Was what Luke said true? I mean, I don't believe him."

"Yeah, it was true, " I said.

Daniel gasped, "But I love you."

I shook my head, "Daniel, we haven't known each other long enough to love each other. I mean, no offense, but how can I love you, if I can hardly stand you?"

Daniel jumped back in shock, "You're a bitch."

"Daniel, I'm sorry. We're just not right for one another. So, I think it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore," I replied.

"Fine. I don't want a bitch for a girlfriend, " Daniel called, and he walked back in the restaurant, to get Luke.

"I'm free!" I shouted. My voice echoed through the parking lot. I looked back at Nick, who was sitting patiently on the bench.

I gave him a kiss and smiled.

"Let's go to dinner," Nick suggested, "But, not here."

"Okay, they'll figure it out," I said. The two of us rushed to Nick's car, and headed out to find a place to eat. A place so the two of us could just be together.

Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Love You For Always Index
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Backstreet Island
