Chapter Seven

"Thanks so much Micki. I cant believe they both fell asleep on the way over," Amee said as her and Paul walked out the front door. "No problem. I dont have to be to work until noon tomorrow, is it ok if I take them late to school or for Brian day care?" Micki asked. "No problem," Amee answered and they left. "Well, I thought it was going to be a long night," AJ commented. "Yeah, me too," Micki agreed smiling. "Well what do you want to do now?" Micki asked as they walked into the living room. "How about we watch a movie?" AJ suggested. "Ok," Micki agreed sitting on the couch. "Let's see what's on the satellite," Micki suggested turning on the television. "Oh look, it's Varsity Blues," Micki declared. "Guess that's what we're watching," AJ whined. ` "We dont have to," Micki pouted. "No, that's fine," AJ said. "Ok, you had your chance," Micki said turning on the movie. AJ laughed as he put his arm around Micki and pulled her close to him. She liked the feeling of AJ's arms around her. Half way through the movie one pair of tiny little feet tiptoed down the hallway. "Aunt Micki," Kristin called. "In here sweetie," Micki called back. Kristin appeared in her flowered pajamas and slippers. "I woke up and I need a drink," Kristin told her aunt. "Ok, do you want to watch the movie with us?" Micki asked getting up to get her the drink. "No thanks, I need my sleep," she commented. Micki laughed and got her niece a drink of kool-aid. "Thanks Aunt Micki," Kristin said. "Sure hon," Micki replied. "Good night AJ," Kristin called while walked down the hallway. "Night sweetie," AJ responded. Kristin disappeared into the bedroom and Micki and AJ continued to watch Varsity Blues. ~The Next Day~ "Bye Kristin!"Micki called. Micki did all she could to convince Kristin to go into school late, but Kristin insisted right away that she had to go. So, at 7:30 a.m. Micki crawled out of bed and drove Brian to day care and then took Kristin to school. Where was AJ during all of this? At home, sleeping. Micki drove home, parked her car in the driveway, went inside and headed straight for bed. She was tired! When she got to her room she saw AJ silently sleeping, his body spread out, so there was only a little corner on the end of the bed possible to just sit on. Micki groaned as she walked over to the bed and stared down at AJ. "AJ," she shook his arm, trying to wake him up so he would move. AJ stirred, but didnt move much. Micki groaned again and proceeded to try and lift one half of his body. She didnt suceed. "AJ!" she shouted and smacked his arm. AJ jumped up and looked at her startled. "What is it?" he asked, worried. "You were hogging the bed, move over," Micki said crawling into the bed next to him. "Sorry," he said wrapping his arms around her. Micki fell asleep, with AJ wrapped up in her. When Micki woke, the sun was pouring into the room and AJ was no where in sight. Micki groggily walke out to the living room, where she saw AJ, Howie, and Kevin, all watching t.v. Micki grumbled something and walked out of the room and into the bathroom. As soon as she got into the shower she heard the bathroom door open. "Micki, baby, what's wrong?" AJ asked peeking into the shower. "Nothing," Micki grumbled letting the water hit her face and warm up her body. "LaDawn called, she said she has to work, but she'll be home tonight, to call her then," AJ said. "Thanks," Micki said turning to face AJ. "Can you hand me my toothbrush and toothpaste?" she asked, still a little grumpy. AJ left for a split second and returned with her toothbrush and toothpaste. Micki brushed her teeth in the shower, enjoying the minty taste in her mouth. She handed AJ back the toothbrush and paste and he soon returned to sticking his head into the shower. "Do I get a kiss now?" AJ asked smiling. "Of course," Micki replied in a much better mood. AJ smiled and kissed her once again and left the bathroom, to let her shower. Micki finished batheing and then got dressed into khaki capri pants and a blue tank top and her blue flip flops. She did her hair curly and applied her makeup. When she went into the living room Nick had joined the group. "Hey Nick, I havent heard from Megan, how was the date?" Micki asked as she made herself some coffee. Nick and her were alone in the kitchen. So, Micki wasnt worried about embarrassing him in front of the guys. "It went great, she gives one hell of a goodbye," Nick smiled remembering the experience. Micki laughed. She got the picture they did a little more than kiss...

Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
