Chapter Six

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much Debra!" Micki shreiked.

"No problem, it'll be a good series type thing to put in the magazine, Im glad you thought of it and everything," Debra said.

Micki and Debra got off the phone and Micki began sreaming. She ran into the bedroom where AJ was laying on the bed and jumped on the bed next to him and beamed up at him.

"Im going on tour with the Backstreet Boys," Micki announced.

AJ jumped up and pulled her up to him and hugged her.

"I love you so much Micki," AJ said squeezing her.

"I love you too," she said smiling. AJ kissed every inch of her face and neck.

"Let's celebrate," AJ suggested raising his eyebrows.

"Lets," Micki grinned.

Just then the doorbell rang. Micki groaned as AJ and her walked out to the front door and opened it. Megan stood there smiling.

"How do I look?" she asked. Megan was wearing a pair of black capri pants, a white silk tank top and low heeled black dress shoes.

"You look good," Micki complimented, letting Megan into the house.

"Date with Nick tonight?" Micki asked looking at the clock. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. She was getting ready probably. Megan nodded as she walked into Micki's bathroom and started smelling all her perfumes.

"Im wearing Tommy Girl," Megan said spraying some onto her.

"Ok," Micki agreed looking at AJ who was smiling at Megan and her eagerness.

"You really like Nick, huh?" AJ asked. Megan nodded and looked at Micki who had AJ's arms wrapped around her waist now.

"One day, we'll be like you too," Megan predicted and left the bathroom, with Micki and AJ following.

"Well, I have to go, I just need your opinion," Megan said walking out of the front door. Micki laughed and turned to AJ.

"Where were we?" Micki asked smiling and kissing him.

"Right here," AJ said sliding his hand up her skirt.

"Aww, now I remember," Micki said moving him to the bedroom.

"I love you so much baby," AJ said.

"I love you too," Micki said.


"Micki!" LaDawn cried into the phone. Micki and AJ had been sleeping for hours. It was now, 6:30 and they've been sleeping for two and a half hours.

"What's wrong?" Micki asked, now fully awake, waking AJ up.

AJ looked up at her and smiled. He brushed hair out of her face and kissed her neck. "Did AJ tell you?" LaDawn asked.

"Yeah, today," Micki said.

"What are we going to do?" LaDawn asked.

"Im going with AJ," Micki answered looking down at him as he closed his eyes, but it was obvious he wasnt sleeping.

"You are?" LaDawn asked.

"Yeah, I get to go on business," Micki answered.

"Do you think Brian will want me to go?" LaDawn asked.

"Of course, you're his fiancee," Micki answered.

"Ok, Im going to go talk to him," LaDawn said and hung up. Micki smiled and hung up the phone and rested her head on AJ's chest. AJ ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp.

Micki quickly fell back asleep.

~Nick and Megan~

Nick and Megan were standing in front of the front of Megan's apartment. Nick had taken her out to dinner and they went and saw a movie.

Nick looked down at Megan's awaiting face and leaned down. He brushed his lips against hers, until he then stuck his tongue into her mouth, Megan responded eagerly. The kiss became very heated as Nick pinned Megan against the door.

"Can I stay tonight?" Nick asked breaking the kiss.

Megan looked up at him, kissing him to answer his question. She opened the door and Nick followed her into the apartment. They passed the couch, where Megan's roommate Jillian was sleeping contently.

Megan and Nick made it to Megan's room, where Nick pulled off her shirt, Megan working on the buttons of his shirt. With help from each other, they were both completely naked. Nick led her to the bed, where he layed her down.

~LaDawn and Brian~

"Of course you can come with me," Brian said kissing LaDawn. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

"Im so glad you agreed to become my wife," Brian said kissing her neck.

"Im so glad you asked," LaDawn replied.

"Let's have some fun tonight," Brian suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," LaDawn said unbuttoning his shirt, running her fingers over his scar.

Brian responded by taking her shirt off and kissing her chest.

"I love you," Brian said.

"I love you too," LaDawn said.

~AJ and Micki~

"Micki, can you watch Brian and Kristin tonight? Paul and I want to go out," Amee asked her sister over the phone.

"Sure, go ahead and bring them over," Micki agreed, anxious to see her neice and nephew.

"Ok, we'll be over in about fifteen minutes," Amee said.

It was 8:15 and Micki got up and dressed. AJ woke up and smiled at her.

"Kristin and Brian are staying the night, wake up and get some clothes on," Micki ordered kissing his lips.

AJ got up and put on some shorts. It was going to be a long night...

Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
