Chapter One

"What? I'm kinda in a hurry" I shouted angrily when the phone rang as i stepped back into my apartment, I had almost shut the door when I heard the phone ring.

"Sorry, I was wondering what you were doing today..." Came the soft, sweet voice of my best friend Marissa.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to snap, but I hafta run to the mall and pick up some things and get to work, why?"

"I'm watching Kristen today and needed some company, I guess I'll just call Wendi."

"All right, I'll try to stop by after work all right?"

"Yep, have fun sweetie."

"Bye." I hung up and continued my hurried excursion to the mall.

"Yes I realize that I can't return things without a receipt."

"Then why are you here?" Came the snotty reply from an older salesclerk.

"Because! This doesn't work, I took it out of the box, it didn't work then, it doesn't work now and I'd like to return the damn thing and get a refund."

At the end of this speech i was not only frustrated but exasperated as well.

"Well then, let me call my manager and we'll see what we can do."

Impatiently I tapped my fingers on the desk hoping that this crippled old woman could walk faster than a turtle. Finally, a manager did come down and apparently sensing that I was in a horrid mood he gave me a refund no problem. I smiled sarcastically at the witchy clerk and hurried out.

"Finally," I sighed as the clock struck one.

"Lunch," I pushed my chair out and got up. I stretched my arms.

I was a secretary for a law firm. It was an interning job for one of my classes at USF. I walked out giving a polite smile to the other suited individuals bussling throughout the vast office. A few middle- aged men gawked my way as I waited in the elevator.

When I finally exited the building, I decided to have a quick lunch at a cafe' down the street. I pulled my light blonde hair into a loose ponytail and began my walk. I only had a 1/2 hour so I rushed. I brought some of my files to lunch to catch-up since I arrived late that morning. I was concentrating on my destination and work and not looking when I bumped into someone.

"I'm sooooo sorry, let me help you." I muttered something along the line of 'thanks' and that's when he brought himself up level to me and I saw a glimse of his beautiful crystal blue eyes.

"Can I buy you lunch?" He asked. I looked at him causiously, but nodded.

"I can be sucha klutz sometimes..." he continued, staring at me in an odd sort of way.

"And I'm AJ. " My thoughts were broken by a tatooed hottie -AJ- who was standing behind my blue-eyed cutie.

"Uh yeah. Sorry, I'm Brian," the cute one said extending his hand. I shook it and took notice of his strong grip.

"Leah," I said softly.

"Well Leah, you lucky lady, you, it just so happens me and Bri, ain't got plans tonight so how about after lunch, you go on your merry way and we pick you up later for a little night on the town," AJ asked flirtaciously.

I thought carefully before answering... 1.) I have a boyfriend, right? Right. 2.) These guys are incredibly hot, right? Right. 3.) It's not a date, just hanging out, havin fun, right? RIGHT.

"Sure, sounds like fun." I answered.

"Good,"AJ said and I turned my attention to Brian who smiled shyly at me. We chatted light heartedly over lunch when I felt my pager going off.

"Damn" I whispered looking at the familiar digits of my boyfriends number. Then I looked at my watch.

"I gotta go. It was really nice meeting you guys," I said quickly. Brian followed me out...

"Can I get your number, for tonight I mean."

"Sure," I scribbled my digits on a napkin and hurried back to the office checking my watch again. Mr. Reagan was going to be pissed.

Chapter Two
I'll Never Break Your Heart Index
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
