Chapter Two

"Uh, I can't I'm not feeling so good," I moaned into the phone for the -seemingly- hunderth time that night on the phone with Christian (my boyfriend.)

"Please baby, I never see you anymore." He whinned back.

I groaned annoyed but said, "Honey, how about tomorrow?"

He whimpered and agreed.

"Well, I gotta go, get some rest, I'll call you later, okay?"

"I love you." He said.

"Love you too." I said quickly and I hung up the phone. I sighed and picked the phone back up and dialed Marissa's number.

"What?" Came a grumble from the line as she picked up.

"Hola, sunshine."

(more grumbles)

"Have I got news from you."


"About a guy...for you..."

(a perkier grumble.)"I'm listening."

"Ok..." I preceeded to tell her the story of my horrible morning and the fiasco at lunch that led me to the 2 finest guy I had ever seen.

"Okay, so which one do I get??" Marissa asked anxiously. I chuckled to myself.


"Which one was he?"

"Tatoos, nice body, 'interesting' sense of style." I heard her sigh on the other end. "What?"

"I just know the guy you set me up with. They're always, white, Mr. Clean kinda guys."

"AJ is not. Well, he's white but... So you're going to go with me right??" I crossed my fingers.

"Sure, why not..." She paused. "What about Christian?"

I didn't say anything and hoped she'd drop the subject. Getting the hint she said, "All right, well, I'll be over in 10 so we can figure out what to wear and all that good stuff..."

"All right."


So I sat in my apartment alone waiting for Marissa when my eyes fluttered and I began to dream...

~"You're so beautiful."

"Thank you Brian, that is so sweet."

"Not as sweet as the gorgeous woman I am with right now." I blushed as he brushed a strand of hair gently away from my face.

"Marissa," he said rasply stroking my cheek.

"Yes, Brian..." I whispered as he came inches away from my face...


I shook the thoughts out of my head and said, "Come on in."

Marissa entered with a broad smile on her face. "Ready?"

I nodded and then she dragged me into the bathroom to prepare for our night out.

Chapter One
Chapter Three
I'll Never Break Your Heart Index
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction
Backstreet Island
