Chapter Eleven


"WHAT!?" I screamed early the next Saturday morning.

"Geez, I just wanted to tell you that Alli and I are leaving for the day." Nick stated apprehenively.

"And I care?" "Well, Brian's in the shower. AJ is sleeping, and Marissa is outside talking with someone.I didn't want everyone to wake up and freak out when we weren't here" "And I looked peaceful so you thought 'hey let me wake up Leah'. AJ is asleep too!!" Nick shook his head, flicked me off , and stalked out of the bus.

I rolled over, a fetal attempt to go back to sleep. I jumped off the bunk, I looked around and noone was in the bus except the sleeping AJ. I pulled off my pants (to change into shorts) and noticed a red spot on my baby blue pants.

"Damnit." I cursed. I tried to get into the bathroom, but Brian had locked the door. He came out moments later in clean clothes, freshly showered.

"Mornin'" He kissed my cheek.

"GRRRR." I pushed past him into the bathroom. After I changed my panties, I searched my duffel bag for clean clothes.

"UGHHH!" I pulled on the jeans I was wearing like a week ago. I reached into the pockets and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, and read it silently. I stormed into the reck room and plopped down on the couch. Brian was in a chair and AJ & Marissa were cuddling on the love seat.

"So whats the big secret?" My thoughts drifted to the paper. AJ and Marissa stopped kissing and Brian and Marissa exchanged worried glances. "So what is it?" I repeated, a little gossip might help my sour mood.

AJ looked puzzled. I looked at Brian, "You're in on it." I said more of a statement then a question, I could see it in his eyes. I wondered why noone told me. I swore I saw Marissa's face flush.

"Well Brian and I, we uh, um...had uh."

Brian ducked his head into his hands.

"We um, kinda, hmph." Marissa tried to get out.

I was more confused then ever.

"We had sex." Brian whispered. AJ took his arm from Marissa's shoulder and looked from Brian to Marissa wide-eyed. I stood up, tears brimming my eyes. I walked calmly out of the bus.

~~~ STILL INSIDE ~~~ "Damn it" Brian stood up and hit the wall.

"How could you do this? When did it happen?" AJ struggled to get the words out. Marissa choked back tears,

"We were all drunk, all of us, and you guys were in the bedroom and Brian came into the bathroom, it was an accident, I'm so sorry AJ, I love you so much," AJ shook his head, he reached out for her hand. He knew he'd been wrong that night. But his mind was more on the baby, still angry with his wife for her behavior as a soon-to-be mother, he said flatly.

"I tried to have sex with Leah."

"I'm gonna kill you motha fucka!" Brian stalked toward AJ.

"But we didn't so chill out Rok!" Brian backed away. "I was trying but we both realized it was just alcohol, and," he said looking into Brian's eyes then glancing to look into Marissa's, "that we loved our boyfriend and girlfriend."

"FUCK! My girlfriend walks out on me and your boyfriend doesnt give a damn, how did she did out?" Brian screamed outraged. On the couch laid a piece of paper.

Brian picked it up. "what's this about?"

Marissa looked at the paper. It was the letter she had written to Nick and Alli. "Oh my God she thought this was about her," AJ remembered the incident when Marissa wrote the letter to Nick and Allie. After explaining it, Brian felt even worse.

Marissa ran out of the bus.

"LEAH!!!" She called frantically. She saw me sitting on a picnic table. My eyes were dry and I was staring out into space.

"I'm sorry..." I was silent. "We didn't mean..." "Shut up." I spat bitterly.

"Leah, you're being harsh..." "I'm being harsh? You slept with my boyfriend. He WAS a virgin! You're going to be a mother soon. Some mom! You're gonna to be nothing but a trashy welfare mom, and AJ should get rid of you because he doesn't need a slut like you." I got up and slumped away.

Marissa started to cry. I walked down the road until I saw a gas station. Luckily I had about a buck fifty in my pocket so I went in and bought a soda.

"Hey there." I smiled politely at the grungy 50-somethin yeard old redneck who had chosen me as his next victim.

"Whats a perdy lady like you doin here?" I sighed and got up, not feeling like dealing with a horny, viagra using creep.

"Why don't you let me turn your frown upside down." He grinned revealing a few rotten teeth.

"C'mon honey," a young man pulled me aside. The hick got the hint and stalked away to his beat-up pick-up.


"I'm Justin," a curly blond haired cutie said.

"Leah," I shook his hand.

"Need a ride somewhere?"

"Anywhere." I got in his Camaro and we drove around. He told me he was staying at a nearby hotel if I needed a place to stay.

The BSB bus wasn't leaving till the next night. I agreed to stay over, I couldnt face Brian or Marissa yet. We sat up talking and I realized that Justin was really nice. But I loved Brian and my heart ached.

Halfway through the night Justin got brave and leaned over and kissed me gently and looked into my eyes. He kissed me again more passionately and I tried to respond ethusiastically. His hands roamed across my chest and down to my stomach. Not breaking the kiss he started to undo his jeans.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
