Chapter Twelve

It was about 2 o' clock when I entered the BSB bus. Justin decided to give me a ride home.

"Welcome back," came a harsh voice, half of him actually sounded hurt. It was Brain. I looked into the darkness and I could see his blue eyes staring at me. I could feel them watch me walk back out the door. He got up and followed me out.

"I love you," he whispered in the darkness. I felt a solitary tear roll down my cheek. "Where were you?" he continued.

"With a guy..." Brian braced himself trying not to get upset.

"With a guy?" He repeated.


"Did you?" Brian looked deep into my eyes.

"I'm not like you Brian," my eyes turned cold. He winced. I relaxed a little, "I almost did, but two wrongs don't make a right." He reached out for my hand. And sang softly, "If it I wasn't sucha fool, right now I'd be holdin you There's nothing that I wouldn't do Baby if I only knew The words to say, the road to take, to find a way back to your heart What can I do, to get to you, and find a way back to your heart." I was almost in tears. "I don't know how it got so crazy, but I'll do anything to set things right, cause your love is so amazing Baby your the best thing in my life Let me prove my love is real And made you feel the way I feel I promise I would give the world, if only you would tell me girl, the words to say, the road to take to find a way back to your heart what can I do to get to you and find a way back to you heart. Give me one more chance to give my love to you Cause noone on this earth love you like I do." I began to cry, I embraced Brian tightly, my head buried into his chest.

"That was beautiful," I choked. (I know Brian didn't write it in reality, but its FICTION!!)

"I wrote while I was thinking of you. I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I promised I'd never break your heart and what'd I do?"

I hugged him tightly. I got an idea.

"Are you truly sorry?" He nodded. I grinned devishly.


"C'mon!" I led him back into the bus, "Shhh..." I instructed as we went back into the entertainment room and closed the door, we kept going till we got back to the second bathroom, "what are you doing?" I started the shower.

"Do you want to strip yourself or do you need my help?"


"I feel dirty, I want you clean again." I smiled and took off my shirt and started on my jeans. Brian reluctantly pulled his shirt off, then eagerly pulled his jeans down.

"Anything for you my love," He pulled off his boxers and got into the shower, "are you coming?" I nodded excidetly and unhooked my bra,

"Woah! Where'd those come from?" I giggled and slipped my panties off and I into the shower.

Brian leaned over to kiss me, "Uh no. Not till you're clean." I took the buff puff and put some soap on it. Once it was bubbly I lathered Brian entire body (yes even his large penis) and then he leaned in for a kiss, this time I responded eagerly.

"I missed your kisses." As the hot water poured over us we knew all was forgiven, but I would never forget.

"What the he--" AJ's eyes about bulged when he walked into the bathroom.

"Rok, nice, well-endowed." AJ giggled.

"Baby," Came Marissa's sleepy voice as she too entered the bathroom,

"What the he--" Marissa covered her eyes. Brian turned off the shower. "Hand me a towel if you're gonna stand there and stare. AJ handed a towel to Brain and he wrapped it around his waist.

"What about me?"

"I'm enjoying the view," AJ remarked.

"AJ!" Marissa nudged him. Just then Nick entered the room, "What's going on?" Then he looked at me and Brian, "What the he--?"

We all laughed.

Marissa walked over and handed me a towel, "I'm sorry Riz, I shouldnt have called you that,"

"Me too, I shouldnt' have, oh my GOD!!"

"What baby?" AJ asked, worry written all over his face.

"My ohmigod, the baby, it's... We have to go."

Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
