Chapter Thirteen


"The baby, isn't due for another like 5 months Riz..." I stated calmly.

"Somethings wrong." She looked worried and tears were forming in her eyes. AJ stormed back into the room with her coat.

"C'mon." AJ and Marissa got into their car and Brian (now fully dressed) and I (after I got dressed) followed behind.

"Do you think it's gonna be okay?" I asked Brian. He looked at me unsuredly.

"I don't know." He turned back to he road and we drove the rest of the way in silence.


"It'll be okay, there just gonna take a few tests," AJ tried to assure his worried girlfriend. Marissa's faced was pale and you could tell she was scared.

Marissa was put under anesthetics for some of the tests and outside in the waiting area the doctor called to AJ to talk in private.

"I'm afraid we have some bad news." The doctor said to AJ. AJ's face looked sorrowed. We watched through the glass as AJ's face struggled not to cry. I stood up and came up to AJ.

"What is it?"

"She lost our baby." He whispered. Without a word I crept into Marissa's room where I heard her sobbing.


"It'll be okay, there just gonna take a few tests," AJ tried to assure his worried girlfriend. Marissa's faced was pale and you could tell she was scared.

Marissa was put under anesthetics for some of the test and outside in the waiting area the doctor called to AJ to talk in private.

"I'm afraid we have some bad news." The doctor said to AJ. AJ's face looked sorrowed. We watched through the glass as struggled not to cry. I stood up and came up to AJ. The doctor explained that since Marissa was only 4 months along and had not been eating as well as she needed to be. As well as the excessive partying, it was too much and the baby could not survive so young and frail.

"What is it?"

"She lost our baby." He whispered. Without a word I crept into Marissa's room where I heard her sobbing,

"I..." She was cut off by sobs. I walked over to where she was lying and put my arms around her in comfort. I heard a soft knock at the door, it was Alli I nodded at her. She walked in and sat on the other side of the bed.

She stroked her hand across Marissa's forehead, "we know how hard this is for you Riz..." Marissa shot up,

"NO! NO YOU DON'T KNOW! YOU HAVE NO IDEA..." She laid back down and sobbed into her pillow. AJ walked into the room to console her as did Brian and Nick. We all sat around and watched her, noone saying a word...

~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~A few weeks later~!~!~!~!~!~!

Marissa finally was coming back to her old self. She was scared that AJ hated her and kept distance between them. Brian and I were doing well, as were Nick and Alli.


"Baby." Brian said kissing my index finger.

"Hmmm?" I rolled over in the bunk to face him. He stared into my eyes and i felt safe and secure. He just stared at me.

"What?!" I asked. He continued staring with a straight face, I starred back and finally he couldn't stand it anymore and his face cracked,

"I love you sweetie," He kissed my lips tenderly. "I love you too." We fell asleep in each others arms.

~Next day

"Can I talk to you?" AJ asked Brian while they were walking through the mall then next day.

"Only if I can talk to you." Brian lamely joked.

"Seriously Rok."

"Shoot Bone."

"I wanna marry Marissa." Brian giggled.

"Serously Bone what'd we need to talk about?"

"I'm not playin' yo, I wanna marry her." AJ ran his fingers through his jet black hair and extracted a ring box from his Tommy jeans pockets.

"AJ, man, that's some serious junk." Brian looked away. AJ sighed before placing the ring back in his pocket. Brian still stared dazed into space.

"What'd you need to talk to me about Rok?" Brian shook his head.

"Leah." He looked shyly away before pulling a ring box from his own pocket.

"No way!" Brian nodded.

"Guess we all got it on the brain." The guys kept walking till the got to a jewelry store where they saw Nick talking to a cashier.

"Wonder what he's up too." Brian wondered slyly. He walked up behind nick and placed his hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Off me Rok."

"Chill Chaos, chill." Brian eased up off his friend.

"What are you doing here anyway Carter," AJ asked. Nick blushed.

"Uh nothing." The store clerk handed a package to Nick.

"Here you go sir, one size 7 engagement ring for a Mr. Nicholas Gene Carter." Nick looked away sheepishly.

"You're a stud bro." Brian spanked Nick. Nick blushed.


"Baby. Please talk to me, you haven't said more than a few words to me since..." He stopped. Marissa turned to face AJ. She looked into his soft brown eyes and could see all they wanted was to take her hurt away. She leaned in and kissed him softly.

"I'm sorry." she whispered. He nuzzeled his face into her neck and kissed it softly sending shivers down her spine.

"I love you," He got on his knees, Marissa could feel the tears brimming under her eyes.

"Will you do me the honour," he held her hand in his,"of becomming Mrs. Alexander McLean." Marissa cried happily as AJ waited hoping for a "yes"

Marissa cried and kissed him passionately, "yes, YES!!" She screamed. The happy couple made love until the early morning to commemerate their new commitment.

Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Brian Fanfiction Index
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Backstreet Island
