Chapter Five

"I'll never..." I hummed dancing through my house the next morning. I flipped on the t.v. and went into the kitchen. I put a waffle in the toaster when I heard a familar voice on t.v.

"I may run and hide when you're screamin my name c'mon."

I ran into the living room and a face whom I'd just been with flashed on the screen.

"Brian?" I watched the rest of the video.

"Backstreet Boys?" I'd heard the name before but... he knew the songs. And his voice was just like it. I couldn't believe it. Why'd he lie to me? I sat there and pondered these thoghts, the sound of the waffles popping up disrupted my thoughts. And then came the phone,


"Hey," It was Brian.


"I was wondering if you and Marissa and another friend wanted to go out with me and some of my friends tonight..."

"Sure, let me call Alli n Marissa."

"Call ya in a few"

"K, bye."

Alli and Marissa agreed, I needed desperately to Marissa about Brian and AJ.

At about 7 a limo pulled up in front of my apartment. "That is crazy!" Alli exclaimed, she had on tight black pants and a silver halter top and her thick blond hair was pulled up in a bun on the top of her head. I decided to wear my short baby blue slip dress and leave my hair down. Marissa looked amazing (as always) in a form fitting maroon dress. "We look great." She exclaimed and so did the guys.

In limo there were 10 of us. Brian introduced us around, "Leah this is Kevin, his girlfriend Nicole, Howie his girlfriend Kelly, Nick, and you know AJ." I smiled at AJ who had his arm around Marissa.

"Everyone that's Marissa." Everyone laughed and looked at the dark haired girl sucking on AJ's neck. "That's gonna leave a mark." the blonde one joked.

"Shut up Frack." AJ muttered.

"And this is Alli." Nick looked praticularly intrested when I introduced her.

He smiled at her and she slyly smiled back. Brian grabed my hand and placed our jointed hands in my lap.

~ After too much drinking and too much partying everyone decided to stay over at Nick's. His parents were away and there was plenty of room. I decided to make my kill when we were all lying around his living room.

"What do your parents do to afford such a lovely house." Nick looked at Brian nervously.

"Well, uh, they're business people." Lies, lies, lies. I looked at Brian and he said,

"Yeah, they, uh, run a business..." He looked at Nick.

"Brain can I talk to you?" He nodded and we went up stairs. Let's do some math before I get into this.

10 people were at Nick's. Howie & Kelly had gone to bed. That would be 8 in the living room. Kevin & Nicole were in the kitchen eating. 6. Nick, me, Brian, & Alli were in the living room. 2 missing...What happened to AJ and Marissa?? I heard moans coming from a room me and Brian passed but thought it must've been Howie and Kelly. Hoping for Marissa's sake that her and AJ were not getting freaky behind closed doors. I shook the thought from my head and Brian and me entered what looked like Nick's parents room.

"What's on your mind?" He asked stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Why'd you lie to me?" He took his hand back and started to speak but I cut in.

"Who are you? You're not a producer, Nick's parents didn't buy this house, he did."

"I'm a musician."

"You're a Backstreet Boy."

"That's why I didn't tell you." He got up and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not just a Backstreet Boy, I'm a guy a guy who had feelings for an amazing woman he wanted her to see him, the real him..." He sat back down. I tilted his face toward mine.

"I'm sorry." He hugged me tightly. I pulled away and winced. My ribs were still sore.



"Baby, what's wrong" I pulled away. It was too painful, too soon. I held back the tears.

"Stay out of it Brian..." I got up and slammed the bedroom door leaving him baffled.

Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
