Chapter Four

"What are you doing here Christian?" I said afraid to come any closer to the bed then my doorway.

"Waiting for my whore (note: he emphasized the word WHORE) of a girlfriend to get home." He shouted angrily at me.

"Excuse me? If you feel that way you should leave." I shouted back.


"PLEASE LEAVE!" I yelled firmly. And that's when it happened *smack* right across the face I fell back stunned and felt the stinging cheek with my hand.

"Asshole," I muttered lunging at him hitting him in his jaw. Fighting back was probably not one of the wisest choices I could've made.

"How dare you, you little slut." The words were hurting more than the slap.

"You're drunk Cris, go home."

"Go home Cris, you're drunk Cris, FUCK YOU." He said hitting my in my stomach. I fell over onto the dresser, I felt it jab me in my back but the pain my my ribs was far to intense to notice.

"You little 2 dollar whore, I'll show you." I winced as he ripped off my top and like a hungry beast feasted on my breasts. I squirmed only to find that it was not wise. He took off his belt and hit me with it, 1, 2, 3, I lost count after 3 times. Then he took off his pants and discarded the rest of my clothes and brutally raped me.

"That'll teach you," He muttered putting his pants back on, he spit in my face and left me in my apartment scared and aching.

~ I somehow managed to drag myself into the shower, I still felt dirty, no amount of showering would ever make the feeling go away. I had to see a doctor, but I couldn't see a doctor. My ribs were sore and my back had a large gouge which I bandaged. My face showed no signs of the abuse I had undergone except the dark circles lurking beneath my eyes.

~Few Days Later~

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out today, just me and you," Brian asked sweetly at my front door.

"Brian, It's..." I glanced at the clock, "6:30!!" He grinned.

"Is that a yes?" I nodded, it was the first I'd seen of Brian since the night at the club. I was almost worried he was never going to call.

"Good, go get ready and I have the best day planned." He said excitedly. I smiled and ran into my room. He was watching television when I came out. I had changed from a scruby, sleepy gal to a bright, clean chica. I put on my Guess jeans and a Guess tank-top along with my favourite ADIDAS. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail.

"I'm ready" I announced. Brian smiled approvingly and led me out of my apartment.

"1st stop?" I asked when we pulled up at a cute diner a little ways out of town.

"Yup." He turned of the car and we went inside. I knew it was only the beginning of a truly wonderful day.

Afterwards we drove around looking at the sights, when Brian said, "I have 3 questions for you."


"1) What do you like to do? 2) What would you like to do that you've never done? and 3) What's one crazy thing you would never do?"

I thought for a few seconds before answering these questions.

"I like going out, ya know partying, um, I'd like to ride a ferris wheel but I've never done it cause I'm too scared, and uh...I'd never jump from a plane!" I giggled. Brian stopped the car.

"What are you doing?" He just grinned and turned it around. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see!" He said when we were almost 'there' Brian asked me to close my eyes, I did wondering what was going on.

"Keep em closed." I did. Then he got out and open my door keeping his hand over my eyes. I heard him talking to someone and the sound of 2 men laughing. I peaked.

"Oh no! No Brian!" I looked around and there a bunch of small planes, parachutes and equipment. "I will not do this"

Brian only smiled and grabbed my hand. I smiled meekly as he led me to meet the pilot. I sat and listened to the pilot tell us how do do everything and what to do.

"I don't know why you're making me sit here, I'm not going on that plane." He just smiled that killer smile and I shut up. Next thing I knew a guy was straping a parachute on me and I was in a plane soaring above everything. I squeezed Brian's hand not sure if this was reality. But when it came time to jump I got worried. I shook my head rapidly at Brian, but he just kept on smiling.

"I'm scared of heights," he mouthed and then he jumped. I didn't know how to react, until the pilot nodded, I held my breath and jumped. It was amazing I soared through clouds over tree tops and I spotted Brian's colourful parachute landing about 200 ft from me. I pulled my cord and landed next to him.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" I grinned, Brian sure had a way of making me forget my troubles.

~ "Next!" He shouted after we got out of our gear and had eaten lunch.

"More?" My eyes grew large. He nodded, "Where?"

"Surprise." He smiled. God why did he have to keep smiling!?

We pulled up at a smale town carnival,

"Brian!" He parked and together we ran to the place we both knew the other had in mind. Ferris Wheel.

The line was short and the sun was beginning to set. We got in a box and he held me tightly knowing I was scared. My biggest fear about these things was that people get stuck at the top and I was not looking forward to it. And we did. But it was great. The sun had set and there was just a glow of daylight turning to night. Brian looked at me and into my eyes as if he were searching me, looking into my soul. He leaned forward and brushed my lips lightly with his. He then smiled and squeezed my hand.

He wanted to take me clubbin' but I had more than enough fun for one day, so we drove home and planned to watch a movie. We got up to my apartment and he sat done. He noticed a box of things in the corner and began to rummage through them.

"What's all this?"

"Oh, that...My ex's stuff. I planned to get rid of it, but..."

"Oh when did this happen?"

"Just a few days ago, it ended."

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess this was a bad time for me huh?" "No..." He asked me about Christian and I told me excluding the rape and abuse.

Trying to cheer me up he jumped up and grabbed my hand. "What?"

"I wanna dance."

"There's no music, Brian."

He held me close and breathed words softly into my ears, "Honey he's nothin like me, I'll never Break your heart, I'll never make you cry, I'd rather die, then live without you I'll give you all of me that's no lie, As time goes by you will get to know me, a little more better girl thats the way love goes baby baby and i know you're afraid to let your feelings show and I understand but girl its time to let go..." He ended softly.

I looked into his eyes "Who are you Brian?"

"One day I'll tell you." With that he kissed my forehead and left.

Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
