Chapter Eleven


 It was now a week before the wedding, Micki hasnt gotten any more calls from Maggie since that one night, so she wasnt worried anymore. But you never know because that whole family is pyscho.      

 Micki, LaDawn, Megan, Alexis, Adrienne, and Arica were exploring the mall. It was a Saturday afternoon. Micki was so excited about marrying AJ. She knew he was the right one, because when she was about to marry Matt, she had many doubts, mainly because she knew she loved AJ.         

Micki sighed as she picked up a pink tube top. She smiled as she thought AJ would probably like this shirt. She held it in her arms as she searched for a skirt to wear with it.         

"That's cute," LaDawn said coming up, holding her daughter in her arms. LaDawn was a "housewife". She wasnt married to Brian, but he supported her. She wanted to stay home with her baby.        

 "Thanks, you should get one, they have some over there," Micki told her.         

LaDawn was one of the few lucky new mothers who got her figure back after the baby. LaDawn nodded and walked over to where the rack was. She picked up a blue one and held it up and nodded at it.       

The girls bought what they were going to buy in that store and left, all heading to the food court. After getting their meal, they all sat down together and began to eat.        

 Arica looked around and was quite content just looking at everything. Micki finished her spegatti and got up to throw away her trash. She walked over to the garbage can and threw it away. When she looked up, she was face to face with Matt, and his mother.         

Micki gasped and backed up, not believing what she was seeing. He couldnt be out of jail, could he? Micki's heart began to pound as the two smiled and began to near her.       

Micki backed up into the table where all her friends were sitting.  

"Micki, what's your problem?" Megan asked.  

"Oh my God!" Micki exclaimed grabbing her bags and purse.         

Slowly, Matt and Maggie were walking to the table.  

"Get up," Micki shouted, tears streaming down her face.   All the girls jumped up and looked at what she was looking at. All gasped at the same time. All the girls grabbed their bags, LaDawn, having a little trouble carrying her baby and her bags. Micki took all her bags and they rushed out of the mall.         

Megan and Adrienne went in Megan's car. The rest of the girls went in Micki's Honda Civic. Micki drove home, shaking the whole time.         

"Are you ok?" LaDawn asked.         

Micki shook her head as she pulled into LaDawn's driveway.  

"Sweetie, call me if you want to talk," LaDawn told her. Micki nodded and LaDawn got out of the car, taking her daughter and bags with her. Micki waited until she got inside to leave.         

Alexis was now in the front seat, next to Micki. Micki dropped Alexis off, she was too scared to say a word, even to her friends.         

Micki arrived home, taking her bags inside.  

"AJ!" Micki called. No answer.         

"AJ!" she called again. No answer.         

Micki started to get scared as she searched the whole house, with no sign of AJ.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
I Said I Loved You But I Lied Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
