Chapter Two


Micki returned to the waiting area to tell everyone about the baby.   As soon as they saw Micki walk in they all crowded around her, eager to hear what the baby looked like and what the baby's name was. Micki looked around for LaDawn's mother, but didn't see her anywhere.         

"Hey, well it's Arica Marie," Micki began.  

There was a chorus of ohhhs and awwws. Micki smiled and described to everyone how beautiful the baby was. After everyone knew everything would be ok with the baby, they decided to go out to eat.         

"Come on baby," AJ urged Micki to go.         

"I want to stay here with LaDawn," Micki told him.  

"You need something to eat," AJ persisted.  

Micki smiled and kissed AJ. "I'll be fine," Micki assured him.  

"I'll stay here with you," AJ told her.         

"You dont have to, you can go get something to eat," Micki told him.  

"I know I dont have to, but I want to," AJ told her.  

"Ok," Micki agreed.         

Micki and AJ snuck back into the room, LaDawn was feeding the baby.   AJ smiled as LaDawn noticed the two walk in.  

"Hey AJ," she said.         

"Hey sweetheart," AJ said kissing her cheek. Micki smiled down at LaDawn as she fed her baby.           

"They're fixing to move me into my room," LaDawn informed us.    

"Good, then you can get some sleep," Micki said.    

"You guys go get something to eat, come visit me later when Im rested," LaDawn told them.      

"Are you sure?" Micki asked.           

LaDawn nodded and Micki and AJ waved to them. Brian was walking back into the room as they were walking out.           

"Beautiful girl you got in there," AJ told him smiling.    

"Both of them," Brian replied.          

 AJ and Micki smiled and left the room. They walked to the elevator, hand in hand.           

"I love you," AJ said kissing Micki's hand.    

"I love you too," Micki replied smiling.    

"I can't wait to make you wife," AJ told her as the elevator doors opened and they walked in.      

"I can't wait either," Micki responded.          

 "You know I cant even describe to you how happy you made me that night you accepted my proposal,"AJ said.          

 "Yeah? Well I cant tell you how happy you made me when you proposed," Micki said.           

AJ kissed Micki, deeply, not wanting to let go of her. He couldn't believe he could ever love someone so much, but he wasnt questioning it.           

"Let's go home," AJ said kissing her neck.    

Micki giggled and nodded. They walked to Micki's Honda Civic and Micki drove home. As soon as they walked into the door, they rushed to the bedroom...

*The Next Day*           

"Please," Micki begged AJ over the phone. Micki was at work, finishing up her articles for the magazine. She was almost done and would be able to take the next four days off if she did finish them.          

 She was begging AJ to tell her his "secret". She was failing in this attempt, but the sooner she finished her article, the sooner she could go home and find out what AJ had in store for her.           

"No, baby, wait til you get home," AJ said laughing.    

"Please tell me," Micki whined.           

"Nope," AJ stood his ground.      Micki sighed, giving up.        

 "Well, I'll see you when you get home my love," AJ told her.  

"Ok, I love you AJ," Micki told him.         

"Baby, I love you too," AJ told her.         

They hung up with each other and Micki began to work hard on her article about a teen who got pregnant. She finished the article, exactly at 5:00 and turned it into her boss.          

 "Thank you," she smiled and Micki walked off, eager to get home.     She got into her car and noticed there was a piece of paper stuck on the outside, under her windshield wipers. She stuck her hand out the window and grabbed it. She looked down at it. It couldnt be a ticket, and it wasnt.         

"You'll pay for sending my son to jail bitch."   Micki gasped and crumbled up the paper and looked around. She didnt see anyone in the parking lot. She turned on her car and began to drive home. She would never escape Matt.

Chapter One
Chapter Three
I Said I Loved You But I Lied Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
