Chapter Six

"Ok! Let's play a little game of truth or dare," Kirsten FINALLY said. It was Saturday night.

"Truth or dare?" AJ asked confused. I smiled and looked at Kirsten. It was only Brian, Kirsten, me, Nick, AJ, and Amber. The others had found an excuse to leave, knowing exactly what we were all up to.

"Dont you think that's a bit elementary?" Amber asked.

"Oh, this isnt any normal truth or dare. This is one in which you HAVE to do what is said. If not, you'll just have to do something worse, so..." Kirsten grinned.

"I dont know..." AJ trailed off.

"Come on AJ. When have you not been up for a little adventure?" I asked grinning. 'Ever since you've been seeing that tramp' I answered my own question.

"Ok, Im in," he smiled.

"Amber?" Kirsten asked.

"Oh, I guess," she rolled her eyes.

"Good, who wants to go first?" Kirsten asked.

"I will baby," Brian said smiling.

"Ok," she nodded.

"Nick!" Nick's head jerked up and looked at Brian.

"Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth," he said shifting uncomfortably on the couch.

"How many different 'partners' have you had?" he asked grinning. Nick blushed but answered, "Three."

"You're turn Nicky!" I smiled up at him. He swallowed whatever comment he had about the nickname and looked at Kirsten.

"You Kirsten," he smiled.

"Dare," she giggled.

"Pick one person in this room to give a little 'show' for," he smiled.

"OK," she said getting up. Brian reached for the remote to turn on the stereo. Toni Braxton's 'He Wasnt Man Enough For Me' began to play.

Kirsten smiled and got up. She looked around the room and decided Brian would be the best to give a little show. She slowly and seductively began to dance in front of him. His eyes got wide and he leaned back in admiration.

She turned around and moved her body slowly, knowing Brian was getting very turned on.

AJ and Nick began to clap and whistle. Kirsten sighed and stopped dancing and sat back down next to Brian who looked a little disappointed that she had stopped.

"Micki Ds, truth or dare," she said grinning.

My head shot up and I looked at her. Ok, I wasnt ready.

I took a deep breath, "Dare."

"Oh... ok. In the male species who do you know the BEST in this room?" she asked.

"Um, sorry Nick. AJ," I answered.

"I dare you to find his weak spot," she smiled.

"Huh?" we all asked. She smiled, "You guys it's just a game. Find out where he likes to be touched that turns him on," Kirsten grinned. Oh G-D.

I slowly got up. Amber was glaring at me and Kirsten as I made my way over to the love seat, where him and Amber were seated. I licked my lips without realizing it.

"We need to see him hard!" Kirsten yelled.

I blushed, "You dont mind this do you?" I whispered.

"Nah, it's just a game," he whispered back. I completely ignored the fact that Amber was sitting next to him. Slowly I brought my lips to his neck and began to playfully suck on the sensitive skin.

"Let's see some skin!" Kirsten shouted. I smiled and moved my hand down his chest to the hem of his shirt and tugged it. I pulled it up and it was soon thrown across the room. I began to suck my way down his chest, glancing up at him, noticing the look of pure ecstacy on his face. I kissed to his 69 tattoo. This is when he moaned and we all looked down at his manhood and saw it was hard.

"Ok, Micks you're turn!" Kirsten giggled. It took all my strength to pull away from kissing AJ's body.

"Brian," I said looking at him.

"Truth," he smiled.

"Ok, where's the weirdest place you and Kirsten have done it?" I asked grinning.

"In a changing room at the mall (LOL Leah-Hector!)," he answered.

"Mmmm, interesting," I smiled.

"Brian, you're turn," Kirsten grinned.

"Amber," Brian said smiling.

"Huh? Oh, uh, truth," she answered.

"What's the first thing you notice in a guy?" Brian asked.

'Money', I thought to myself.

"Good looks," she grinned and looked at AJ. He smiled weakly and turned away.

"Ok, you're turn," Kirsten grumbled.

"Nick, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Uh, dare," he whispered.

"I dare you to go down on Micki," she smiled evily. WHAT?!

"In front of everyone?" he asked.

"In front of everyone," she nodded. I looked at Kirsten who's eyes were wide in shock.

"Um, ok..." he laughed nervously.

I looked at Nick and sighed.

Nick moved his lips close to mine and for the first time, we kissed. He moved his kissed down to my neck.

"And we want to see some skin," Amber hissed.

Nick looked into my eyes apologlically. I smiled weakly and he kissed the other side of my neck. He moved his hands up my side and to the back of my neck, where the straps of my halter were tied together. He untied the straps and pulled my halter over my head, leaving me bare-chested in front of him. He kissed his way down to my breast, taking one nipple into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. I moaned in pleasure, not caring that it was Nick doing this to me. I closed my eyes as I felt his kisses going lower. He unzipped my jeans and I lifted my hips up so he could pull the jeans and my panties off with them. I moaned as Nick kissed my thigh and worked his kisses towards my clit, where he gently blew. I shuddered in pleasure and intertwined my fingers in his soft blonde hair. I felt him flick his tongue against my clit, driving me crazy. Slowly he entered me with his tongue, lapping up the juices that were now flowing out of my body. He then stuck two of his long slender fingers in me. I moaned and tightened my grip in his hair. With his other hand he rubbed my clit. He continued to lick me, pump his fingers in me, and rub me. I felt my walls twitched around his tongue and fingers and I cried out in pleasure. Nick lapped up the rest of my juices and moved up to kiss me. He kissed me softly and moved to whisper in my ear.

"As much as I hate you, you tasted really good," he said and sat back down on the couch.

I looked around and quickly grabbed a pillow and covered myself.

"You're turn Nick," Kirsten said. I noticed her blushing a little bit. I looked over at AJ and saw him staring at me. Amber was grinning. Bitch.

"Um, Kirsten?" Nick asked nervously.

"Dare," she smiled.

"Um, ok. I dare you to play with yourself," he grinned. Kirsten's eyes got wide and she looked around uncomfortably.

She wasnt liking her own game.

"Um... consequence?" she asked.

"You have to run around the block, completely naked," he smiled.

"Um, ok..." she said standing up.

"Someone has to go to make sure she does it," Nick said.

"You made the dare buddy. You go," AJ said smiling.

Kirsten was completely naked when she walked out of the door, Nick following her.

Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
If You Were Mine Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
