Chapter Eight

"Melissa, baby, wake up," I heard AJ telling me.

"Bitch, get the fuck away from my sister," I heard Anthony yell.

"Stop," I said, the pain in my head was killing me.

"Melissa, come on, get up," I heard Anthony say.

"What are you thinking?" I asked looking at Anthony.

"What?" he asked, looking confused.

"Why are you doing this? You dont really care about me. You're just looking for a reason to fight," I yelled at him.

"Im not letting that pussy bitch over there take my sister away, Melissa, it's not happening," Anthony explained.

"But, Ant, he makes me happy. Ive never been happy before," I said, hoping he would understand what I was going through, but as I figured, he wasnt understanding.

"He's one of Ricky's boys Melissa, you cant possibly think he cares about you," he told me.

"Would he go through all of this for me if he didnt care about me?" I asked.

"I dont Melissa, but no one could ever love you as much as your family does. Are you willing to give up on your family?" he asked.

"I shouldnt have to give up on my family, Ant," I explained.

"You should go lie down," AJ advised getting up.

I got up and felt everything start to spin. I caught my balance and let my body adjust to standing.

"Are you ok?" AJ asked taking my arm.

"Dont fucking touch her," Anthony said, pulling me away from AJ.

"Get off me," I said, jerking my arm away from him.

Anthony looked at me hurt and I started to feel bad.

"It's him or us Melissa. Take your pick," Anthony said.

"Im staying Anthony," I answered and walked inside with AJ.

When I turned around, Ant wasnt anywhere in sight. I have no clue where he went or how he went so fast, but I was glad he was gone.

"Are you ok AJ?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on, let's get you cleaned up," he said, leading me to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and I looked awful. I had a huge cut across my cheek and I could feel a bump forming on the back of my head. A bruise had developed around the cut and it looked a lot worse than it was.

AJ's? I cant even begin. He looked awful. His lip was busted and his face had cuts all over it.

"Im so sorry AJ," I said touching a cut gently. I was sitting on the counter, facing AJ. He was resting between my legs.

"It's not your fault baby, Im sorry he hit you," he said looking at my cut.

"It wasnt intentional," I shrugged.

"But, you didnt deserve that. It must hurt," he said brushing his fingers across it.

"Yeah, I'd hate to really be in a fight with him," I shrugged.

"Yeah," he laughed.

"I dont ever want to lose you AJ," I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, you're not going to. I promise. This right here," he said, bringing my hand up to his heart, "Is all yours."

I leaned down and brought my lips to his. All the pain in my face was ignored and I was concentrating on AJ.

He moved the kisses down my neck. His hands were gently rubbing the side of my body and came to rest at the hem of my shirt. He looked up at me, questioning whether he should go further or not.

"Love me AJ," I whispered.

He wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted me off the counter and carried me to the bedroom, his lips not leaving mine the whole time.

When we got to the bedroom, he gently set me down. He pulled my shirt over my head and kissed my shoulders and my chest. I moved my hands over his firm chest. Slowly, I lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his muscular body. He moved his hands down to my jeans and unzipped them, I followed his lead, letting his jeans drop to the ground.

He brought his lips to mine again and moved me over to the bed and gently laid me down. He crawled on top of me, resting his body between my legs. I could feel his hard member against my leg.

He unclasped my bra and threw it across the room and took off my panties. I slid my hands down his body to his boxers, where I took them off, throwing them across the room, probably landing near my bra.

AJ kissed my body, paying equal attention to each of my breast. He moved his way down to my womanhood and kissed my clit softly. I moaned and pushed myself closer to his mouth. AJ gently, but firmly played with my clit. He used his tongue to enter me, causing a million and one sensations to run throughout my body.

Just as I was about to find my release AJ moved his way back up my body and kissed my lips, allowing me to taste myself on his tongue.

"I wanna be in you," AJ whispered. I looked into his eyes and smiled. With one quick motion, AJ entered me, causing me to moan in pleasure. I loved the feeling of him inside me. Slowly, he pumped himself into me.

"You like that?" AJ asked.

"Oh yeah," I struggled to get out. AJ picked up the pace and I felt myself come closer to my release.

"Oh G-D AJ," I screamed as I came.

Soon after AJ sent his warm juices flooding into me. I sighed as I looked up at AJ. He released himself from inside me and layed next to me.

"Ive never done that before," he whispered to me.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah," he nodded.

I smiled as I fell asleep in his arms.


"What the hell possessed you to tell Ant where I was?" I yelled at Alana. I was on the phone with her for the first time since Ant's visit.

"Melissa, we're all worried about you. You need to be at home," she explained.

"I thought I could trust you Alana," I said, still angry.

"You can, Im just worried about you," she answered.

"Well, I dont want anything to do with anyone from there. You were my best friend Alana," I said.

"Please dont say that," she begged.

"Alana, goodbye," I said and hung up.

"Is everything ok?" AJ asked coming into the room.

"Yeah, everything is fine," I lied.

"Well, come on, Rock's waiting. We're going to eat," he told me.

"Ok," I nodded following AJ to the kitchen. Rock and his dad were sitting at the table. AJ and I sat down and looked around nervously. This is the first time I met his father.

"AJ, why dont you send your mother a bus ticket to come down here. You guys can stay with me until she gets on her feet down here. It's not hard to find a good job down here, ok?" he asked.

"Are you sure, you dont mind?" AJ asked.

"No, not at all. She doesnt need to be there alone," he answered.

"Thank you sir," AJ replied.

"No problem," he smiled.

AJ seemed to be in a much better mood, now that he knew he would see his mother real soon.


Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Just Another Love Story Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
