
Name: Leah

Birthday: August 28

Favorite BSB: Brian

Favorite Food: Mac N' Cheese or Nachos Bell Grande

Favorite Car: BMW Z3 or Mustang

Favorite Clothing Brand: Guess

Favorite Color: Baby Blue

Boyfriend: nope

Favorite BSB Song: Roll With It or As Long As You Love Me

Siblings: 2 sisters and a brother and one on the way

Favorite Show: Probably Say What Karoke or Fashion Emergency

Expression used a lot: 'Congragulations, do you wanna a cooki?' -which drives me (Micki) insane, LOL and the famous and my fav: 'Horseshit!' oh yeah and 'LIAR'!

Favorite Solo Singer: Enrique?? Eminem!

Favorite Music Store: Sam Goody (CASEY!!)

Most Memorable Experience w/Leah: LOL, there are so many. Hey, Leah, remember that one time when we went to the mall and you forgot your purse and that guy who didnt speak English made you 'clear' out your purse. LOL, um... The night we got caught was great. I had so much fun that night, if we wouldnt have gotten caught being 'irresponsible' can you imagine what wouldve happened? <> and so many more...

Favorite non-BSB CD: Id say Enrique or Eminem, or maybe Matchbox 20

common stuff now:

Height: 5'1", I think

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Shoe Size: 6

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Backstreet Island

Email: skittles2020@webtv.net