
Name: Micki

Birthday: February 24

Favorite BSB: AJ

Favorite Food: Chalupas

Favorite Car: BMW Z8 or Celica

Favorite Clothing Brand: Tommy Hilfiger

Favorite Color: Yello

Boyfriend: Boys suck

Favorite BSB Song: All I Have To Give

Siblings: 1 sister and a brother(kinda)

Favorite Show: Dawson's Creek

Expression used most often: Oh my goodness! and 'Im gonna kill dat mothafucka!' LOL Leah

Favorite Solo Singer: Marc Anthony<>

Favorite Music Store: Sam Goody (damn Casey is HOT!)

Most Memorable Experience w/ Leah: um...we have so many... well, I wouldnt have wanted to get caught with none other than my bffe and um...remember the first day of 9th grade Leah? It was destined for us to go through the hell years, aka high school years, together. Even if we hated each other in previous years!

Common Stuff:

Height: 5'4"

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Shoe Size: 7

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Email: backstreetisland_2002@hotmail.com