Chapter Eleven


"Hello?" I answered not knowing who was on the line. I was extremely astonished to hear AJ's voice.


"Hi." I replied kind of anxious to see what he wanted. Recalling our first date, I cringed and hoped he erased the horrible evening from his mind.

"How are you?" I smiled acknowledging his attempt to start the conversation.

"I'm good. How about you?"

"Good... um... so I was wondering."


"Were you serious about wanting to go back out again?"

I held in my desire to cheer, "Yeah, of course, why?"

"Well, Howie, my friend, is throwing this BBQ thing and I was wondering--"

"Sure." I said a little too eagerly.


"In fact," I said recalling a conversation MacKenzie and I had a few minutes before, "I think MacKenzie mentioned Kevin inviting her to that as well."

"Yeah, Howie is planning on inviting his new love interest."

I suddenly remember Tiffany's epifany about all of us (excluding Britney) dating Backstreet Boys, "Um... what's the name of the girl that Howie is interested in?" I asked trying to sound curious.

"Alli I believe." He answered.

'Could it be?' I asked myself. 'There's no way it could be a coincidence.'

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked him suddenly changing the subject.

"Nothin, why?"

"Wanna come over and chill?"

"Sure. That sounds like fun."

"See ya in a bit." I hung up excited to see AJ again.


"I can't believe this, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have wrecked your fun... you were probably expecting your date to be some suave, handsome guy, and look. You got stuck with me!"

"I wouldn't say 'got stuck with'." She smiled at me, I think I even detected a blush.

"Well, at least Brian and Tiffany will have some time alone..." She pointed out.

"Not that he'd know what to do with it." I commented. She looked at me questioningly. "He's shy." I explained.

"Ahhh... well, since you didn't wanna even be on this date... why'd you come?"

"You didn't wanna come either." I reminded her.

She shrugged, "well... I guess. I was just trying to help Tiffany out." I knew that was a lie. "What about you?"

"Helpin' Brian out." I lied. At least we had something in common. The truth was, I was sick of being alone and hearing everybody's elses stories.

"So, why'd you really come?" I looked her in the eye.

She sighed and began tapping her fingers on the couch. "My boyfriend--"


"Wait--" she said noticing I was puzzled. "He's being such a jerk... I just don't understand him."

"Ahh... What did he do?" I felt kind of weird asking her such personal questions but she didn't seem hesitant in answering me.

"Well, I'm a virgin..." I rose my eyebrows. "Right... and he doesn't respect my choice to remain abstinent until marriage."

I didn't say anything. God knows I'm everything but abstinent. Maybe we didn't have so much in common.


Oh... a bump in the road... are there any guys who don't give a shit about sex?!

"Well... um..." I stuttered starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah... I think it's cool." I squinted at him to figure out whether or not he was serious.

"So, what was your real reason?" I asked.

"I already told you."

"Yeah... but you lied."

"Well, what do you mean I lied?" He said shocked at my accusation.

"I just know."

"Well, my friend from awhile came to see me."


"Girl friend."


"K...well she's kinda into my friend Howie..."

"Right... and that bothers you?"

"Not because I like her. I guess because she doesn't like me."

I nodded.

"Does that make sense?"

"Perfect sense." Nick smiled at me. It felt kind of nice to just sit and talk and not have to worry about all the sex stuff I had to worry about when Josh is around.

"I think I hear your phone ringing." I got up and rummaged through my purse till I found my cell phone.


I wasn't surprised to hear Josh's angry voice.

"What?" I asked aggrivated.

Nick walked over to me, "everything ok?" he whispered, I put put my finger to my lips silently praying Josh hadn't heard.

"Who's that?"

"Tiffany's boyfriend." I lied.

Nick frowned and sulked into the other room. I looked at him pleadingly hoping he'd understand.

"Can I come over?" He asked.

"Josh... listen... I thought we were going to talk tomorrow..." *click*

"Hello? Hello?"

"Who was it?" Nick reappeared.

"I think you should go..." I whispered.

"Hey...remember I came with Brian... Brian has the car..."

I knew what Josh had in mind and if he showed up and Nick was there...

"You need to leave." I said persistently.

"I don't understand."


I handed him my car keys and walked him to the door. "Get my number from Tiff and I'll come pick up my car tomorrow."

He frowned and shuffled out of the doorway. But, we were too late, I watched in horror as Josh stalked toward us angerily.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Who Do Ya Love? Index
Group Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
