Chapter Thirteen


"Who the fuck are you?" and angry guy asked stalking toward me.

"This is..." Britney stammered.

"I'm Nick." I said extending my hand to the stranger.

"And I give a fuck?"

'Woah her boyfriend is a sweetie.'

"Josh..." Britney pulled him to the side and began whispering to him.

"Liar, you're lying." I heard him spat before he slapped her.

I jumped at him, knocking him to the ground.

"Nick!Nick!" Britney screamed trying to pull me off of Josh.

I ignored her pleas and began smashing my fists into the face of Josh who disgusted me beyond belief.

Josh managed a good hit forcing me to get off him leaving me subject to his next blow right into my stomach. I gasped for air as his fist came flying into my jaw.

"JOSH!" Britney screamed. I watched as his face lost it's color and sweat dripped from his throbbing temples.

"Baby, baby, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." She held him and craddeled him like a child.

"This is ridiculous." I exclaimed panting and holding back my anger. I was in excruitating pain and it did not help matters much to see her baby the disgusting excuse for a man.

"I think you should leave." Britney said sternly as if I had wronged her in some way.

"I'll get my car tomorrow." She informed me, her face cold as ice.

I wiped blood from my nose and glared at her. My face softened as I watched her turn back on her way back in, a fearful, saddened look plastered to her face.


"Maybe he should be the one to leave." Nick suggested walking up to the doorway.

I looked at him pleadingly hoping he'd leave before he got hurt. I didn't even know him and it wasn't my place to get him involved.

"Maybe she wants me here." Josh slurred inching closer to Nick.

"Maybe not." Nick's face grew intense.

"Listen Josh..." I said bracing myself for an eruption.

"Fuck you, Britney. And fuck you too you little fuckin homo." Josh spat bitterly walking to his car, but not before sending a final jab into Nick's stomach. Nick fell to the ground in agony as Josh sped away.

"Come on sweetie, let's get you cleaned up."

Once inside, I cleaned up Nick's cuts and iced his bruises.

"You didn't have to do that for me ya know..." I informed him.

"You didn't deserve to be treated that way."

I smiled at his consideration.

"I don't understand how you could be with someone like that..."

I sighed, "me either, I guess... I dunno, he has his good qualities sometimes."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Thank you, Nick." I said trying to relieve some tension.

"You're welcome," he said pulling me into a comforting hug. When we pulled apart my gaze was lost in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Britney, I know I haven't known you that long, but--"

I cut him off and pressed my lips to his.

"Woah...." Tiffany said barging through the door. Nick and I pulled apart slightly embarassed.

"Good one, Nicky." Brian patted Nick on the back causing his cheeks to turn a dark crimson.

"Did you invite this lil' lady to Howie's BBQ?" Brian asked.

I looked at Nick curiously. He shook his head.

"Would you want to go?"

I nodded.

Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
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