Chapter Two


"What?" I yelled as I heard someone repeatedly knock at my front door. I flung it open to see Howie standing before me.

"What's up man?" He asked.

"What's the deal with pounding on my door? Man?" I asked. He chuckled and walked in. I closed the door and followed him.

"I thought you were staying over at Nick's till they finished painting your apartment."

"I am." He said.

"Then why are you here?" When he glared at me I rephrased my question, "I love having you visit, but why are you here?"

He laughed then said, "Nick's got company."

"Ahhh..." I was familiar with Nick's type of "company." "Why didn't he just take her to a hotel, he's being rude to you."

Howie laughed again. "Nah. She's an old friend." His eyes sort of flickered when he said this.

"Ah... You met her?" He nodded, "And?"

"She is so hot."

"Is that a fact?"

Howie nodded. "You want to see hot?" I asked him.

He looked unsure. I led him into my well furnished computer room.I turned on my computer and logged on AOL as Kev26tpa. Howie looked at me curiously.

I opened my folder of downloaded images. The one named, Mac69.

A moment later a picture of a gorgeous brunette appeared on my screen.

"Woah." He breathed.

"I know." I looked at her. She was a girl I'd met online, Mac5087. She was about 5'5" with long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. In the picture she was wearing a tiny bathing suit that showed off her cleavage and tanned legs.

"What porn site didya get her off of?" Howie aked only half-joking.

"Look at me laughing." He got serious, "Then who is she?"

"Her name is MacKenzie August."

"Where's Miss June and July?" He joked. I glared at him and he shut up.


"Hey Kirsten can I call you back?"


"I just wanna get on and check my mail real quick, 10 minutes."

"You always say that." Kirsten whined.

"10, I promise."

"Don't promise. You will be on talking to the rapist." Kirsten refers to my on-line friend, Kevin as the rapist. She does this because she says it's easy for people on the internet to lie and since he's older than me... I dunno. She's stupid.

"Bye Kirsten."


I hung up the phone laughing at my best friend's retardedness. I logged on.

I saw that Kevin was on my buddy list so I imed him.

Mac5087: Hey, what's going on?

Kev26tpa: Nothing, how about you, cutie?

I felt my self blush.

Mac5087: Nothing. I'm kinda bored.

Kev26tpa: Wish I was there to help you out.

I looked at the screen before deciding to type,

Mac5087: Maybe we should meet up.

Kev26tpa: Really?

Mac5087: Yeah. Bring a friend and I will too and we'll go somewhere really public and everything.

Kev26tpa: Sure. My friend Howie is here, but he probably won't go, but my friend AJ loves clubbin', wanna do that?

Mac5087: Sure, my best friend Kirsten loves to club.

Kev26tpa: Do you trust me to come get you, or do you and your friend want to meet us there?

Mac5087: Meet us there. The Empire, out in front at 8.

Kev26tpa: You got it. I can't wait to see you.

Mac5087: Same here.

I smiled and signed off. Time to call Kirsten.




"Wow. Record timing. 8 minutes and 15,16,17 seconds." She laughed.

"You didn't really time it, right?" She asked seriously.


"Okay. Just checking."

"So. What do you want?"

"I ask you to go clubbin' with me and some friends tonight."

"Friends being?"

"Kevinandhisfriend." She said rushed.

The rapist. "No."



"Kirsten..." She whinned, I hated hearing her whine.

"Who's his friend?"

"A sexy bad boy."

"Have you ever seen him?"

"Not exactly."

"Fine. Drive here and we'll go in my car."

She screamed and hung up.

I wasn't sure what kind of idea I wanted to give my blind date. So I went for a subtly sexy outfit. A short leather pair of shorts and a tight halter top to match.

I brushed out my long hair and was walking to get my shoes when MacKenzie entered.

"That took ya long enough."

"Look, I live 2 streets away. Besides. I need to borrow a top."

She was wearing the same shorts as I was only hers were pink. She borrowed my pink tube top and we were on our way.

We got into my Mustang Convertible and drove to the Empire "rapping" Eminem at the top of our lungs.

We pulled up to the vallet and he took my keys. There were two guys standing by the line. A tall muscular guy with dark hair, and beside him a short, tatooed covered hottie with sunglasses.

"Which one is mine?" I said hoping for the glasses guy.

"The one with the tatoos."

I could feel a great night coming on.

Chapter One
Chapter Three
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