Chapter Seven


"Thanks for tonight." I mumbled when AJ got me a glass of water and sat down on the bed beside me.

"I betcha didn't plan on this, didya?" I asked referring to the fact that I had been puking since we got back to the hotel.

"It's no problem," he said sincerely.

"You're so sweet..." I said before getting up and running over to the bathroom.

"I know." he smiled and followed me into the bathroom. He held my hair out of my face. I pulled it up and I was white and sweaty. AJ took a towel and wet it with cold water, he wiped off my face.

"I need to brush my teeth." I whispered.

"And I can guess you don't have a toothbrush in your back pocket?" AJ joked.

"In my purse actually." I smiled.

"No way."

I nodded and watched him as he went to my purse, I mentally thought of all the contents... Safe..

"Here ya go," he said handing my toothbrush and a little on-the-go toothpaste.

I brushed my teeth while AJ watched me.

"What?" I asked feeling his eyes on my back.

"You're so cute."

I blushed, "if you think I'm cute now, try seein' me when I'm not hungover." I joked.

"I'd like to." he said seriously.

I looked at him wideeyed. "Really?"

" were a lot of fun, and I wouldn't mind hanging out again."

"Wow... maybe I should puke all over my dates more often."

He laughed and coaxed me to the bed. I laid down and he laid down beside me. He leaned over and turned off the light.

"You need some sleep."

"Thank you, AJ." He responded by kissing my cheek.

I rolled over and closed my eyes. I felt him stroke my head and run his fingers through my hair.

He began to hum a sweet melody into my ear and I fell asleep.


I watched as Kirsten fell asleep on my arm. I came to get laid, but I really liked her. I looked at the clock. 4 am. I wondered what happened with Kevin.

I got my arm out from underneath Kirsten after a lot of work. She stirred but remained asleep. I got out of the bed and walked to where my coat was lying. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Kevin's number.

"Yeah?" He answered groggily.


Nothing. "It's 4 am, AJ."

"I know."

"Wild Night?"

"You could say that, how about you?"

"Mac was amazing, Bone." He said beginning to wake up.

"Did you guys?"

"Uh huh."

"Kevin, the stud."


"Gonna see her again?"

"I hope so."

"Yeah, I asked Kirsten to see me again, but I don't know if she'll remember."

"What do you mean?" Kevin questioned.

"She was pretty drunk."

"Ahhh...well then, how was it?"

"It never happened," I told him.

"But I thought she was drunk."

"She was, I couldn't take advatange of her Kev, she's so nice. I just wanted to be there for her."

"Wow, I never thought I'd live to see the day..."

"Yeah, yeah." I looked over and Kirsten was stirring again.

"Listen, Big Baby Jesus, I gotta go, I don't want to wake Kirsten." I whispered.

"All right. Please stop call me BBJ, it was only once... BESIDES, it was a designer outfit."

I laughed recalling Kevin's decision to wear a skirt thing and sandals on a VH1 special we had done a few months before.

We hung up and I got into bed beside Kirsten who was now facing me.I pulled her close and fell asleep myself.


~The girls~

Kirsten had the idea to throw a little slumber party since she and her 4 best friends hadn't seen much of each other.

They gathered in Kirsten's apartment armed with junk food and sappy chick flicks and horror movies.

"I can't understand why you rent horror movies." Britney complained.

"We'll wait to watch them till after you fall asleep." Alli decided.

"No. Noone can sleep. Not even you," Tiffany said directly to MacKenzie who ALWAYS fell asleep early.

"I feel like a high school kid again." MacKenzie sighed.

"Yeah. Except we're not gossiping about hot guys and stuff." Kirsten said.

"Well lets. I haven't heard much about you guys' love lives. C'mon spill." Britney suggested.

"Ok... well..." MacKenzie began, "I really like this guy I met on-line, Kevin." She looked at Kirsten. "We hung out with him and his friend and I'm looking forward to seeing him again." She blushed.

"On the count of three...1...2...3..." Kirsten annouced.

"awwwwwwww." they chorused.

"Shut up." MacKenzie said throwing a pillow at Kirsten, "your turn!"

"K. Well Kevin's friend happens to be a guy named AJ. And he is the sweetest guy, ahhh... I don't know how to explain him, he's so hot."

Tiffany had a very interested look on her face, too interested.

"What?" Kirsten asked.

"Nothing." She answered, "go Alli."

"Well I went to visit my friend Nick. He's been away in Europe because he's in a pop group. Something Boys... but anyways, I met his friend Howie and we really hit it off." She smiled reminscing about her night with Howie.

"Do you guys realize what's happened?" Tiffany exclaimed.

"What?" Britney asked baffled.

"AJ, Nick, Kevin, and Howie. They're all Backstreet Boys."

"Backstreet Boys," MacKenzie mused. "Like, Quit playin' games with my heart?"

Tiffany nodded. "And I met Brian a few nights ago."

Britney didn't buy it. "You're crazy, why would the Backstreet Boys hang out with a bunch of normal people?"

"Wait..." Alli said. "Nick said... something Boys... it could've very well been Backstreet Boys..."

"Hang on." Tiffany scrambled to her bag where the latest edition of Rolling Stone was.

"Alli, are any of these Nick? How about Howie?" Alli nodded and pointed to the blond guy & the Latino guy.

"Kirsten, Mac? AJ? Kevin?" They both nodded as they saw their date's faces.

"This is unbelievable." Britney said.

Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Who Do Ya Love? Index
Group Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
