Chapter One

"We'll be stopping in Charlotte, NC, in approximately ten minutes. There you will switch buses or stay in Charlotte, where ever you destination may be. I would like to thank you for choosing us and hope you choose us again," the driver of the bus announced and turned off the speaker thing and continued driving.

I felt the tears build up in my eyes. This was it. AJ wasnt coming back for me and I have no clue where I am going to go. My family doesnt want me around, I know that for a fact they wouldnt want anything to do with a traitor.

"Would you like some help?" a nice looking guy asked as the bus came to a halt and the bus driver swung open the bus doors. People jumped out of their seats and rushed to get off the bus.

I smiled weakly, "I would really appreciate that."

He smiled and took one of my bags. I took the other and my purse and made my way off the bus, the boy right behind me. He was you typical, All American boy, I guess. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, well built, preppy clothes, the works. He seemed nice enough though. I hadnt even noticed anyone my age on the bus when I got on. I guess, since I wasnt really worried about meeting anyone, I didnt look.

I set my bags down and sat in a hard, plastic seat in the lobby of the bus station.

"What's your name?" the boy asked me.

"Melissa, yours?" I asked looking up at him. I didnt want to be rude, but I wasnt in the mood to be chatting it up with some guy. Even if he was slightly cute. I just wanted to think about AJ and how I could talk to him about this and make him understand how much I need him.

"Shawn," he smiled.

"Nice to meet you Shawn, thank you for carrying my bags," I said and sighed.

"Not a problem. Where are you headed?" he asked.

"Bronx, you?" I asked.


I looked at him and snickered.

"What?" he asked.

"YOU are going to the Bronx?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" he asked, looking a little offended.

"You just dont seem like the type to go to the Bronx, no offense," I said and took a deep breath. Well, I sounded rude.

"Well... Im going to meet my real father," he said looking into my eyes.

"Oh, Im sorry, I didnt know," I said and looked away.

"No, you couldnt have known, its ok... why are you going?" he asked.

"Because Im going home..." I said and my bottom lip began to tremble.

"Are you ok?"he asked looking a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Im sorry," I said forced myself not to cry.

I dont know if AJ didnt expect me to take this hard, but the bastard broke my heart. I have a three month old kid in my stomach and I dont have a clue as to how Im going to support the baby or myself. Im alone and have NO ONE to go to. I dont have anyone to talk to or anyone to help me out.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked cautiously.

"I dont know what happened..." I began crying. This boy was put on the spot to comfort me. But I didnt care, I needed comfort. Shawn and I talked for 2 and a half hours, while we waited for our bus. It had broken down somewhere, so we were stuck in the station. Im not one to tell people my business, but it was comforting and it felt nice to talk about it with someone who didnt know me. We talked about him as well. Comes to find out, he is from Georgia, where he lives with his mother and stepfather, who he looks up to as his real father. He is coming to the Bronx to meet his real dad, and ask questions to find out why his father left his mother. It's a strange situation, one in which I didnt want my child to be put in, but it looks like it will be in a similar situation.

"We are now loading the bus to the Bronx..." I heard the announcement.

"It's about damn time," I muttered and grabbed my belongings. Again, Shawn helped me.

Shawn and I sat together on the bus and finally we were on our way to the Bronx.

*Some odd hours later*

"Well it was a pleasure sitting next to you and getting to know you," Shawn said as we got off the bus.

"Well, it was nice to talk to someone and I apologize for substituting you as a physciatrist(Not sure on spelling... sorry)," I smiled.

"It was nice having someone to talk to. I hope everything turns out for the better for you and your baby. That guy will realize later how much he misses you. He's probably thinking that right now," he smiled.

"Well, thank you. I hope everything goes ok with your father," I smiled.



I began walking down the street. I walked by the building I used to live in and frowned. I wish I had the guts to go see my family. I miss Alana so much. But, I kept on walking, in search of a place to stay. I could afford to stay in a motel for maybe two days. For those two days, I will be job hunting.

I saw a dirty little motel and decided it was better to stay there then on the street. I walked inside and was greeted by an older woman, smoking a cigarette.

"Hi... could I get a room?" I asked, a little appalled by her appearance. I wasnt rude, but I tried not to look her in the eye. Something about her scared me. Im not sure if it was fear, but she definitly looked familiar.

I got a room and found where it was located. Surprisingly, it was well kept. The first thing I did was walk to the bathroom and started the shower.

I took off my clothes and threw them into a pile. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water cascade down my body, relieving the tension in all my muscles.

I got washed up and stepped out. I changed into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top to match. I brushed out my hair, the whole time, staring at the phone and trying to decide whether I should call or not. I decided I should. I picked up the phone and dialed the familiar numbers.

"Hello?" AJ's raspy voice answered.

"Hi AJ," I whispered. I just realized it was pretty late, considering Ive been riding a bus. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 4 am.

"Melissa?" he asked.

"Yeah, I know it's really early, but I wanted to let you know I got to New York alright," I told him.

"Ok," he said.

"Nice to know that you care," I said annoyed.

"Melissa, dont start," he groaned.

"Dont start? You make me leave, when Im 3 months pregnant, I have no family anymore, I dont have any friends I can turn to... Fuck you AJ," I said and hung up. I sighed and felt the tears spill down my cheeks. This is going to be one hard road to go down. But I know I cant be weak.

Weak Index
Chapter Two
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
