Chapter Twelve

“How does this lead back to Alana?” I shouted, angry.

“Well, she told your brothers you and AJ were planning on getting married and just to piss them off, you two were going to invite them to the wedding. At first your brothers were just a little pissed and just little lies that Alana started throwing in there, pissed them off all the more and they were planning on killing you and AJ if the relationship didnt end soon. AJ didnt have the heart to tell you, I dont know what else to tell you. I wasnt going to tell you all of this, but I guess you have a right to know,” he said.

“Damn right I have a right to know!” I exclaimed.

“Im sorry Melissa,” Shawn whispered.

“I cannot believe this. So, what about AJ’s girlfriend?” I asked, confused.

“It’s my girlfriend. Kinda to go along with the story. AJ wanted you to think he was over you, so you would get over him and it wouldnt hurt as bad,” Shawn explained.

“This isnt making very much sense to me,” I told him.

“It doesnt make sense to us either. It’s just what had to be done,” Shawn shrugged.

“Well, Im going home and Im calling AJ and Im finding out why my brothers were on their way to kick my ass this afternoon. There has to be a reason. Are you sure AJ didnt say anything to you about why?” I asked.

“There wasnt any time,” he explained.

“Well, Im going home. Will you please watch the baby. I dont want anything happening to her,” I said looking down at Marianna.

“ I cant let you go by yourself,” he told me.

“Shawn, no one knows how to deal with my brothers better than I do. Just stay here and I will come back once everything is ok. Don’t you come back to the apartment, I dont want anything happening to you or Marianna,” I said standing up. I handed Marianna to Shawn and grabbed my purse. I rushed out of the restaurant and towards my apartment. I was trying to make sense of everything as I walked home, but nothing made complete sense.

Just as I was turning a corner, I felt someone grab my arm. I gasped and turned around, to see who it was. Anthony was standing before me, anger stained to his face.

“Ant,” I laughed nervously. I hadnt even thought of what I might say to him, but now I didnt have the time or the energy to do that.

“Fucking bitch,” Anthony scolded me.

“What did I do?” I asked, scared.

“You know, it took everything in my power not to beat the living shit out of you at the hospital, but now I dont have that much sympathy,” he told me.

“Why’d you want to do something like that to me?” I laughed nervously, backing up.

“Why? You betrayed me and your family Melissa. Did you think once you left everything would be ok? Well, it’s not. You chose to be with that prick, who kicked you out of his life right when a crisi arose,” he said.

“ You forced him to kick me out,” I hissed.

“What?” Anthony asked, he seemed to be taken off guard.

“I know you threatened AJ, that if he didnt end it you would kill us both. I cant believe you would do something like that,” I said, tears forming in my eyes.

“You belong to us Melissa, do you understand that?” Anthony asked.

“I dont want to belong to you,” I told him.


“I want out of the gang. Right now. Do what you have to, but if it gives me happiness with AJ, then do it,” I ordered.

Anthony’s face got even redder with anger as his fists balled up.

“What are you going to do? Hit me? There you go Ant, prove you’re a real man. Hit me,” I dared him.

His drew his arm back and swung his fist at me.

Before Anthony’s fist connected with my face, I was pushed out of the way and before I knew it, fist were flying everywhere, I didnt even know who was fighting with my brother. With one last hit, my brother hit the ground. I finally could tell who was the one that helped me. It was Ricky, the gang leader from AJ’s gang.

“Bitch, you dont hit a woman,” Ricky yelled at Anthony. I looked at Ricky shocked. I couldnt believe he did that. I couldnt believe he wouldnt kick me when I was down.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“You ok?” he asked.

“Yeah, I think so,” I mumbled. I looked at Anthony and wondered where Robert and James were, usually they were tailing him.

“You can thank AJ for that one,” he told me and winked.

“What do you mean?” I asked, following him as he began to walk down the street.

“ He called me today and asked me to go over to your new place and check up on you. He told me the situation and I have a heart somewhere in here and decided what you two did wasnt that big of a deal and it wouldnt kill me to go help you out,” he said smiling.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“No problem, just dont be surprised if your brother comes back for more. You need to be prepared,” he told me.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“So, how’s the baby?” he asked me as we walked.

“Um, she’s good,” I said, looking around uncomfortably.

“That’s good,” he nodded.

“How’d you know I had a baby?” I questioned.

“AJ explained briefly what was going on,” he said.

“Well, here’s my apartment. Thank you so much,” I said smiling at Ricky.

“No problem. You need to be more careful though, try walking around with someone else. We wouldnt want your brother doing anything when Im not there to save you,” he winked.

“Thanks,” I said and walking into the apartment and rushed to the phone. I quickly dialed AJ’s number and waited as it rang.

“Hello?” AJ’s rushed voice answered the phone.

“AJ, you have some explaining to do,” I told him.

“Melissa, are you ok?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you for sending Ricky out for me,” I whispered.

“I knew he’d do it,” he told me.

“So, start explaining,” I told him.

“Well, what do you want to know?” he asked.

“Why were my brothers on their way to kick my ass today?” Iasked.

“Well, I was on the phone with your dad and we were talking about stuff, stuff the boys didnt know, they found out and got pissed,” he shortened it up for me.

“AJ, Im going back down to Florida, now whether you want to be with me or not, that’s your decision, but we can talk when I get down there,” I said and hung up the phone.

I rushed back to the diner that Shawn was still in and told him were going to Florida.

“What do you mean, we’re going to Florida?” he asked.

“Just what I said. Im not going to let my brothers take AJ away from me. It’s just not happening,” I said.

“Ok, let’s go home and get everything together than,” he said putting Marianna in her stroller. Shawn and I rushed down the street and when we got to the apartment, three visitors were waiting inside.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I snapped at Anthony.

“Well, see, you’ve gone pissed us off even more, I mean bringing Ricky into and everything, so now, it’s time to teach the both of you a lesson...” Anthony said. I looked behind me and saw James shutting and locking the only exit door. I swallowed hard and prayed that nothing too bad would happen, especially to Shawn. I knew my brothers wouldnt do anything to Marianna, so I wasnt worried about her being harmed.

Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Weak Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
