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Igintion Specifiactions
Contact Breakers (mechanical) Distibutor Removal / Installation |
Igintion Timing - mechanical contacts
Igintion Timing - Stroboscope |
Ignition System Specification
D606-52.......................................L24 without emission control system
D609-56.......................................L26 without emission control system
D609-56A......................................L24 and L26 with emission control system
*D6F3-01.......................................L26 (manual transmission) with emissions
*D6F3-02.......................................L26 (automatic trans) with emissions
* transistor type
Firing order.....................................1 5 3 6 2 4
Rotational direction.............................Anticlockwise
D606-52 D609-56 D609-56A D6F3-01 D6F3-02
Static Ignition timing(degrees @ rev/min):
Manual Gearbox.........................17@650 10@550 10@550 7@750 -
Automatic Trans........................17@700 10@650 10@650(ret) - 8@600(ret)
16@650(adv) 15@600(adv)
Centrifugal Advance(rev/min):
Starts.................................450 550 550 500 500
Ends...................................1000 1200 1200 1600 1600
(6 deg) (9 deg) (9 deg) (13 deg) (13 deg)
Vacuum Advance (in hg):
Starts.................................3.94 3.94 3.94 11.8 11.8
Maximum................................9.6 13.0 13.0 18.7 18.7
Dwell Angle (degrees)......................35-45 35-41 35-41 - -
Contact breaker gap (all distributors
with mechanical breaker assembly).......0.018 to 0.022 in
Air gap(transistor type)...................0.012 to 0.016 in
Condenser Capacity.........................0.20 to 0.24 microfarad
Coil With mechanical contact breaker With Transistor Ignition
Type............................Hitachi C6R-200 Hitachi CIT 12(manual)
Hitachi CIT 13(auto trans)
Voltage...............................12 12
Primary resistance @ 68 degs........1.5 to 1.7 ohms 0.45 to 0.55 ohms
Secondary resistance @ 68 degs......9.5 to 11.6 ohms 8.5 to 12.7 ohms
Resistor............................1.6 ohms 1.2 to 1.4 ohms
Spark Plug
Type....................................NGK - BP 6ES
Size....................................14 mm
Gap.....................................0.030 to 0.035 in
Torque wrench setting...................11 to 15 lb ft
Contact Breaker (mechanical type) Adjustment
1. To adjust the contact breaker points to the correct gap, first pull off the two clips
securing the distributor cap to the distributor body, and lift away the cap. Clean the cap
inside and out with a dry cloth. It is unlikely that the six segments will be badly burned
or scored, but if they are the cap will have to be replaced.
2. Inspect the carbon brush contact located in the top of the cap - see that it is unbroken and
stands prounmd of the plastic surface.
3. Check rotor arm. It must be clean and on the cam shoulder.
4. Gently prise the contact breaker points open to examine the condition of the faces.
If rough, pitted, or dirty, it will be necessary to remove them for resurfacing, or for
5. If satisfatory, or cleaned or replaced, measure the gap between the points by turning the
engine over until the heel of the breaker arm is on the highest point on the cam.
6. An 0.018 to 0.022 in feeler gauge should now fit between the points.
7. If the gap varies from this amount, slacken the contact plate securing the screw.
8. Adjust the contact gap by inserting a screwdriver in the screw located in the cut-out of
the breaker plate. Turn clockwise to increase and anti-clockwise to decrease the gap. When
the gap is correct tighten the securing screw and recheck the gap again.
9. Making sure the rotor is in position, replace the distibutor can and clip the spring
blade retainers into postion.
Distributor Removal and Installation
1. To remove the distibutor complete with cap from the engine, begin by pulling the plug lead
terminals off the spark plugs.(recommend marking wires) Free the coil wire from the
center of the coil.
2. Pull off the rubber pipe holding the the vacuum tube to the distributor vacuum advance
and retard take off pipe.
3. Disconnect the low tension wire from the coil.
4. Undo and remove the bolt which holds the distibutor clamp plate to the crankcase and lift
out distibutor.
5. To reinstall distibutor, align distibutor stem into its recess so that the large and small
segments of the driveshafts engage and tighten the distributor retaining plate screw at
the orignial position in the elongated hole.
Ignition Timing - Mechanical
1. Turn the engine until No.1 piston is rising on its compression stroke. This can be
checked be removing No.1 spark plug and placing a finger over the hole to feel the
compression being generated, or by removing the distibutor cap and observing that
the rotor arm is coming up to align with the position on No.1 contact segment in
the cap.
2. There are notches on the crankshaft pulley and a bolt-on type pointer on the enigne
front cover (assuming these are here)
3. Slacken the distributor clamp plate bolt.
4. Connect a test bulb between the LT terminal of the distibutor and a good ground and
switch on the ignition.
5. Turn the distibutor body until the position is obtained where any movement in either
direction will either illuminate or extinguish the test bulb.
6. Tighten down the distibutor clamp plate screw, remove the test lamp and switch off
7. Also see Igintion Timing check with a stroboscope.
Ignition Timing - Stroboscope
1. Mark the appropriate notch on the crankshaft pulley with white chalk or paint(each
notch is 5 degrees). See Igintion specifications for the correct amount of static timing.
2. Mark pointer on the engine front cover also with a white mark or paint.
3. Disconnect vacuum pipe (which runs from the vacuum capsule on the distibutor) from its
connection at the carburettor and plug the pipe.
4. Connect stroboscope (usually between No.1 plug and HT lead)
5. Start engine(engine should be at normal operating temperature) and let it idle slowly,
else the mechanical advance system will operate and give a false ignition timing.
6. Point the stroboscope at the igition timing marks when they appear stationary and
if the timing is correct, in alignment. If the marks are not in alignment, loosen
the distibutor clamp screw and turn the distibutor slowly until marks align.