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KOLE is one of the encarnations of Ochun. She is the oldest of the Ochuns. She is the one associated with the vulture. This association occurred in ancient times when humanity had become rather degenerate and Olofi was disgusted with the human species and was turning a deaf ear to prayers. Ochun in order to save her children assumed the form of a vulture and soared into the heights of the heavens delivering mankind's prayers to Olofi. This encarnation of Ochun saved the human race, due to her intersession before the Creator. Amazing that a beautiful Orisha should assume the form of a vulture. That is because the vultures fly higher than other birds, and therefore symbolically they are closer to the abode of the gods. Ochun truly cares for humankind, especially her children.

Nekhbet was the Vulture Goddess of Egypt. She was also the protector of childbirth and of pregnant women. That is also the role of Ochun. Again, we pose the question, "Is Ochun a syncrenization of Egyptian dieties like Hathor and Nekhbet?" It appears to us that this is possible. Just as Isis evolved into Yemaya, so Hathor and Nekhbet were also combined to give us our wonderful Ochun. Ochun like Nekhbet is usually the Orisha invoked when there are difficulties with pregnancies or the woman cannot conceive. Each encarnation of Ochun reveals a different facet of her marvelous personality. We especially adore Ibu Kole since she is the Ochun that walks with us.



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