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A few years ago I built this site, being new to the computer world and excited to learn all I could. It would not have been possible for me to put this site together without the wonderful assistance I received from the following people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.

Dr. Joe Burns, PhD, has a site that is chock full of clear, concise, easy to understand instruction for people who want to learn how to write HTML and all the assorted goodies you need to learn to really have fun! His instruction gives you the what, why and how of basic techniques in a language a beginner can easily understand! Thank you Dr. Joe!

HTML Goodies

A wonderfully talented and kind lady by the name of Dove has contributed to this site by creating a background set that is a delight to the eye. She has, in my opinion, some of the most beautiful graphic creations on the web and is kind enough to offer some of them freely. Thank you Dove, for the gorgeous set, and for taking the time to answer my questions!

Victorian Elegance

I would also like to offer thanks to htmlGear for the guestbook.

I wanted to showcase some of our local artists by putting a link to their homespages here. If you come to this site and you are an artist in the central Florida area and have a homepage you would like to have listed on this page also, e-mail me the url and I will place a link to your site too. Please take a look by clicking below:

Click here to view Lila's Art Room

I am proud to be a member of the DeBary Florida Art League. The league is dedicated to building a community art center that will focus on educating children and adults in various mediums of artistic expression. Click below to learn more about our organization and to view artwork that was created by some of the members.

Click here to view the web site of the DeBary Art League

{Home}  {Free Stationery} {Wall Art}  {Floor Art}


Copyright © 2000 This site and all the images contained within are copyright protected and are the sole property of Wanda Higgins and may not be used without express written permission.
All Rights Reserved.