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T3FG Resources Links

WWW Server

Welcome to the JSIMS JPO Test Bed!

[U.S. Army STRICOM Technology Tracking and Transfer Facilitation Group (T3FG)]

Here is the amount of time left in this year.

Disclaimer: This is not the original JSIMS JPO Test Bed home page. This is a copy of it, placed here as an example of what I can do with webpages. The original was taken down in March 2000.--Charles Kimball

The above counter originally showed the amount of time remaining until the year 2000, and the heading above it read: "If your systems are not Y2K compliant, here is how much time you have left."

(On this Server)

Here you can download a complete file listing of Command and Control PC (C2PC), version, for Windows NT 4.0.

We also have file listings for two versions of FBCB2 application software, in .txt format. The software itself runs on Solaris 2.6, and is available from the T3FG.

Copies of the above software are available on request. And here is our documentation on the DII COE Kernel Release

(Inside the JSIMS Test Bed)

SGI Outbox Web Service at

Contains 31 charts showing the Army Battle Command System's (ABCS) flow service.

SGI Outbox Web Service at

Are you on the cutting edge of webpage design? Here we have what you need to know for going beyond HTML: CORE KAT and NASM KAT reports, tutorials on Perl 5 and CGM, an index of pages about VRML, and an index of relevant pages from Netscape.

SGI Outbox Web Service at

Contains a Java 3D demo applet, a A 3D virtual world (created with VRML), and an index of STRICOM T3FG DII COE GCCS Holdings. Recently blue02 became the reflector for our installation of CU-SeeMe, a software package that offers real-time communication by video, audio and chat. Currently access to the reflector is restricted; if you want to use it, please contact either Tom Lavin or Charles Kimball.

SGI Outbox Web Service at

Currently left open for future software and projects.

Sythetic Natural Environment Requirements Analysis Program/TACWEB at

This server also has a TACWEB tutorial and Cold Fusion documentation.

Anonymous File Transfer Protocol Service at

DII COE GCCS Holdings Web Server at

An index of available software documentation.

Anonymous File Transfer Protocol Service at

DII COE GCCS JSIMS News Group Server at

We currently serve four newsgroups, accessible from the e-mail program of a computer with Netscape or Internet Explorer (preferably version 4.0+). Got something you wish to post for the Orlando simulation & modeling community?

Latest Technology NT 4.0 Web Server at

Here is our Java headquarters! Check out the sample applets we have created, using Java Studio 1.0. Our Houston server also has links to a Java download site, the Web Developer's Virtual Library (WDVL), a WinRunner tutorial, and an index of design resources from Realm Graphics.

JSIMS JPO Joint Chat Room.

From, served by Click on the next page's
Go! button [ ], requires free download of user client software. Not yet available for Unix.

Anonymous File Transfer Protocol Service at

Includes a collection of sound files to use with the aforementioned chat room (you'll need to download them first).  This is also the place where we keep documentation concerning use of GCCS JMCIS software.

Note: the GCCS JMCIS diagrams are lightly colored.  For optimal viewing, please reset your browser so that the default background color is black, and the default text color is white.  If you are using Netscape, you can do this by going to "Edit" in the menu bar at the top of the page, and clicking on "Preferences"; then click on the word "colors" in the next window that appears, to get to the color settings.  For Internet Explorer users, choose first "Tools," then "Internet Options" from the menu bar; the button for color settings will be in the lower left corner of the window those commands produce.

Our three newest SPARC 20s are Williams, Jilted, and Julian.

The Williams FTP site.

In addition, if you wish to physically come into our lab (as opposed to contacting us via one of the above links), we have several pieces of hardware and software that are available for use: a CD-ROM "burner," the Action Officer Guide (AOG), Java Studio & Java Workshop, webpage tools (Frontpage 2000, Grab-a-Site and Xenu), Microsoft Office, C++, Adobe Acrobat, CMP (Common Message processor, on 3 separate systems), SATIAT (a ModSAF derivative), C2PC (Command & Control PC, a cartographic program), Gooey, CU-SeeMe, Microsoft Chat and Microsoft NetMeeting.

If you have a STRICOM LAN account you may use their lab as well. They have 8 computers and an engineering library. On the computers are several versions of Autocad (with the appropriate printer and scanner for Cad work), JANUS, SIFT and ISRA (two command programs for making JANUS simulations run more intelligently), third-party ftp capability, and perhaps the last "B" drive (for 5.25" floppies) in the building. One PC is also the host server for the COMSS website (see below).

(A Virtual "Card Catalog" of the STRICOM Library, on the 3rd Floor of the Research Commons Building.)

List of available books, organized by title.

List of available books, organized by author.

List of available books, organized by section name.

Welcome to the JSIMS JPO Test Bed!

(Other Useful Links)

The main STRICOM server.

Command Support System (ComSS).

NetMeeting Zone, all about the hottest new Internet communications tool.

Make phone calls over the Internet for free at

Visit my other webpages:

My Resume (webpage format)
My Resume (PDF format)
The Xenophile Historian
Gateway to Upper Egypt
My Portal Page
My Business Website
The Xenohistorian Weblog


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