"The Journey" is a series of seven short stories.
It all begins with AJ having a break down and being delirious, which is a warning to all of them that things are going wrong. The Boys decide to take three months off and all of them travel alone to different parts of the world. During their journeys they find out a lot about themselves (personality-wise) and they look back at their lives, reflecting on what made them become who they are today. In the process of learning about different cultures, they also learn that the way they live their lives isn't healthy for them.
Find out what happens to each of them on their trips, and what exactly it is they learn and what makes them come to their senses.
Author's note: If you want you can of course only read about the journey of your fave Boy. The stories aren't connected to each other, which means you don't have to read them all to understand what is happening. But you should definitely read the prologue. In it is explained what bothers each of the Boys individually and what they're trying to get away from.
Another thing... I guess you could say the stories are kinda "spiritual", although I find it hard to explain to you what I mean by that. There won't be any ghosts or whatever in the story, they are not science fiction. But the stories deal with the process of "finding yourself", your inner spirits - through meditation, yoga or even mysterious encounters with strangers, who become teachers.
Oh well, if you're into that sort of stuff, I hope you like what I came up with and more importantly I hope I've captured the moods of the different stories well. If you're NOT into that stuff - hey, maybe I can get you there. Anyway, ENJOY IT!
Why does AJ initiate a three-months-break for the Backstreet Boys? What's going wrong in the Boys' lives?
AJ's journey:
AJ flies to Algeria and has a weird encounter that will change him. He learns to deal with his problems and finds a teacher in a stranger...
Nick's journey:
Find out how Nick's trip through India helps him grow and how he becomes the man he wants to be...
Kevin's journey:
What happens when Kevin escapes the world he knows and hides in Nepal? He learns about life - in a Buddhist monastic order...
Brian's journey:
Brian travels along the Amazon river. The things he sees and experiences let him come to term with his own belief...
Howie's journey:
Howie goes to Mexico, just to get away for a while - never expecting how much this trip is gonna change him to the better...
Three months have passed. Find out what decision the guys have made. Will there still be the Backstreet Boys, or have they closed that chapter of their life?
Feedback?? For ME? *cheers* Send it all here:
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Oceans Inside
*Coming soon*
*Coming soon*
Rhythmic Meditation
*Coming soon*
Colors Of The Moon
*Coming soon*
I Dream Of Peace
*Coming soon*
Brand New Day
*Coming soon*
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