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Translations of Writings by Ulrichs

The Riddle of "Man-Manly" Love: The Pioneering Work on Male Homosexuality. 1864-1870; trans. Michael Lombardi-Nash. Buffalo, New York, 1994. 2 vols. 712 pp. Bibliography and index:

The print version of the above is available from Prometheus books.

Letters to His Publishers and Other Correspondence (1862-1894). Trans. M. Lombardi-Nash. 3rd ed. Jacksonville, Florida: Urania Manuscripts, 2000. 111 pp. llustrations. Index:

In world history, the first known coming-out letters (four of them) to family included in the above title; 28 letters from the Cotta collection; two letters to Paul Heyse; five letters to the Prussian minister of justice; one letter to the Austrian minister of justice. Supplemented by Ulrichs with Regard to Symonds' Correspondence 1890-1893

A Casket of Cypress Wood: Lyric Poems in Memory of Ludwig II, King of Bavaria. 1887; trans. M. Lombardi-Nash. 2nd ed. Jacksonville, Florida: Urania Manuscripts, 2000. 24 pp.

Le Glaive Furieux (Raging Sword); 1867; trans. Lyman Hardy. Jacksonville, Florida: Urania Manuscripts, 2000. Index. 55 pp.
View a portion of the above here!

Now available:

La Espada furiosa (Raging Sword); 1867; trans. Lyman Hardy. Jacksonville, Florida: Urania Manuscripts, 2000. Index. 54 pp.

Check out Ulrichs' "The Urning and His Rights"

Sailor Stories: "To My Little Bee"; Sulitelma; Atlantis; Manor; The Monk of Sumbö. 1885; trans. Michael Lombardi-Nash, 1980; 2nd ed. Jacksonville, Florida: Urania Manuscripts, 1990. 50 pp.

A portion of the above is available here to read.

Urania Manuscripts are eight and a half by 11 inches, normally double-spaced copies, usually spiral bound with plastic covers.

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