You Stole My Heart Away
Chapter 1
Ballroom Dancing in My Dreams...

December 17, 2000. Saturday.

He looked down at himself and smiled sweetly. He knew he looked good and so did everyone else. Dressing up wasn't his style neither was going to a fancy ballroom dinner. He tried everything to get out of the dull evening but still he was dragged here and unfortunately, he was going to have to get through it.

He looked around the room, it was expensive, yet old fashioned looking, like from a fairy tale. His eyes searched for a way to escape this horrible event. He wasn't successful. Security guarded all the exits. He was stuck. And he hated it.

The event that he was present at was held by the record label they recently signed to. To him, all it seemed to be was a bunch of over-weight rich men discussing business with other over-weight rich men. And he had to go along for the ride.

His eyes scanned the crowd. People were dancing and laughing and conversating all around him. Yet he, just sat there taking everything in at once. Then, out of nowhere she appeared. His eyes landed directly on her, watching every movement she made. His eyes searched every part of her body. Her beauty was couldn't find the right word to describe her. Perfect...maybe, but she..she was more..Everything. She was everything.

He continued watching her every move. There was no expression on her face, no emotion at all. Finally, she hinted a sweet smile on her lips. He wondered. What could she be smiling at? Maybe she just felt like smiling. Maybe.. He cleared his thoughts and rubbed his hands over his eyes. He looked back to where she had last been, but she was gone...

He stood, his eyes searching the crowd. Where is she? He thought. He searched and searched but she was gone. It was if she wasn't even there. Of course she was there. I just saw her. His thoughts persisted. She was there just a minute ago. I know she was. Stop it! Calm down Justin. What has gotten into you? Stop talking to yourself. Finally, he let his thought drift away from him. He was starting to think he was losing it. Maybe he was. Maybe she wasn't there. But to him she felt so..real.


Finally! Freedom at last! Her mind cheered. She had escaped. Escaped from that stupid event she was dragged to. At first she thought there was no way out. But she succeeded in escaping. She had to get out of there. She couldn't take much more of her snobby step-mother ordering her to dance with her fellow chairwomen’s sons’. They were all a bunch of rich stuck-up guys. She thought silently. She protested against her step-mother, who she was told to call Olivia, because 'Olivia' did not want any part of being a mother or called "mom" for that matter. But yet she seemed to put on a fake lovingness towards her new daughter for everyone. The only reason she married my father was for his money. She doesn't love him nor does she love me. She thought bitterly. Well I really could care less. She will never be anything like my mother. She continued her thoughts.

She pulled her mind away from her thoughts of her 'evil' step-mother and looked at what surrounded her. She hadn't noticed where she was until now. The image her eyes set upon was breath-taking. The moonlight shining down on the fountain's waterfall, lit up what surrounded it. A stone path walk-way guided you carefully around the garden without missing a single flower. There was a stone wall that concealed the garden from the rest of the world.

Slowly she sat down in a bench that was placed against one of the walls and was shaded by a small tree. She made sure to be careful not to ruin her dress. Her beautiful dress. When she first saw herself in it she felt like a princess, only without the crown. But sadly she wasn't a princess, far from a princess in fact. I'm just me. She thought to herself. She was just one of those girls, that never seemed to fit in anywhere. She was born into a wealthy family, but she didn't care about the wealth. She didn't belong in a country club or some fancy dinner like the one she was at. That wasn't her. If only..she was clouded with thoughts. If only someone would see me, for me. And not a rich man's daughter. Or a beauty. Just me. Plain and simple me. She continued her thoughts silently.


What time is it? She wondered. She picked herself and her dress up and prepared herself to go back in. She really didn't want to, but she knew she had to. She slowly opened the door alittle and peeked through. Her eyes scanned the crowd. They set on one person. Him. He sat quietly talking to another gentlemen. She only noticed the young man before because she caught him staring at her from afar. His eyes were what captured her soul. His beautiful eyes. They sparkled like diamonds in the sky and no matter how hard she tried to catch them, she couldn't. They seemed to be untouchable. He seemed to be untouchable. More like imagery. From a fairy tale. He sat in his tux, looking quite handsome, while his eyes wondered for his precious jewel. His princess. She could never be his princess, or anyone's princess. She wasn't special enough. Or so she thought. Maybe she was worthy enough to be held in his arms. Maybe she would be lucky enough to catch one of those diamonds..She could only hope. And pray...and wish...

It was time. Time for her to go back inside and be present once again to the world. She loved attention, sometimes she even craved it, but not by these people. Only by the people who knew her, the real her. Not some label that was given to her by her step-mother or the snobby girls that she went to school with or the stuck-up guys she was forced to dance with, but her true friends. Only two very special and very true friends.

She didn't have many friends. It wasn't because she was an outcast, but she had to be very careful in trusting people. Most of them just liked her because she was rich and her daddy was some big important name. She could care less about that. All she wanted was to be loved. And she only knew two people that really loved her and that she loved. That was all. Two people. There is something wrong with that. She pondered. Her family should love her, but they didn't. She should have a boyfriend, but she didn't. And probably never would again. The last guy was to much. He was to much for her to understand. A lot of things happened that never should have. But she can't change the past, though she wish she could.

She gathered her thoughts and pushed them to the back of her mind. She opened the door and walked gracefully back to where her family was seated. She noticed Olivia looking suspicually at her. What did I do? Nothing that’s what! Just because I wanted to get away from you doesn't mean you have to looked at me so pointedly. She thought bitterly. She always thought bitterly of Olivia. But Olivia brought that on herself. If she didn't act so cruel towards her than she wouldn't have cruel thoughts in her head about the 'evil' stepmother. She tried her hardest to plaster a fake smile on her lips, but it didn't work. Instead, she sat down in her seat and looked away from Olivia.

Olivia's eyes narrowed in on her step-daughter. "Where have you been, Annabelle? I've been worried sick about you." She lied through her teeth, smiling evilly.

Belle turned her in the direction of Olivia. Yeah, sure you've been worried sick. Just like the time you said you were worried sick where I was, after you left me alone in a strange place in the middle of the night. Worried my butt. Her mind flared with thoughts. I shouldn't think so rude. It's just not right to be so cruel. She calmed her thoughts. But Olivia deserved it. She knew it and so did everyone else that could see through Olivia. "I was just getting some fresh air, it was getting alittle stuffy in here." She stated clearly. Where did that come from? That was mean to say. Well alittle sarcastic maybe. She thought as she stroked her light brown hair. Something was different about her. Or maybe she held it inside her for so long she had to get it out. And this might be just how she will go about doing it. Hatred. That wasn't the right word for it. Releasing built up argue. She would be releasing it. Even if she wanted to or not. Her kindness and pureness was still there. But there was so much pain and loneliness in her heart. No one deserved to be alone. No one. Not even Belle. But would she find someone to fill her heart with joy and heal all the pain. Maybe...Hopefully..She always asked herself those questions. Everyday it seemed. But nothing has happened yet. Everything was the same. And the same wasn't what Belle wanted or needed..


A few minutes earlier...

He couldn't understand it. He was utterly confused. He knew she was real. She had to be. She couldn't have been a figment of his imagination. He had been sitting there alone for the past few minutes trying to figure out what happened when his older friend emerged and sat down next to him. Justin heard him say something, but he wasn't totally in "it" either. He try to pull himself back together and focus. "Huh? What did you say?" He asked looking over at JC.

"I said what is up with you? You don't look like yourself." JC stared at his young friend. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. But he knew it was something. It was always something with Justin. Always.

How could he explain what he was trying to figure out in his on mind. Her. He couldn't explain her. He didn't know why, but she was..she was so....there wasn't a word to explain her. She was like a fairy tale... He released his thoughts once again and cleared his throat. "I don't know what happened. I was looking around, then I saw her. This beautiful girl walking around the room, then she disappeared. Like she wasn't even there. I just took my eyes off her for one second and she disappeared..." His voice trailed off. He closed his eyes and envisioned the girl. Her beauty. Her. Was she real? His thoughts caught back up with him.

JC looked at Justin, then around the room. There were alot of girls there. Most of them the daughters of the men in suits. What Justin was saying could be true. It could be anyone of those girls. But he said she was gone. He wondered. "Uhh...Justin, maybe you just imaged her or maybe she just left." He tried to be convincing, but he knew it wasn't working.

"Yeah, maybe she left. I don't know. She was just pure." He stood from his chair stretching every part of his body. He looked down at JC once more before looking around the room again. He noticed a girl sitting down in her chair. He couldn't see her face because she was turned away. But he didn't need to see her face. He knew. It was her. He could tell. The dress, the hair. Everything. He stared at her body. It shifted and her face turned back, facing his. God, she is beautiful. He smiled sweetly. "JC, it's her. She's real..." He continued his stare.

JC turned around to where Justin was staring. There she was. He saw her. She was amazing looking to say the least, but Justin seemed to be so into her. Something about her. Something. But what? "Well, I guess she is real. And very beautiful, too.." He agreed knowingly that, that was what Justin was thinking.

A sweet melody starting playing softly. He had to get to know her. His legs seemed to carry him towards her. His eyes focused on her the entire time. Slowly he made his way to her. He stood right in front of her, staring down at her. He was out of words. He didn't know what to say. Come on, J, think of something...he thought annoyingly. He reach out his hand. "May, I have this dance?" He asked politely just as if he were asking a princess to dance in a fairy tale. But to him, she was a princess, or so that’s what he thought..So to him, he must be in a fairy tale dream...

He was waiting for her response. She just looked at him. No expression, no emotion on her face to say thank you or yes or even no. She stood placing her hand onto his. Electricity ran through his body with her simple touch. He smiled, that was all he could do. Caught for words, his mind racing. He was confused. He led her to the dance floor and they began dancing gracefully in each others arms.


She stared deep into his eyes. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She felt shivers down her spine when he placed his hand ever so gently on her back. They were dancing entangled in each others bodies. Gracefully swaying to the melody playing in the background. I guess this night isn't so bad after all..she thought sweetly.


His eyes searched her face. For something. Some hint of emotion, but none was found. She just stared intensely into his eyes, like she could she his soul through them. He was hoping she might say something. But nothing. So he figured he start of the conversation. "My name's Justin Timberlake. And yours." He stated firmly, but gently as possible.

At first she just continued her stare. Not saying anything at all. Still no emotion. Then a sweet, soft voice came through her lips. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Timberlake. My name is Annabelle James."

Justin smiled. She spoke! He thought. She had a soothing voice, like she was just letting the words flow out of her mouth instead of forcing them out. He liked her voice. And he smiled brighter. Her crystal clear green eyes no longer stared into his but they were just wandering around in search for something. "Please call me Justin. And that's a beautiful name, Annabelle." He tried to caught an expression, an emotion, but still none. Why wouldn't she at least smile? He though pensively.

"Its Belle. Only my family calls me Annabelle." She smiled. "Why are you here tonight?" She asked politely. Looking back into his eyes, searching for answers.

He couldn't believe she smiled. But she did. Her beautiful smile. She should smile more often. He found himself lost in her eyes. He shook his head slightly trying to regain control of his mind. "Sorry, Belle. I was dragged here by my fellow band mates. You know Nsync, the group. I'm in it." He smiled at his fame. He loved it, but then again. He hated it.

She questioned the way his tone of voice was. Cocky? "Oh, I've heard of the group. But I've never heard anyone of your music." She saw the sadness within his eyes. "I'm sorry. But I listen to classical mostly." She showed a smile that warmed his heart with pure joy.

His eyes wandering her face trying to put together her life. She was still a mystery to him. What was it about her that made him feel so over-powered with emotions. "It's okay, but classical? I thought my mom only listens to that." He watched as a strand of light brown hair escaped from behind her ear and gently land on the side of her cheek.

She pushed the strand of hair back behind her ear. "I love classical music. It's so soothing and sweet. I was five years old when I started listening to it. I remember my instructor telling me at the age of seven that if you let the music capture your soul than you'll let the audience capture yours. I still do that to this day.." She was lost in past times. The better times for her, with her mom. With love. She snapped out of her glaze. "Sorry..I was just remembering better days.." she whispered just loud enough for him to hear her.

Better days? Well for me, this is probably the best day of my life. He thought smiling ear to ear. "Instructor?" He asked, wondering what she meant by that.

She stared into his eyes and let out a simple smile. "Yes, my instructor, my ballet instructor..." She was about to go on when she noticed that the music finished. She stopped from dancing and slowly let her body separate from his. She knew this was going to be the last time she would see him and the last time she would ever get talk to him. Her headed turned toward her table to see if anyone was watching them. No one. No one was paying attention to them. She turned back facing Justin.


He looked at her wondering what she was going to do. He realized the music stopped after she let away from him, but she hadn't left him let. Maybe she would stay alittle longer, he thought hoping.


Out of no where she stepped closer to him. Her face staring into his. She felt his breath dance across her cheek. Her heart was racing out of control. She didn't understand what was happening. Her eyes glanced down at her hands that were shaking nervously. She moved her eyes up his body and stopped at his lips. His perfect lips. A powerful sensation came over her body. She pressed her lips quickly to his. Electricity flowed from her lips throughout her entire body. She let her lips pull away from his. She smile shyly, "Goodbye, Justin..." She whispered under her breath. And she left.

She ran out of the room. She wasn't sure what happened exactly. Never in her life had she ever did something so daring. She smiled. His kiss was amazing. It wasn't passionate nor was it friendly. It wasn't simple nor was it complex. It was just simply amazing. That was the only way to describe it. She knew that for those few seconds there lips touched, she was in pure heaven. And she felt something. That kiss, that very moment, was when he stole her heart away. She knew it too, in her heart she knew. But she just hasn't realized it yet.


He stood there frozen, unable to move, unable to think, to comprehend on what just happened. She was gone, once again. She was gone. His eyes searched around the ballroom. No where to be found. She disappeared. All he could think about was that kiss. That very kiss. It wasn't okay nor was it intense. It was just amazing. Simply amazing. For those few seconds when that kiss took place, time had stopped. No one existed except him and her. And every thought that once clouded his mind vanished. He thought she would stay, be with him. But as quick as she came, she left. He knew that she wasn't a ghost, she was too real to be a ghost. That kiss was too real. She was to much of everything he wanted to be an illusion. All he knew was that the moment her lips touched his, he felt something. Something so truly spectacular that the only way he knew how to describe it was that she stole his heart away. And now she was gone. He knew that he would be with her. But when? That’s what kept clouding his mind. When?


Justin’s eyes fluttered to opened. His hands wiped gently across his eyes to get more of a focus. No light appeared visible in the room. His head moved slowing across his pillow. He closed his eyes trying to fall back into the deep slumber..No use, it happened again. Why? Why does this keep happening to me? What time is it? His minded questioned. His opened again and moved over to the alarm clock. 2:07 AM. “I might as well get up now, it’s not liking I’m going back to sleep anytime soon.” He pulled the covers off him and sat on the edge of his bed.

His hands rubbed his tired face. “I wish I could sleep for the entire night, just for once.” He closed his eyes and invisions of her appeared in his mind.

He hated it, really he did. Night, after night she would come to him in his dreams and dance with him. The same dream, the same girl, every single night. It scared him. He was scared of why he kept having that same dreams. For over a month now, Justin would wake up at around 2 o’clock in the morning because of that girl. He tried everything to make him sleep through a whole night. No use, it never worked. Everyone was worried about him. They knew something was wrong. They knew about the girl, only from what Justin said though. His mind raced. Is she real? Fake? A fantasy? What? I want to know dammit!! I’m sick of this, I want a decent amount of sleep. Not three hours, or four, or five, but a decent amount of sleep. Why? Why is she appearing everytime I dream, everytime I close my eyes? What is she? He shook his head violenting trying to ignore all the questions his mind was asking. He didn’t want to know. He just want to live normally, like he use to, before she appeared.


Her eyes shot open. “Dammit! Not again!” She yelled silently. Why does this keep happening? Why do I keep dreaming about him? I don’t ever know him! Why? Her head demanded answers that she couldn’t answer. She sat up from her bed and looked at her clock. 2:09 AM. “I want sleep. Why can’t I get sleep?” She shut her eyes and laid her tired body back on her bed.

For the past month this dream keeps occurring. About him. Belle doesn’t know him, she’s never met him. Everytime she closes her eyes, everytime she dreams, he appears. “I am having dreams about Justin Timberlake! This is not normal for a 20 year-old women! I barely listen to their music! This is only supposed to happen to obsessed 12 year-olds.” Belle preached to no one inparticular. She hated not knowing why she was having dreams about him. She didn’t understand it, she didn’t understand it at all.

Chapter 2
Chapter Index