You Stole My Heart Away
Chapter 2
And So...We Meet Again

December 17, 2000. 3:27pm.

Her hands dug deep into her purse searching for her keys that unlocked the door in front of her. Success what found. Belle opened the door to her apartment and walked in with the sound of the telephone. She picked up her stride and her handed reached the phone as the third ring sounded. "Hello," she chirped into the speaker.

"Hey sweetie. How’s my baby doing?" A deep voice spoke smoothly through the other end.

"Hey Dad. I’m fine, but why are you calling me?" She laid her purse down on her couch. "I thought you were in Europe, working." She picked up a picture of her and her father and her mother. She smiled sadly. I miss you so much mom..

"I am, but I was going to fly into New York to have Mr. Wright look over a few documents that I left in my office at Jive. But I’m snowed in here at the airport and I won’t be able to give him those papers before he leave for Orlando." His voice traveled through the phone swiftly causing Belle to pay more attention.

"Oh..okay." She loved her dad, but he talked more than she wanted to listen.

"I called because I want to ask for a favor."

"Sure anything."

"I need you to go to my office and get a folder that’s labeled ‘Mr. Wright’ on it and give them to him. All you have to do is ask my secretary where he is and give them to him. Could you handle that for me?" He asked.

"Sure dad. "

"Okay, sweetie. Well I have to go. Bye."

"Bye dad." She hung the phone up and walked into her bedroom to change. There wasn’t any way she was going to Jive dressed in sweat pants.

December 17, 2000. 4:02pm.

Her legs carried her into the huge entrance. She walked directly towards the elevator. She already knew where her father’s office was. Her mind carried her into memories of coming to his office when she was younger. Everyone at work there, just thought of her as a doll, a beautiful porcelain doll. She shook her head gently.

She saw her father’s secretary sitting behind her desk, looking as dull and lifeless as ever. "Hello Ms. Livingsted. I’m just here to pick up some papers for my father." She plastered a smile on her face.

"Okay, sweetie. It’s good to see you. You’ve grown up so much since the last time you saw me." She stared at the computer screen acting as if she was actually doing work.

"Well, you know. I’m twenty years old. I’m not twelve anymore." Belle reappeared with the papers in her hand. "Could you tell me where Mr. Wright is?" She asked politely.

"He should be in studio 5." The lady said sweetly.

"Thank you." Belle flashed a quick smile and walked out the door.


Everyone around him was talking, but he just sat there. His head focused on the sheet music in front of him. He read the lyrics to the song over and over again inside his head. This was a different kind of song than what they are use to. It was more of a rock song than pop. It was okay with it, he really didn’t care that much. He had something else on his mind.

They were currently working on their new album. No Strings Attached did better than anyone could have expected but now it was time for another album. And he just hoped it would turn out like the last. They were staying in New York for two weeks working on the album then it was home. A place where he longed to be at.

"Justin, what do you think?" Johnny asked.

Justin looked up at him. Johnny and the rest of his band mates were staring at him waiting for him to reply. He hadn’t be paying attention. "Think about what?" He asked.

Everyone looked at him like he had a booger hanging out his nose. "What do you think about the song? Will it work for the new album?" JC answered him.

He blinked and looked back down at the song. "I..I guess. Its different, but we could try it." He nodded his head as if he was agreeing with himself.

"Well just try it out. And see how it sounds." Johnny looked at all the men and then at Justin. As if he was asking for approval.

Justin nodded. And he began to sing the first notes.

"Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
I’m a loser to where I started
Chasing after you
I’m falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I’ve held on to
I’m standing here until you make me move
I’m hanging by a moment here with you..."

(Hanging by a Moment -LifeHouse)

He finished the first verse and opened his eyes. It was a good song, it just didn’t sound right to him. It was like it was lacking something. But it’s just a song. He argued. Johnny was about to say something when the door opened slightly. And a girl appeared from behind it.

"I’m sorry if I interpreted anything, but Mr.Wright, I have some papers that my father needed you to sign." She began to walk over to Johnny. She smiled and continued. "He called me and explained that he flight was canceled because of weather and he really needed you to sign this for him. So I came down as to of some serve." She spoke gracefully.

He recognized her from somewhere and her voice. But he couldn’t place it. The girl looked over at him a few times as if she knew him personally.

Johnny got up and looked at the girl for a second. "Belle, is that you." The girl nodded. "You have grown so much. The last time I saw you, you were only 13 years old." Johnny embraced her in a hug.

Belle. That name sounds familiar. He thought. Maybe Johnny showed me a picture of her once before. He tried to convince himself.

Johnny let her loose and motioned for her to take a seat. "Guys, this is Annabelle James. Mr. James daughter, the co-owner of Jive Records." He smiled and continued. "Belle, this is JC, Chris, Lance, and that is Justin." All the guys stood up and greeted her.

"It’s nice to meet you, all of you." Belle said looking over at Justin, imparticularly.

"It’s nice to meet you, too." JC stated.

Johnny handed her the papers back. She simply smiled. "Well, it was great seeing you again, Johnny. And it was an honor to meet all of you as well. But I have to go now." She got up and walked towards the door. Opening it with one hand she waved goodbye.

"Come and see me soon, girl. I want to know what has been going on in your life." Johnny stated.

She looked at him. "I will. I promise. Bye." The door closed and she left.

Justin stared at the door after she had left. He knew she was familiar, but he didn’t know from where.He sat there in deep thought for what seemed like hours, trying to figure it out. Belle...Belle..Where do I know that name? That hair, her voice...Where do I know her from? Wait...It couldn’t be. She’s not real. He shook the thought out of his head. Only to find that it reappeared again. It is her. "It is her!" He exclaimed standing up throwing his arms in the air.

Everyone looked at him like he had gone crazy...and maybe he had. He looked around at them. "Sorry..." He said timidly.


"You’re my dream girl,
You’re my fantasy,
You’re my dream girl,
You’re the only one I need.."

She walked out of the room quickly. She got on the elevator quickly. She got as far away as she could very quickly. Not wanting to believe it. Not wanting to actually believe she saw the one person her dreams were filled with. She wasn’t going to believe it. Too bad, though. It was him and her dream was even more real than she could imagine.

She made her way across the street of Jive Records Building and entered a small quaint coffee store. She didn’t really drink coffee, but today was full of possibilities.

The aroma filled her nostrils as she sat at a small table in the far back of the store. Her eyes searched the place, landing on each and every person. She smiled at herself as a bubbly blonde headed waitress came up to her.

"Excuse me, miss. What would you like?" The girl twirled her hair with her index finger and chewed extremely hard on the bubble gum.

That must be some good bubble gum. Her mind laughed. "Uh, yea. I would like a glass of water." Belle answered.

"Umm...with ice or not?" The girl squeaked.

"With." The waitress turned around and bounced off to another customer.

Afew minutes later, the waitress returned with the water, without ice. Before Belle could correct her, the waitress bounced away once again. Oh, well. It’s just ice. Her mind stated dully.

The door opened and shut with a man walking in slowly, searching with his eyes. Belle didn’t notice him, her mind was replaying what happened earlier, while her hands dug into her purse for her chapstick. Damn chapped lips. Why does this always happen in winter? Her mind yelled softly.

"Excuse me, Belle, but may I sit down?" A voice rang in her ears, her head popped up almost automatically. Her eyes saw his face.

"" She let out slowly. His eyes seemed to pierce through her like a knife.

He just smiled at her. His hands touched the chair easily and slowly pulled in away from the table. He sat down never letting his eyes away from hers. "You know, you look extremely familiar, have I met you somewhere before today." He grinned, not wanting her to know about the dreams.

"Really?" She lied. "I think I would have remembered if I met you." She wasn’t going to let him know the truth. "Maybe I just look alot like my father or something. But I don’t think I’ve ever met you before today."

His eyes seemed to saddened alittle. "Oh. Maybe your father showed me a picture of you before. I’m sorry for bothering you." He started to get up from the chair.

"It was no bother. You don’t have to leave." She said. "I mean if you don’t want to." She corrected.

He sighed. "No, I really do have to get going. I’m pretty busy today." He smiled. "Maybe, I’ll see you later." He started towards the door.

"Maybe.." She frowned. But only in my dreams. Her thoughts remarked.

Chapter 2
Chapter Index