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These are some of the sites I like to visit from time to time.
Not all of them are fiction sites, but check them out because their great!
If you want your site linked here, email me and let me know.

Got The Truth
Kiara reviewed my site and you can read it then get your site reviewed too!!! Hey, I got a 4.2 out of 5 Stars - Not too bad, huh?
Just Justin
This is the best site for all info on the group. Go and register for the message board, too.
Fanfics Critics
I hope by putting up their link, Chickpea and Beannie will review my story You Weren't Part of the Plan...*Hint...Hint*
Fine Print-NSYNC Fan Fiction
Angel's Masterpiece
Wallpapers and More
This has the best wallpapers for your computer, even if you have other favorite artist, they are probably found there, too.
'Nsync Impressions'
Fiction Diva
Nsync Fan Fiction 4eva
Shazaam's Hide Away
NSYNC Ncantation
When You Wish Upon A Star-NSYNC Fiction
Check out the trilogy of hers. This is one of the most intriguing stories out there.
Jen's NSYNC Fiction
The All-New *Always NSYNC
The NSYNC Collection
This is a girl from the JJ Message board and her stories are awesome. Check them out and hey - she's from Tennessee too!
Reading is Fundamental with NSYNC
Fictionlyn's NSYNC Fiction
Do I really need to comment on her stories? They are AWESOME!
Silence Broken
Eye Candy
The top two sites are Michelle's. She is going to host The Phoenix for me. Go check both of her sites out!
I Believe in Fairy Tales - Lilac's New Home
Lilac is the first person to host my story Never Look Back and I can't thank her enough. She has a new layout you should check out!

You too can mock NSync at 'Everybody's Free (to make fun of NSync)'
These people are hella funny. Brit you are the BEST!
Steve Fatone Fan Club
This is also from Brit from Everybody's Free. We need a lot more Stever Fans, check it out

Check her site out - she's a messageboard junkie at Lyn's board like me :)

The Nsync Dream Catcher
Gees, they are all over the place - is anyone NOT on Lyn's board?

Justine has the most diverse stories and they involve all the guys. They are great

Email Me