
Silence all around...

She didn't know where she was. All she knew was that she wasn't safe.

Something shifted in the darkness...

The urge to flee was strong, almost overwhelming. Only…she didn't know where to go. She didn't know where she was, how could she possibly know which direction to run?

She had no idea where the danger lurked.

So she remained as she was, mired in indecision, feeling the danger drawing closer, closer…



Madison awoke with a jolt, disoriented, her heart tapping out a rapid rhythm. Only fragments of the dream remained with her.

Her throat, hot and dry, she found it hard to swallow. She pushed the covers back and got out of bed. She shivered as the cool air coming in through the open window floated over her heated skin. In the dark, she made her way to the bathroom. Without turning on the light, she twisted the faucets, cupped her hands under the flowing water and drank her fill. A silhouette appeared in the mirror as the man walked into the bathroom.

Maddie was splashing water on her face when she felt two hands encircle her waist. She screamed and turned to face her assailant, ready to attack.

"Baby! Baby, it's me." His arms encircled her. "It's just me." He placed a kiss on her wet forehead. He could feel her body trembling. "It's just me." He turned on the light and reached to grab a towel from the rack behind her. Tenderly, he wiped the water from her face. "You OK?" He tipped her chin up with his finger. He felt a pang in his heart and anger in his soul as she lifted her anguish-filled eyes to his. He loved her more than he thought possible. It tore him apart to see her like this. "He can't get to you, " he assured her. "I won't let him." He wrapped his arms around her, tucking her head beneath his chin. "I'm never gonna let him hurt you again."

Silently, she cried as her held her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest in an unsuccessful attempt to keep the memories at bay.

Chpt 1
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