When Pop Stars Collide

By ~Lesa

Chpt 1
Chpt 2
Chpt 3
Chpt 4
Chpt 5
Chpt 6
Chpt 7
Chpt 8
Chpt 9
Chpt 10
Chpt 11
Chpt 12
Chpt 13
Chpt 14
Chpt 15
Chpt 16
Chpt 17
Chpt 18
Chpt 19
Chpt 20
Chpt 21
Chpt 22
Chpt 23
Chpt 24
Chpt 25
Chpt 26
Chpt 27
Chpt 28
Chpt 29
Chpt 30
Chpt 31
Chpt 32
Chpt 33
Chpt 34...*NEW*
Chpt 35...coming soon

Be sure to email Lesa with any comments you have about her story - she'd love to hear from you all.

Her addy is: digitaldiva1731@aol.com

Also, you can visit her site for more stories at: +++pure imagination+++

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