"OK, Miss Maddie, I don't think I need to tell you how important this is," Romero said in his heavy Portuguese accent.

"Romero," Maddie turned to give her manager a brilliant smile. "I got this. This is a piece of cake compared to everything else I've gone through. How hard is it going to be to sit through dinner?"

"For you?" Romero shot her a skeptical look. "For you, it'll be very hard; that's why you have to watch your mouth tonight. You know how you get."

"I just calls em as I sees em," Maddie gave Romero a saucy wink.

He had to laugh. "You're so silly."

The lights dimmed and then came back to full brightness to indicate to everyone that it was time for them to take their seats. Romero led Maddie over to Table 170 and found the gold-embossed placards with their names on it. He took a circuit around the table to see whom they would be sitting with. He swore under his breath.

"OK, sweetie, it's gonna be OK, all right? It's just one dinner. Two hours tops and we're out of here."

"Oh shit. Who else is at this table?"

"Don't get all crazy on me, OK? They put as at the same table as Britney."

"As is Spears? As in 'Fuck Me Baby One More Time?' What the hell?"

"Madison, please, OK. Come on, think about it. You, her and Christina are the hottest females in pop music today. If Christina was here, she'd be at this table too."

"But I'm not a 'pop' singer and I wish it was Christina who was here instead of 'Miss I'm a very religious girl but I see nothing wrong with flashing my 17 year old tits and ass for the whole world to see.' Man, she is gonna make this night hell."

"OK, listen, remember all those times I talked to you about controlling your tongue? I know you ignored me before, but you gotta listen to me now. There are a lot of very important people here and you have to make a good impression. No dumping your soup in her lap, OK?"

Maddie glared at him. "Don't ask me to make promises I can't keep."


"Madison, hi!" a high-pitched squeal interrupted Romero's harangue. "Oh my goodness, it's so good to see you here." Jessica wrapped her arms around Maddie.

"Jess! I didn't know you were gonna be here!"

"Yeah, well, Nick decided we needed a night out on the town and since Motown is footing the bill, we decided to go all out."

"Where is he? Are the rest of the guys here?" Romero asked the Sweet Kisses singer as they exchanged pecks on the cheek.

"He's here somewhere. Drew and Jeff came but Justin had to be somewhere else tonight."

"Where are you sitting?" Maddie asked her long-time friend.

"Table 262."

"Guess who I get to sit with?" Maddie asked in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jessica looked at the anger and frustration in her friend's eyes and immediately guessed. "No way!"

"Yes way and she's gonna be a good girl, right?" Romero wrapped his arm around her waist and looked down at his one and only client.

"No comment. Do you think anyone would mind if I rearranged some of the seating?"

Jessica laughed. Romero opened his mouth to scold Maddie when someone caught his eye. "Oh, mami, I want that for dinner tonight."

Jessica and Madison turned to see who Romero was ogling. They saw the guys of *NSYNC and some other people being led to the table next to them. "Which one?" Jessica asked.

"Shit, all of them, take your pick."

Madison laughed. "Sorry, sweetie, I think they're all straight."

"That's never stopped me before," Romero deadpanned.

"Hey you," Jessica said as her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist.

Nick Lachey nuzzled Jessica's neck with his nose before picking up his head and greeting Maddie and Romero.

"Hey Madison," he smiled widely at her. "Romero," he nodded to him.

Romero made it widely known that he thought Nick was the best thing since sliced bread. Nick didn't mind but made a game of it in public. He acted very wary around Romero anytime that people outside their circle were around. The reality was that Nick was very comfortable with his sexuality and his girlfriend and he thought it was funny the way Romero flirted with and baited him. He enjoyed bandying wits with the Portuguese man. But the media would take any sort of conviviality between the two men and turn it into some sinister twisted love triangle and the speculation could seriously hurt the careers of everyone involved. So they kept up a front for the roving eyes of the reporters.

"Nicholas, darling, you look fantastic tonight," Romero exclaimed loudly then smiled as Nick tightened his hold on his girlfriend.

"Thanks. Babe, you ready?"

"Are you going to the party?" Jessica asked Madison.

"Are you?"


"I hadn't planned on it, but I might. How long are you in town for?"

"Two more days, I think."

"OK. Gimme a call, all right?"

"Yeah, it's been way to long. See you at the party!" This last bit was said over her shoulder as her boyfriend dragged her away to their table.

Maddie turned to Romero and sighed. "Let's get this over with."

"OK, Maddie, seriously, now is the time you are going to HAVE to make nice. We don't need a Monica-Brandy situation between you and Britney."

"Romero," the singer placed a hand on her manager's shoulder as he was pulling her chair out for her, "be cool. I got this."

Chpt 3
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