"Bye," Maddie waved him off and turned in time to see Britney being led to her seat. She saw Chris from *NSYNC roll his eyes at her and make a gagging motion with his finger down his throat and laughed. Chris looked over when he heard the laugh she quickly stifled and smiled.

Romero kicked her under the table.

Maddie leaned over to whisper to him. "What the hell was that for?"

"You are not behaving. Didn't I tell you to behave? You don't gotta kiss the girl's ass, just make nice. Is that too much to ask? Madre de Dios, you'd think I asked you to give the girl a kidney or something."

"I wouldn't--"

"Yeah, sweetie, I know, there's a lot of things you wouldn't do, now tell the nice man what you want to eat."

"I don't know, where's the menu?" Maddie searched the table.

"There is no menu, silly! It's a benefit. They only serve two things at benefits! Chicken and skinless chicken!" Britney exclaimed as she took her seat.

Maddie gave her a very brief, very fake smile. She turned to the waiter. "OK, so the chicken it is."

"Don't you love coming to these things? It's good to be all charitable and stuff. Do you know that this dinner is a thousand dollars a plate?"

"Britney, do you know what this benefit is for?" Maddie ignored Romero's attempts to get her attention.

Britney looked at Larry in confusion, then turned back to Maddie. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you know the reason you paid a thousand dollars for a chicken dinner?" She stepped on Romero's foot to get him to stop kicking her.

"It's for charity, right?"

"Right. Do you happen to know which charity it's for?" Maddie smiled brilliantly at the dumbfounded singer.

"That's OK, Britney," Romero intervened, "I don't know, either. I just came to have a good time."

"Look, Madison, do you have a problem with me?" Britney asked, eyes flashing.

Madison smiled. This was too good to be true.

Romero leaned over and grabbed Maddie's hand. "No," he laughed nervously, "Maddie-"

"Maddie can speak for herself. Britney asked me a question and it would be rude of me not to answer, right, Britney?"

Britney didn't say anything. She was beginning to get a bad feeling about the whole situation.

"Do I have a problem with you? Where do I begin? First of all, what the hell do you have on? You look like a whore. If your friends told you that outfit looked good, you need to get some new friends, cause they lied. You spout off all this bullshit about how you want to be a good role model to the kids who look up to you. What the hell are they supposed to think when they see you in that getup? That it's OK to parade around half-naked? At formal events, no less?"

Britney could only sit there and listen, her face growing more and more red with each moment.

"Secondly, could you be any more of a Barbie doll? Have you ever listened to yourself give interviews? You come off as this big ditz who does what she's told and doesn't have a brain to think for herself. I'm hoping like hell there's more to you than that phony-assed 'Aww' you use to reply to everything. And do you know how bad it looks when you lip synch? I know you have a very dancing-intensive concert but did it ever occur to you to tone it down a bit? If you wanted to dance, you should have become a dancer, not a singer. Shall I go on?"

Britney sat with her head down and her hands in her lap as she listened to Madison's diatribe. She looked up and Maddie thought she saw the glint of tears in her eyes. She didn't get a chance to be sure because Britney threw her chair back and ran out of the room as fast as her six inch stiletto heels would allow.

Maddie felt ashamed of herself. Well, not ashamed, just really, really bad. She didn't regret anything she had said; it was all true. But she thought Britney would have had a tougher skin than that, that she would at least fight back. She turned to Romero. He was looking at her as if she'd just kicked a puppy.

"Aw, Maddie, what the hell? Mami, how hard is it to act like a civilized person for one night?" Romero sighed. He reached over and patted her hand with his. "'S OK. You spoke the truth, you know? It's always best to speak your heart."

"Amen to that," Larry Rudolph, Britney's other manager muttered under his breath, as he chugged his glass of champagne in one long swallow.

"What?" Romero and Maddie turned to him.

"Well, we kind of begged Britney not to wear that outfit. After the whole AMA outfit scandal, we wanted her to play it safe, ya know? But, she's 18, ya know? She doesn't listen."

"Is it dat she doesn't listen or dat you don' talk loud enough?" Romero asked. "You're her manager. You're s'posed to make sure she don't do stuff like dat." The more agitated Romero got, the more pronounced his accent became. "Iz your job."

"I know," Larry sighed. "She just has all these girls around her and they all just chirp in her ear and fill her head, what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"You could keep those girls away from her," Monica Goffney, Britney's PR rep, spoke up for the first time. "How can I do my job when you let her do things like that? You know what I've been doing all this time? I've been thinking of how we can explain that thing she called an outfit. And you know what I've come up with? Nothing! Zip! When those reporters start asking Britney about the outfit she wore tonight, she's going to have nothing to tell them because I have nothing to tell her!"

"I, for one, am glad you said what you did, Madison," Roy Gervin, another representative from Jive Records, spoke up. "It's past time someone told Britney about the way she's behaving lately."

"She's not the sweet little girl she was when she first started out," Monica seconded.

"Oh, so, what it's all my fault, right? I should have had better control over her, right?" Larry lamented.

"Nobody's saying it's your fault. And it's not your job to control her, it's your job to help her with her career," she paused to take a bite of her dinner, "You're not her boss, she's yours."

"She's right," Romero added. "What's wrong?" he asked when he noticed the look of disgust on her face.

She inconspicuously spit her mouthful of chicken into her napkin. "Jive paid a thousand bucks a plate for that? Damn, I coulda got better than that at Burger King."

"Wait, honey, no," Romero intervened, "Burger King don't sell grilled chicken."

Maddie nodded her head. "Exactly." She pushed her plate away from her and sighed as she surveyed the room. She glanced at Justin just in time to see him look away. She leaned over to Romero. "Is there something about that Justin guy I should know? Like is he secretly a deranged stalker or something?"

"What Justin guy?" Romero said loudly.

"Shh! The one over there, from *NSYNC. He keeps staring at me."

"Well, sweetie, look at you, you look fabulous, he's not the only one staring."

"No, you don't get it, he's been looking at me all night and it's getting on my nerves."

"Girl, you are so weird. Any other girl would be dying from happiness if Justin Timberlake couldn't keep his eyes off her. You-you get annoyed. Pssh!"

The rest of the dinner passed quickly and without incident, with Romero only now-and-again badgering Maddie to eat her food to which Maddie would roll her eyes and continue her conversation. Twice more she caught Justin staring at her. She wasn't quite sure what was up with that but she knew that she didn't want the egotistical, fan-UN-friendly pop star to even try to speak to her after what he did. She was sure he didn't even remember the incident, whereas her little cousin relived it on a daily basis. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Drew Lachey smiled down at her, his brother standing with his girlfriend not far away.

"You ready to party?"

Chpt 5
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