Maddie's eyes widened as she took in the five women before her. Each wore a very short tube dress in varying shades of neon. The colors ranged from neon green to hot pink to electric yellow to dazzling blue to psychedelic orange. They'd chosen accessories to match their dress. She turned back to Justin only to find an empty seat where he'd been. "Oooookaaay, don't say goodbye or anything. Loser. See, give a guy the chance and look what he does," she muttered under her breath as she hopped off her stool, grabbed her drink and turned to brave the crowds.

She was on the hunt for familiar faces. Well, all the faces were familiar, there was nothing but celebrities in the room; she was looking for someone she knew.

"Hey!" Someone jostled her arm, causing her to spill her drink. She had to quickly jump back to avoid ruining her dress.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" Madison looked up to find that the voice belonged to MTV's very own sweetheart, Mandy Moore. "Did it get on your dress?"

Maddie relaxed. "No, it's cool. I'm Madison."

"I know who you are," Mandy smiled as the two girls shook hands. "Anyone who has a television set knows who you are by now!"

Madison just laughed at the comment.

"So, who are you here with?" Mandy asked as they made their way through the crowd.

"Well, really, I'm here with my manager, Romero Saldano, but I rode over here with Jessica and her boyfriend and them."

"Jessica Simpson?"

"Yeah." Maddie smiled.

"I love her, she's so sweet!"

"Who's sweet?" a voice said from behind them.

"You are!" Mandy said as she threw her arms around her coworker at MTV and all-around hottie, Tyrese. "I didn't know you were here!"

"Yeah, you know I couldn't pass up the chance to be around beautiful ladies like yourselves," Tyrese smiled, pouring on the charm.

"Oh, Tyrese, this is Madison. Madison, this is the sweetest guy you will meet in this business, Tyrese," Mandy said, squeezing his cheeks.

"Oh, stop, stop, you're making me blush. So, Madison, when you gone come on my show?"

Maddie was nonplussed. "You want me to be on MTV Jams?"

"Yeah, you got that R&B flavor to you. You got some soul in you. You should come do the show."

"Now, damn it, Tyrese, how come you never invited me to be on your show?" Mandy pretended to be upset.

"Cause you a straight up white girl and ain't no changing that," Tyrese joked.

"Damn," Mandy put a hand up and pretended to walk off. "You see how he treats me? So mean."

Maddie was smiling at the rapport between the two people she would have thought to have been polar opposites when someone walked up behind her and slid their arms around her waist.

"Hey sexy lady."

She immediately recognized the voice. She turned in his arms to give him a hug. "Hey stud. How's it hanging?"

"Low and a little to the left," he joked.

Her laughter was muffled in his shirt. "How come I'm the only one who ever hears your foul mouth?"

"Cause you're the only one I talk dirty to, baby," he muttered in his smooth baritone voice.

"Are the other guys here?" she asked as she leaned back in his arms.

"Yeah, they're around here somewhere."

"What the fuck?" Across the room, Justin was fuming. "Damn, first I get chased by that psycho stalker bitch from hell in her blue handkerchief that she was passing off as a dress. I finally lose her and now this!"

"What?" Chris had yet to look up from the hand held recorder he held. Joey had gotten some very interesting footage of a very inebriated Sarah Michelle Gellar with her boyfriend.

"Damn! How many guys she got? I feel like I should take a number!"

Chris looked up to see what Justin saw. "Um, no, Justin…there's a difference. See, he actually has a chance. They're hugging, laughing, talking…you can't even say two words to the girl without forgetting your own name."

"Hey, leave the kid alone," Joey had caught the last of Chris' comment as he walked up to them, a girl on each arm.

"Thank you!" Justin saluted to Joey. "Besides, I talked to her earlier but I had to burn out before psycho stalker bitch saw me."

Joey's eyes bugged out. "Finn is here?"

"Yeah, she's here," Justin scowled. "And what would Janine say if she saw this?"

"That I'm just real friendly and that's how she likes me," Joey grinned.

"Hell no, she'd beat your ass and you know it," Chris interjected.

"And I'd like it, too," Joey wiggled his eyebrows at his band mates.

"Damn, that was WAY more than I ever needed to know about you, man," Chris said as he shut the camera down. "Hey, you know you could sell this to Hard Copy? You could make some money off this."

"You mean like he could make money off that tape he has of you when you pissed JC off and he put itching powder in your shorts?" Justin grumbled.

"Ha ha! Bye, ladies." Joey was silent for a moment as he watched the two girls walk away. "Yeah, I forgot about that tape and what the fuck is she doing with him?" He finally noticed what had Justin in such a bad mood.

"That's what I said!"

"I thought they broke up."

"Broke up? Broke up? As in, they were together?"

"Well, Justin, you kind of have to be together in order to-"

"Shut up, Chris."

"Yeah, while y'all were farting around, I was doing some research. She's single now but her and him used to go out. It wasn't for very long and they broke it off but they're still friends. Man, if she hooks up with you, you'll be like her 'boy band flavor of the month'."

"Looks like they're more than friends to me."

"Chris, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna tape your nuts to your forehead and use em as a punching bag!"

Chris, used to Justin's graphic threats when he's pissed, calmly sipped at his drink. He knew he shouldn't be baiting the poor guy but he was amused. He hadn't seen Justin this riled up about a girl since…well, he'd never seen Justin this riled up about a girl. Usually, it was the other way around. It was a nice change of pace to see Justin have to be the chaser instead of the chased.

"Sup y'all?" JC, sweaty from the dance floor, joined his friends. "Damn, who rained on your parade?" he asked the frowning Justin.

"Well, first off, I get the chance to talk to the girl of my dreams, only I have to leave her high and dry because I have to run so the psycho stalker bitch doesn't see me--"

"Finn is here?" JC asked as he took a sip of Chris' drink.

"Yeah. I finally lose her, I turn around and I see this." He pointed to the dance floor.

"See what?"

"Madison with--where'd they go? Dammit!"

Chpt 8
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